Why do queers love astrology?
Maybe it’s because we understand that our identities come in as many variations as there are stars in the night sky.
Maybe it’s because we see gender as a vast cosmology of options, not a system with two measly choices.
Maybe it’s because we know that even though this world does not always understand us, treat us as equal or care to recall our ancient and intersecting histories, our talent, our imagination and our hearts are as vast as the cosmos.
Maybe it’s because astrology is a tool of reflection that doesn’t judge the many aspects of self but only reveals them.
Maybe it’s because for some of us it’s the first time we see a clear reflection of ourselves.
Maybe it’s because that reflection understands us, supports us and reveals us to ourselves. A reflection that tells us that not only is it OK to be who we are, it is in fact required that we be.
Maybe it’s because we need to know that no matter the rejection that we have faced here on earth, there is a place for us among the stars.