Tuesday, November 29th
4:18 AM PT – New moon at 7° Sagittarius
Venus in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries, both at 20°
Wednesday, November 30th
Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces, both at 9°
Thursday, December 1st
Mars in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Libra, both at 17°
Friday, December 2nd
Mercury enters Capricorn
Saturday, December 3rd
Mars in Aquarius sextile Saturn in Sagittarius, both at 18°
This week opens up with a new moon at 7° of Sagittarius. It sits in the same sign as Saturn, in a very close square to Neptune.
7-12° of the mutable signs, Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini and Virgo, are some of the most sensitive points of 2016. If you have a natal planet in one of these signs, at one of these degrees, chances are that its significations, issues, talents and potentials have been emphasized over the past 10 months.
Monday’s new moon activates the still unfolding astrological pattern of 2016. A year that’s implications will go down in history.
This year has been dominated by Mars vibes. The new moon occurs within a degree of where Mars stationed retrograde back in April. Mars rallies the warrior in us. Sets us out on a war path. Has us exceeding the boundaries that we usually stay within. Mars aggravates, pokes, prods, tears, tempts tumult, insights violence, aggression, wars and wounds. But Mars also rallies our courage, our desires, our impulse to charge forward in service and protection of what needs it. Mars awakens our passion to pursue what calls us towards it.
But Mars isn’t the only planet that spent the year pointing to this part of the zodiac. Saturn stationed direct at 9° of Sagittarius in August, making a conjunction to Mars a couple weeks later. Saturn, the planet of structure, regulation, formation, walls, borders, boundaries and tradition is another key factor in 2016’s story.
Saturn spent the year squaring Neptune. Neptune is the planet of delusions, lies, deceptions, erosion, loss, longing, and the call for unity. Neptune is the god of the seas and symbolizes the oceans, lakes and waterways of our planet. The square between these two planets ended up producing a lot of panic, anxiety and fear about walls, borders and barriers to entry. It uncovered one of the most important battles of recent times: Standing Rock.
The Saturn/Neptune square has also brought us the dissolution of the structures of government we have known thus far. Our democracy lies in a very precarious position as a result. The square between Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces occurred three times over the course of the past year, each time between 7-12° of their signs.
On September 1st, we had an eclipse at 9° of Virgo, another mutable sign, furthering the aggravation of these sensitive degrees. On November 20th, Neptune stationed direct at 9° of Pisces where it still sits.
On February 26th, 2017, there will be a solar eclipse at 8° Pisces which will highlight another aspect of this story.
Mercury’s 2017 retrograde cycles in both August (where it will station retrograde at 11° of Virgo) and December (where it will station direct at 13° of Sagittarius, a little out of range but still interesting to note) will be a kind of wrap up, a last installment of the major themes that we have witnessed so far this year.
The fact that all of these astrological events have and will occur around these degrees speaks to a very detailed story unravelling. Each chapter is told by the events that correlate around each astrological event. The plot involves the key players; Mars, Saturn, Neptune, two solar eclipses and a couple of Mercury retrogrades. The style of the story is told in the very fluid, formless, mutable signs of the zodiac. Mutable signs are very hard to get a hold of. Their nature is to change. To move. To adapt. To give way to what is coming. They disperse the energy of the former season. They make a mess of what we have built in order to make room for something new. They let go of what we have known. They give us creative license if we can find our way through the muck of what has dissolved.
Out of the mud, it is our job to grow into the lotus.
*These new moon horoscopes are done affirmation-style. Please change the words as you see fit so that the affirmations feel tailored to you. Working with affirmations should give us a sense of hope and possibility as well as being able to ground us in the moment. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both. They will both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We appreciate it and you so much!
I struggle with my faith because I respect it that much. I wrestle with it to see how strong it is. I question what I believe in to see what answers it responds with. I hold what I have faith in up to different lights to see what it reflects.
This is no time for a flimsy faith. Or a shifty faith. Nor is this a time for a faith too rigid. Too locked into a certain way of seeing the world. This is a time to awaken to what I have been asleep to. This is a time to be clear about what I am willing to put my life on the line for. This is a time to cultivate a faith strong enough to carry me through, come what may.
I look for the best route forward. Even if I can’t see very far into the future. I have faith in my capacity to face things as they come and I have faith that I will be guided to do the right thing at the right moment. I remember that my power is located in my ability to rely on my intuitive intelligence as well as my ability to think critically about the world. This mixture is magic and will assist me in any situation I find myself in.
Every single thing that I have ever done to better myself, to learn, to grow, to stretch myself, to become more aware of my spirituality will be put to good use in the coming days. All I have worked on, all I have tried to do to become a better friend, citizen, family member, lover or parent is needed now. I take an account of all the ways that I have grown over the past year, all the things that I have lost faith in and all that I have gained faith in and I hold it very, very close.
Join me for the next new moon guide, Self-Care Strategies for Crushing the Patriarchy, in which you’ll find a ritual guide specific for your sign that includes a guided meditation, visualizations, and writing exercises.
Monday’s new moon reminds me of the importance of grieving what is gone so I can get on with what is coming in. Because a lot is. This week I am prepared to charge ahead with great confidence on the career projects that have energy in them. This week I get an extra ounce of courage to go for what I know I need to go for. This week help comes to my career through the people and the partnerships that have life in them.
So I don’t hang on to deadbeats.
I recharge myself through cleansing rituals. I bolster my faith through showing myself that it is good to get rid of the things that drag me through the back alleys of the past. I allow myself to listen and believe others when they tell me who they are and I situate myself appropriately in response to that information.
I declare with every fiber of my being that I honor the energy that runs through me so deeply that I refuse to partner with ill-matches. I have an unyielding faith that the partnerships I most need to partake in will make themselves crystal clear to me. I make conscious decisions about where I invest my time, energy, love and beauty. Because I respect the process of uniting with others that much. Because I respect my own energy that much.
Join me for the next new moon guide, Self-Care Strategies for Crushing the Patriarchy, in which you’ll find a ritual guide specific for your sign that includes a guided meditation, visualizations, and writing exercises.
Monday’s new moon asks me to reset my relationships. It asks me to realign them with what both parties most need to grow into. It asks me to look at all I may have let go of this year and all that I have worked on committing to. It asks me to remember that all is not lost. It asks me to remember that all is not yet revealed. It reminds me that all I have is my relationship to myself and that relationship is mirrored in every other one I experience.
May I be in honorable partnership with myself.
Monday’s new moon reminds me of the importance of retracing my steps with you. Of retracing my relationship history. Of retracing the stories that I construct about being wanted, unwanted, needed and disposable. It reminds me to know how these feelings, stories and phantoms move with me through the world. Interjecting themselves into my career, my way of relating to the world and my place in it.
Monday’s new moon is my opportunity to get right with myself so that every other relationship I experience is a continuation of the respect, love and generosity I give to myself.
Join me for the next new moon guide, Self-Care Strategies for Crushing the Patriarchy, in which you’ll find a ritual guide specific for your sign that includes a guided meditation, visualizations, and writing exercises.
Monday’s new moon brings to light the importance of my health. Monday’s new moon reminds me that the body speaks volumes and I need to be literate in its language. Monday’s new moon helps me to reflect on all the lessons, all the losses, all the commitments that I have made to taking care of myself this year.
And all the commitments that I need to renew in order to live the next one well.
This year has asked me to focus on the work projects that most need my attention. It has asked me to make decisions and choices that support the projects that I have a responsibility to. It has asked me to work within limits. It has asked me to do away with the structures and forms of the work that were not serving me, that I couldn’t serve, or both.
This new moon is my invitation to reset my commitments to my health, my work and the well-being of both. I am OK with the empty space that comes when I let go of something that wasn’t mine to keep. I am able to be with any anxiety that arises when faced with the unknown. I commit to what will bring me the most satisfaction in the long run, instead of feeding off of the immediate gratification of modern day gadgets.
I use Monday’s new moon to remind myself of what has long-term spiritual returns.
Join me for the next new moon guide, Self-Care Strategies for Crushing the Patriarchy, in which you’ll find a ritual guide specific for your sign that includes a guided meditation, visualizations, and writing exercises.
This week’s astrology points to the successes that I experience through my partnerships. There is great strength in my relationships. A strength that I can tap into. A strength that I can learn from. A strength that is there because of the work that has been done to strengthen them. The potential of my relationships is revealed every time I find the courage to be honest about what I most desire.
I communicate with a graciousness that allows others to feel respected, heard and safe. Not because I coddle, but because I come correct in myself. Boundaries make everyone safe. I keep mine intact. They are one of the ways I show my self-respect. They are one of the ways I show respect for you. They are one of the ways I show respect for all living things.
Creativity flourishes within the boundaries of form. With Monday’s new moon, I recommit myself to the forms that my creativity needs. I recommit myself to the boundaries that my love most needs to flourish within. I recommit myself to honoring the creative process of my life. No matter what I have lost, as long as I am alive, I keep creating.
Join me for the next new moon guide, Self-Care Strategies for Crushing the Patriarchy, in which you’ll find a ritual guide specific for your sign that includes a guided meditation, visualizations, and writing exercises.
I have given, and it has been good.
Even when it has been challenging. Even when it has required that I loose something. Even when it has revealed to me all the ways in which I have held too tightly to safety.
I have given, and it has been good.
Because every time I give, I learn something new about myself. I learn about what not to give away. I learn about what I do not yet know how to give. I learn about what boundaries I need to keep so that I can give intelligently. Honestly. Happily. Sustainably.
Because I am no good to my partners, to my family, or to myself when I am unable to understand my limits. Because I am not doing anyone any favors when I leave myself out of the equation. Because I am not growing when I am not able to be tactful, honest and conscious of what I am afraid to say no to.
Monday’s new moon asks me to reset my commitments to my family. I work on having clear and firm boundaries with those I live with and am related to so that I can love them honestly and be present no matter the issues that arise. I honor my past, but I am not limited by it. I honor the lineages I come from with clarity about what I need to heal in them. I commit to further securing the foundations of my life so that the love I give can be held and built upon.
Join me for the next new moon guide, Self-Care Strategies for Crushing the Patriarchy, in which you’ll find a ritual guide specific for your sign that includes a guided meditation, visualizations, and writing exercises.
Creativity is the cure. Creative intelligence is medicine. Creative courage is needed, now more than ever. I free myself of the false notions that I am destined to live out my life in the coma of greed. Of getting. Of attaining.
I am fascinated by the possibilities of what I can create. In partnership. In response to the mass consumption of our humanity.
I am bored with attaining. It never amounts to anything. There is never enough to satiate the appetites that awaken when I seek validation.
Instead, I seek clarification of my purpose.
I seek to make something meaningful out of my life. I seek the actions that will help to cultivate self-respect. I make moves towards what is long-lasting. I work on what will help us all to stay here. On this planet. In peace. In health. In balance with all of creation.
I use Monday’s new moon to recommit to the daily rituals that keep me connected to my responsibilities. As a human on the planet. As a member of my community. As a member of the workforce. As a citizen of the world. I honor Monday’s new moon by solidifying to these commitments.
Join me for the next new moon guide, Self-Care Strategies for Crushing the Patriarchy, in which you’ll find a ritual guide specific for your sign that includes a guided meditation, visualizations, and writing exercises.
I recommit to the ways in which my work needs to work. For my financial well-being. For my spiritual well-being. For the well-being of my life. I recommit to the work that needs me. I see the losses that occurred this year. I acknowledge what has dissolved. I know that there were things that I had no power over. Things at play that were more powerful than my will.
I commit to working with what is left. I show up for what needs me. I look for the creative inspiration to know which way to move forward in the world.
To honor this new moon, I will listen to the desires that stir deep within me. I will pay attention to what is occurring on an internal level. I will put more faith in the process through which I am learning and uncovering than I will in any outcomes right now. Because even when and if the outcome is fantastic, the inner process is where the real gold lies.
Join me for the next new moon guide, Self-Care Strategies for Crushing the Patriarchy, in which you’ll find a ritual guide specific for your sign that includes a guided meditation, visualizations, and writing exercises.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
My ability to love is not dependent on anyone’s generosity. My ability to love is not dependent on my past pains being healed. My ability to live in accordance with love is a decision that I make everyday.
I give because I want to. I give what I most need to see in the world. I give myself the room to outgrow the family patterns of greed, fear and insecurity. I give in honor of all those in my lineage that couldn’t give. That can’t give. That won’t give. I use my life as a conduit of generosity no matter what I come from. No matter what I have been taught.
I know that the healing process is long. As long as I am alive. I know that there are many losses along the way. I know that sometimes what feels like a loss is just letting go of what was holding me back. I know that sometimes loss is also just the price we pay for the opportunity to live. This truth is bittersweet in its honesty and I appreciate the complex palate it requires me to develop.
I honor Monday’s new moon by recommitting to myself. As I am. I honor Monday’s new moon by recommitting to what gives me life. I honor Monday’s new moon by asking what I can give to my life. I honor Monday’s new moon by committing to growing myself into the person I need in the world. I honor the losses, I honor the commitments, I honor the entire process of becoming who I am meant to be. In all its intensity. In all its beauty. All in all, it is the greatest honor of my life.
Join me for the next new moon guide, Self-Care Strategies for Crushing the Patriarchy, in which you’ll find a ritual guide specific for your sign that includes a guided meditation, visualizations, and writing exercises.
I trust the process. Because it is not over. Because its intelligence is something I don’t always understand, but it is something that I can train myself to appreciate. Because all I can really do is trust that everything that I have had to let go of this year was for the best. In the grand scheme of things. In the big picture.
In order to serve the over all success of my life, I develop the courage it takes to let go of trying to control everything. I develop the courage to serve my life as it shows up. I develop the moral strength it takes to protect what I most value no matter the consequences.
I remember the importance of taking care of myself, because without my health, without my being intact, all of life seems that much more overwhelming. I use Monday’s new moon to check-in with myself and see what I need most. To take a moment to address any part of me that feels in need. To take a moment in silent meditation and reflect on the year that has past and the mark it has left on me.
Join me for the next new moon guide, Self-Care Strategies for Crushing the Patriarchy, in which you’ll find a ritual guide specific for your sign that includes a guided meditation, visualizations, and writing exercises.
I keep my dreams alive. I don’t depend on them to do the work for me. I know that it is my job to commit to them and to keep feeding them no matter what the world does. Or says. My hopes and dreams for the future are my responsibility.
When I need strength I call on the comforting knowledge that it all starts with a vision. A vision and a dedication to it. A vision and the courage to communicate it. A vision and the motivation to move towards it. A vision and the ability to adapt that vision when and where necessary.
If I don’t hold the vision, it cannot come to be.
This week, the courage, dedication and motivation that I need to move a step closer towards my dreams wells up within me. A clear call to action resounds throughout my days. I have the clarity of purpose to move with confidence. I know that commitment is the first step to success. I know that building a world and a future that is prosperous for all beings under the sun is the greatest collective vision we can commit to. I see myself as a key player in making that dream a reality.
Join me for the next new moon guide, Self-Care Strategies for Crushing the Patriarchy, in which you’ll find a ritual guide specific for your sign that includes a guided meditation, visualizations, and writing exercises.
My career is kindness. My career is honesty. My career is doing what I can to become a more conscious person. My career is to heal and to offer myself in service. To what needs me most. To what I need the most. To whatever is the best fit.
I don’t worry about the look of it. I work where it feels right.
This year has asked me to let go of some of the ideas I have had about what form my career is supposed to take. About what form I am supposed to take in the world. I trust this process. I know that my purpose is constantly being revealed. Layer by layer.
I let go of any illusions that I have clung to. I let go of what I think is right and work with what is. I stay in the day. I do what I can with the time that I have been given. I stay with the projects that are the most pressing. I stay in the moment so that I can show up for my work with everything I have. The more presence I bring to my work the more I will be able to understand its value. The more care I give it, the more its potential is revealed.
Inspiration comes from the unlikeliest of sources and this week I remember to stay open in order to receive it. I remember to take some time out so that I am better situated to hear it. I remember to tune in so that I can stay on track.
Join me for the next new moon guide, Self-Care Strategies for Crushing the Patriarchy, in which you’ll find a ritual guide specific for your sign that includes a guided meditation, visualizations, and writing exercises.