Monday, November 7th
0:22 AM PT – Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn both at 15 degrees
Tuesday (Mars’s day), November 8th
9:52 PM PT – Mars enters Aquarius
Friday (Venus’s day), November 11th
8:55 PM PT – Venus enters Capricorn
Saturday, November 12th
6:40 AM PT – Mercury enters Sagittarius
Scorpio breaks down organic matter, decomposes it and repurposes it. In Scorpio’s cauldrons, we are in a process of becoming. Intense feelings, dreams and awakenings occur in the dark nights now encroaching upon us.
Darkness gives us time to integrate the lessons that we are learning. To move inwards a little. To see the healing that has occurred. To acknowledge the progress that we have made. To reap the benefits of our hard work.
That is what the first 2 weeks of November are for.
Colored in Scorpio’s palate, but astrologically easy, the first 2 weeks of November are ones that have only helpful aspects that encourage us to give ourselves the permission to transform and to shed the old skins that cannot hold our new growth.
These are days that give us some free reign to find our rhythm.
Between November 8th and 12th, Mars, Venus and Mercury change signs and our attention gets distributed in new directions. These swift shifts are minor astrological movements but they are also the most significant changes of the month.
Mars enters Aquarius on November 8th, election day in the United States. Aquarius is known as the most humanitarian of signs, one that prides itself on logic, equality and decency.
May this be a good omen.
Venus enters Capricorn on November 11th, where love will meet practical realities. Venus in Capricorn flosses a restrained kind of sexual charisma, one that needs to know the rules before letting loose, but that isn’t afraid to go all out once it does.
Mercury rushes into Sagittarius, the sign of its detriment, on November 12th. Mercury struggles to make cohesive sense out of the grand vision of the archer. Make sure not to rush towards conclusions or contracts that aren’t well thought out.
The week ends in the build up to the gargantuan full moon/super moon in Taurus arriving on Monday, November 14th. This will be the closest full moon to the earth since 1948. A full moon in Taurus is a mass of stabilizing energy. Something that can help us to feel more anchored in the intensity of Scorpio season. Just as Scorpio tends to pull back the covers, exposing the horrors of humanity, Taurus tends to pulls focus on the practical pleasures of life. A sign known for its ability to hunker down and work steadily at something, Taurus reminds us that keeping it simple and productive can be just as important as keeping it real. I’ll have more for you on this moon in the coming week.
Thank you to everyone for your patience with these horoscopes. They cover the first 2 weeks of November so you can use them to reflect on last week and prepare for the coming week. Also, thank you for your well-wishes and love. I felt it all!
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
Merging our energy with another is an alchemical transformation. We create something new every time we collaborate, synthesize, and combine what we have with what others bring to the table. We ourselves are changed by the experience.
The past week and the upcoming one want to point out the collaborations that are constructive, productive and positive in their ability to transform what you are working on. Look for what flows. Look for the partnerships have long-term potential. Look at how you invest your most sacred resource, your energy.
Notice the ways that, right now, you are able to work with what normally feels too tender to touch. Notice what is healing within you. Let all evidence of your healing strengthen you. Let it relax you. Let it reconfirm your faith in what is possible. Let it be a reminder of the fact that healing does happen, when we give it a chance to, when we stick with it for long enough, and when we are patient with our process and proactive in our self-care.
Notice how this healing allows you to be more receptive in all your relationships. This week Mars, your ruling planet, changes sign. It will be warming up the relationships, the friends, the allies, and the community settings that you are a part of. It will help to energize and galvanize you to take social actions, take on a challenging social norm or help you to muster up the courage to communicate your innovative visions for the future that you most wish to see. With Venus’s shift into Capricorn helping you make the most out of your career opportunities, this week helps you to take the personal, internal healing and put it to use in your public and professional life.
May this season be one of healing the projections that you tend to place on others. May this season be one that helps you to reclaim the pieces of your heart that you gave to those who could not hold it. May this season be one of collecting the fragments of self that are still strewn about so that you feel well-collected. Called back in. Corralled. Cared for.
May you revel in your imperfect shape, explore your jagged edges and proclaim your wholeness, no matter the holes in it.
As your ruling planet, Venus, prepares to enter your 9th house of adventure, may you be open to new forms of love. May you be aware of the possibilities in your relationships. May you be ready to set out on the adventures that connection can bring.
As Mars moves into your 10th house of career, may you be emboldened with the courage to share your visions. May you be aware of the impact of your contributions. May you communicate the truth for the good of us all.
May these days before the full moon in your sign help you to feel grounded in your self and open to all the relationships in your life that help you to make more out of what you have. May you feel free to shine brightly as you are.
Many important, albeit mundane, accomplishments are coming into view. The more that you can streamline your daily operations, the more you will be freed up to explore your options, to enjoy what life has to offer and to take in new information.
And new information is coming.
With Mars entering your 9th house of new discoveries on November 8th, you will be encouraged to seek out what you most need to learn. This is a transit that calls on you to find new routes to walk down and new ideas to expand your mind.
As the month develops. you’ll be called to speak your mind in clear and fair ways to those that you are in intimate and important partnerships with. Having honest conversations with those with whom the stakes are their highest is a medicine that needs to be handled with care and consciousness. It is a process of both reclaiming your voice and giving others back their dignity. Without shaming or blaming each other and by taking ownership of our feelings and experiences, we can achieve true honesty in our partnerships.
Or at the very least, with ourselves.
May you reclaim your power in all your creative projects. May you see all the places that you tend to give it away, all the places that you tend to leak your energy, and all the the places that you tend to unconsciously fall into the patterns that keep you running in circles around the same issue.
May you feel safe enough to redesign your schedule so that it energetically supports you. May you have enough faith to be able to articulate and define what you need for your health, for your well-being, and for the benefit of your work. May the creative projects that you commit to be consciously selected, procured and produced. May you give these creations the time that they need so that their quality is something that you can be proud of. So that your creations can serve those that need it.
May you give yourself and your work this chance.
May you feel supported by the relationships in your life. May you learn the ways in which you defend yourself unnecessarily from the love that others want to give you. May your hard parts melt softly. May you feel emboldened by the collaborations that help you to take the right risks. May you trust your ability to parse out what pairings are productive and which run counter to your most important goals. May you choose what is right for you so that you can be in better alignment with what is right for the planet.
We each carry a part of the solution to the problems we find ourselves in. The more we focus on aligning ourselves with what is right for us, the more efficiently we can give back to a world that needs so much.
You have most likely been peering into the deep wells of your history recently. While looking at the shape of your foundations, what have you noticed? What family members have been able to support you or meet you on the bridges that connect you? What have you been able to make subtle but powerful peace with? What have you come to understand about those that you share space with, blood with or deep ties with? What feelings that lie deep within you have you become more sensitive to?
This is a time to flush out the old inheritances that you didn’t ask for but received nonetheless. We can be courteous in our returns. Honoring those that we are related to while politely going our own way. Honoring the soil that grew us while knowing full well that we need to dig out the toxic materials that have been there throughout time and replenish the soil with the nutrients it needs.
The more solid the ground we stand on, the more effortlessly we can stand up for whatever and whoever needs us. As Mars enters your 7th house of the most important relationships in your life, you’ll need to remember this. Some sharp truths may arise about your connection or disconnection to another. Some thorns might twist in your side. Some partners might become overwhelmingly busy, bursting with energy and the will to accomplish great feats. See how your ability to give yourself a solid place to stand helps you to respectfully encounter whatever it is that shows up in your relationships.
May you feel energized to tackle the tasks at hand. May you apply a solid, logical strategy to check off the jobs on your to-do list. May you apply a focused will to the most important tasks on that list first.
Like your health.
Build up your energetic reserves by remembering what your body needs. Fit even the smallest amount of physical exercise into your routine and you’ll reap wondrous rewards. Scorpio season wants to encourage you to transform your schedule so that you’re able to make the most of your days.
May you support yourself so that you can come to your most important relationships full and unafraid to let go of what you no longer need to carry. This month is encouraging you to let old heartbreaks dissolve, creating new waterways upon which to float your love. New rivers which will help you to connect with more fluidity, transparency and ease. May you have the courage to cry when the water comes, the commitment to care for the love that is in your life and the spiritual audacity to claim your life as sacred and worth the effort to live well.
What is working right now in terms of your ability to help yourself feel more secure? What financial opportunities have been effortless or insightful? What work situations have afforded you the opportunity to transform your relationship to what you value? What resolve has arisen in you to use your talent for what is most important for you to develop?
This month will quietly but persistently encourage you to release your grip on what in your working life no longer works with you. It’s time to heal some sorrow or old wound that keeps you from building a working structure that can honor the beauty of your professional aspirations.
More energy is now available for your creative projects and any pursuit that helps you to feel self-expressed. You may find yourself needing to explore more ways to release what is pent up. You might need a little more time to play and experience a much-needed revitalization if you let yourself do so.
A quieter resolve to experience more pleasure at home also develops this week. In fact a great deal of pleasure can be pursued through both your home life as well as your creative projects and/or romantic relationships.
Creating a pleasing space to live in carries more importance than just an aesthetic one right now. Creating a living space that fills your heart with hope can help you to feel more at ease and help you to feel more comfortable in your life, opening up more opportunities to express yourself without the pressure of getting anything right.
May this season heal your relationship to yourself. May it inspire you to revel in the mystery that is your life. May it inspire you to participate in the rituals that remind you of the importance of being with your process. The importance of not knowing. Of trusting in your life and your instincts to meet its challenges.
May you feel a renewed commitment to yourself. To knowing yourself. To helping yourself. To loving yourself through whatever it is you are facing. May you feel a renewed faith in the direction that your life is taking.
May you feel encouraged by the help that you receive. May you remember to seek out the connections that feed your everyday life. May you stay open to those that are in your immediate environment, those that help to make your days a little easier. May you feel a little more at ease in your day-to-day life.
May you come to know what action to take in regards to a living situation, family situation or ending you are encountering. May your ability to reason your way through a core issue help you to know what to do with it. And what to not do.
Sometimes movement is necessary for our growth and sometimes it is just a way out of doing our work.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
The night can be daunting, but it is also deeply healing. May you honor the darkness that precedes your rebirth. May you find comfort in its mystery, reminding yourself that enjoying the ride is as important as directing your energy to the tasks at hand.
May you experience great pleasure in your work. May you feel supported in your efforts. May you take time to build the partnerships that want to help you build your business, your projects and your relationship to your worth.
May you know your worth. May you use your talents in ways that help you and those around you. May your work help to heal the loneliness that infiltrates modern life. May you allow yourself to move at a speed that feels like freedom. May your daily schedule be filled to a comfortable capacity with exciting exchanges, stimulating conversations and courageous acts that embolden you to keep growing.
May you see the direct connection between healing the oldest wounds you carry and experiencing the current success of all your work endeavors. May you be continually encouraged to flush out the murky waters of your past, creating free-flowing streams that feed all you do. May you feel free to flush out what is stagnant, refresh the wells you draw from, and replenish the sources that soothe you.
May you feel your beauty. Truly. May you be uplifted by its presence in your life. May you be moved to explore all the ways in which beauty manifests itself around you. All the ways in which it moves towards you. All the ways in which it helps you connect to what can carry you through the rough stuff.
May you feel the blessings of the connections in your life. May you feel supported by their bounty. May you feel rich in the presence of the people that you love and that love you. May this help you to feel a greater sense of ease. May it lift a worry or two. May it remind you of your birthright: to be relaxed in the skin you are in.
May this sweetness help to fuel the fire of your working life. To rally your courage to claim your talents. To harness the ideas that can help your creations take off. May you feel protective of your work so that you pay special attention to what it needs and have the passion to deliver it as boldly as you can.
This week offers you an energy boost. May it inspire you to move towards your dreams. Instilling within you the courage that you need to do so. Helping you to make the career decisions that depend on your ability to strike when the iron is hot. Helping you to move from the realm of ideas into the realm of well-thought-out action.
May you trust in your instincts. In your ability to know what your career needs. In your ability to find ways forward, even when they are new to you. Even when they are new to everyone else.
May you find comfort in the cleansing that is occurring in your financial life. Letting your relationship to your resources be washed of the residue of doubt. Allowing for the release of old, unhelpful ideas about what you should do and how you should support yourself. May you find new sources of hydration that can water the fields of your dreams.
May you feel encouraged to reach out to those that can help you spread your message. May you feel emboldened to strike up conversations with those that are serious about their business, with those that will call you on your ish, and with those that are masters at their crafts. Put yourself in good company, company that has the kind of experience that inspires you to up your game and play like a pro.
It’s important to pay attention to the aspects of your work that need to take place in private. Spending a little extra time in your workshop, studio or darkroom, developing what you wish to eventually bring to the world, is time well-spent.
You might feel the need to reconcile something about your past. You may feel the need to let an older, outdated self-image slip away. You might feel the importance of clearing your space of the things that tie you to a time that you have outgrown. Some losses require a grieving period while others give us back the life energy that they were draining from us. Try to embrace what you are becoming instead of holding onto what was and what can no longer be.
Find comfort in the communities that you are developing. Find those that feel like an energetic match to you. Find the community projects that have depth, meaning and meat on their bones. This month you’ll need to surround yourself with the folks that feel like they can show up for the transformative connections that you crave. Maintaining friendships that can move through the transitions of your life with you is one of the greatest blessings we can experience. Being available in the ways that you can be to those that need you is one of the greatest gifts that you can give. Look for the exchanges that leave you charged with inspiration and grounded in the wisdom that they have brought.