Monday, September 26th
7:59 AM PT -Pluto stations direct at 14° Capricorn
Tuesday, September 27th
1:08 AM PT- Mars enters Capricorn
Friday, September 30th
5:11 PM PT- New Moon in Libra
Saturday, October 1st
10:14 AM PT- Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces both at 9°
Jupiter makes things bigger. Whatever sign it is in, it has the tendency to exaggerate the themes of that sign. Jupiter just entered Libra. Libra is a cardinal sign. Cardinal signs are known for their initiatory qualities. Libra is an air sign which means it is a social sign. It is a sign that wants to connect through the realms of ideas, relationships and interactions. Libra’s symbol is the scales of justice. It is a sign that seeks balance, harmony and equality. Libra wants peace and equanimity. Libra begins on the equinox, a time of equal light and dark.
We cannot know only one side of the equation. There isn’t only one side to the story. We can’t rely on narratives that are spun to keep us unconscious of the connections between all inequities. No injustice lives in a vacuum. One betrayal of human rights is a violation against all of life.
Libra wants us to remember the very tedious balance that we must strike in order to make life right by us all. Libra wants us to remember that the power of connection between individuals can overcome systems of inequity. Libra wants us to remember that connected to one another, we are greater than the institutions that want to keep us separate.
Friday’s new moon in Libra activates Jupiter’s recent arrival there. A new moon that sits with Jupiter is a pretty great thing astrologically speaking. It’s not a moment to waste.
We can’t afford to waste any more moments.
This is a new moon that is square Pluto (not a super close aspect, but one to take note of) and one that opens up a lunar cycle with a groundbreaking, eruptive, volatile and dramatic full moon in Aries on October 16th. Pluto is a planet that puts us into contact with the forces of power that lie both within us and outside of us. Pluto demands that we grapple with the notions of power and the experience of granting ourselves our own. We must know our rights when faced with the violation of them. We must care enough to teach the same to our children and stand for nothing less than the respect of them for every living being.
Because it sits with Jupiter, planet of growth and expansion and because it is in the beautifying, pleasing sign of Libra, this new moon is one that can help us to open the expansive possibility of living in a world that is based on equality, justice and peace for all. In order to strike balance, we must address what keeps us from it. The abuse of power always threatens the possibility of a peaceful existence.
This week Mars enters a new sign for the first time in 2016 (Mars spent the first 9 months of 2016 in Scorpio or Sagittarius due to its retrograde cycle). Capricorn is of the best signs it can be in. Mars in Capricorn is cool-headed, calls the shots, cuts ties with what drags it down unnecessarily and does not wonder what to do. Mars in Capricorn makes a plan and sticks to it. Mars in Capricorn reminds us that in order to win this battle we need a goal and the courage to see it through, no matter what may come.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. This week’s horoscopes are written affirmation style. Please change the words or sentiments as you need to. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
May I learn all the ways in which I do not really see you. All the ways I rush through you, past you, over you. May I learn to pause in your presence. May I learn that witnessing you is witnessing myself. The more I do one, the more I can do another.
May I learn all the ways in which my self-obsession inhibits me from being able to experience you as you are, not as I think you should be. May I look for all of the assumptions that I have created. All of the prejudices I have been handed and that I consciously and unconsciously perpetuate. All of the limited understandings of you that I project on to you everyday. May I commit to rewiring my mind to be humble enough to know that I don’t know you but that I am willing to learn about you. May I remember that getting to know you is an honor and a blessing.
May I know where to draw the line for myself. May I remember that being in balance in my relationships requires my ability to first and foremost be in relationship with myself. The moment I forfeit that relationship, I can’t be there for either of us.
May I remember that all of the gifts that I receive from you are gifts that I am meant to pass on to others. There is more coming for me, more that I need to pass on. May I remember that love is a game of catch and release. The more that comes in, the more I am able to give out.
Join me for Self-Love and Sacred Generosity: New Moon in Libra and the Astrology from Sept 30 – Oct 29, for ritual and altar suggestions and a sign-specific reading to help you use this Friday’s new moon to unlock the potential of Jupiter’s year-long transit through the area of your chart that contains Libra.
I grow myself into the work life I want. I grow out of what doesn’t have space for me. I help my work projects become what I know they could. And I leave room for the growth that I can’t yet see.
Bonuses abound for me right now through the work that I serve, so I show up with my best and see what it is capable of creating. I make sure that I don’t miss a beat with clients, deadlines and staying in balance with all the different aspects of what I have to do. I make sure that those that work with me feel seen and heard. I make sure that those receiving my services feel cared for and connected to. I remember that work is a relationship that I am in and the growth of this relationship can create a growth of appreciation for my work and for my efforts.
My ability to create beauty through my work and work relationships is in abundance this year. The financial rewards that will most likely follow are fun, but it is the connections I make that can really tip the scales in favor of my happiness and general well-being.
Join me for Self-Love and Sacred Generosity: New Moon in Libra and the Astrology from Sept 30 – Oct 29, for ritual and altar suggestions and a sign-specific reading to help you use this Friday’s new moon to unlock the potential of Jupiter’s year-long transit through the area of your chart that contains Libra.
My creativity is an abundant well from which I draw, but like all sources it needs to be treated with respect, reverence, appreciation and given the appropriate time to refill. I am in balance with its demands. I work at establishing a healthy pace with my productivity. I know that my creativity is a gateway to my freedom. I know that through my ability to find ever expansive ways to express myself, I free up the same in folks that feel they need permission.
All of us must grant ourselves the right to express ourselves as we are, but a little encouragement from each other is always helpful. We are an interconnected web of creative energy that counts on all its counterparts to do their part.
I encourage myself in hope that it will encourage others. When I feel alone in what I wish to express, when I feel like I couldn’t possibly find the courage to be the way I wish to be in the world, I will remember that self-expression is something that has been gifted to us all. I believe in our collective brilliance so I honor my individual duty and contribution to it.
Join me for Self-Love and Sacred Generosity: New Moon in Libra and the Astrology from Sept 30 – Oct 29, for ritual and altar suggestions and a sign-specific reading to help you use this Friday’s new moon to unlock the potential of Jupiter’s year-long transit through the area of your chart that contains Libra.
May I use this new moon to be reminded of all the ways in which I no longer want to withhold love from myself. May I use this new moon to remember the sacred practice of generosity. May I remember that this is a practice that, if started within my private life and home, will take flight within everything else that I do and everyone else I reach out to.
I use this new moon to reflect on the ways in which generosity was withheld from me by parents, family, heritage and home. I use this new moon to understand the ways in which my folks, my family and my people might be or have been treated unfairly, unjustly and ungenerously. I will give to myself so that it can’t but overflow to all those in my life.
May I remember that my family issues can be greatly healed in my lifetime, through my efforts and dedication. Whatever withholding I was taught can be unlearned. It can stop with me, and something else, something much more generative, can grow in its place.
Let the generosity I give to myself be one small way of manifesting justice and peace on the planet.
May I remember the great lineages, blood and not, of those that came before me that organized and made room for justice to be lived through their lives. May I draw upon the wisdom of those that teach me through their body of work that the solutions to every ailment we face as a culture and that I face as a human being are to be found in our ability to draw on each other’s strength. May I remember this and make it a part of my foundation, now and always.
Join me for Self-Love and Sacred Generosity: New Moon in Libra and the Astrology from Sept 30 – Oct 29, for ritual and altar suggestions and a sign-specific reading to help you use this Friday’s new moon to unlock the potential of Jupiter’s year-long transit through the area of your chart that contains Libra.
I teach what I most need to learn. I know that everything I learn in a day contains my soul’s most needed curriculum, so I show up each morning, with my backpack and apple in hand.
I stay in touch with the rhythms of my day by showing up for the increase of activity that is happening here. My daily life brings me into contact with more folks than it has in a while. I keep myself in balance by not giving everything to anyone who asks for it but I make room for this increase of connection and the abundance it is bringing to me.
I travel through my day knowing that all the information that I give and receive is important for my next step. I travel through my day feeling a sense of possibility and expansion. I travel through my day noting all the relationships in my life that lift me up, all those that need a little lift and the ways in which my life is made more fortunate by the communications that come to me.
I listen as much as I speak. I encourage connection by checking my need to be heard. I listen deeply to myself so I am not desperate for anyone else’s validation of me.
I write my ideas down and send them out. I allow them to take flight.
Join me for Self-Love and Sacred Generosity: New Moon in Libra and the Astrology from Sept 30 – Oct 29, for ritual and altar suggestions and a sign-specific reading to help you use this Friday’s new moon to unlock the potential of Jupiter’s year-long transit through the area of your chart that contains Libra.
I develop sound financial strategies by figuring out how to keep my resources in balance. I look at the opportunities presented to me and consider them all, weighing the growth with the cost, weighing my relationship to what I work with and how it works for me. I am open to thinking about how to work with what I have in ways that don’t tax my energetic accounts. I am open to learning about ways in which my abundance can be shared with those around me so that our connections make each other richer.
I know that growth is tempered with a natural contraction. I know that as far as I expand I also need to return back to my center so I keep this in mind when looking at working with my money, energy and any other resources that I have to work with. This new moon is wanting to help me make it rain so I’ve got my barrels at the ready. I will not waste a drop. I will recycle this blessing as much as I can and maximize on its bounty to the best of my ability. I will finance my daily situations and my long-range goals. I will use some of the excess to get me out on the open road, learning, traveling and seeking what can help me to soar in work and in life.
Join me for Self-Love and Sacred Generosity: New Moon in Libra and the Astrology from Sept 30 – Oct 29, for ritual and altar suggestions and a sign-specific reading to help you use this Friday’s new moon to unlock the potential of Jupiter’s year-long transit through the area of your chart that contains Libra.
My soul reaches towards that which creates justice, both for myself and for the world around me. My being desires to live in a world where equality comes first. My heart yearns to create community where everyone is treated fairly. My mind searches for the ways in which I can create more beauty here.
It’s too ugly to live like I don’t care. It hurts too much when we are divided by systems set up to keep us apart. It’s too boring to remain complacent in the privilege that I have.
May I remember that every gift that I have been granted was given to me to be used for our collective liberation. May I remember that my true calling is to help folks feel like they matter. May I remember the abundance of goodwill that comes to me when I dedicate my energy to lifting up the struggles that stay under wraps.
The Universe likes it when we stand for more than just ourselves.
May I remember that in order to live out the principle of balance, I must be willing to take the risk to enter into discord that seeking solutions can create. May I be courageous enough to see the humanity of those I disagree with most. May I make it a priority to take care of myself as I do.
May I remember that my success is our success. May I remember that my growth is only as good as its ability to uplift others. May I remember that to stand for myself is unequivocally important, but my Self stands for more than the smallness of self-interest.
Join me for Self-Love and Sacred Generosity: New Moon in Libra and the Astrology from Sept 30 – Oct 29, for ritual and altar suggestions and a sign-specific reading to help you use this Friday’s new moon to unlock the potential of Jupiter’s year-long transit through the area of your chart that contains Libra.
I allow endings to occur with great ease. I don’t need big brawls, dramatic exits or perfect closure. I trust the internal shifts and nuances that tell me that I am changing, that tell me that I am growing past some old situation, that tell me that something new is emerging, that tell me that there is more to myself than I give myself credit for. I allow my growth to have some grace.
I allow a goodness to grow from deep within me. I give precedence to what is helping me balance out my internal life. I study the things that help me to feel more even-tempered, more willing to conspire with what will restore my equilibrium. I hold sacred the things that help me to hold my life with a steady hand and to see it with a steady and loving gaze. I know that without feeling connected to calm in my internal, unseen, private life, I cannot do my best work in the world.
I take the time to get to know the aspects of myself that I usually brush by. I implement these newly found gifts and sides of myself into my daily life and rituals. Whatever I do frequently becomes more integrated in me. I consciously add more of myself into everything that I do. As I let go of the old, this becomes easier and more seamlessly sweet.
Join me for Self-Love and Sacred Generosity: New Moon in Libra and the Astrology from Sept 30 – Oct 29, for ritual and altar suggestions and a sign-specific reading to help you use this Friday’s new moon to unlock the potential of Jupiter’s year-long transit through the area of your chart that contains Libra.
I am not afraid to show up and see what happens. The work that I have done on myself is solid. The work that I have done on myself has demanded that I become a master at knowing my needs, demanded that I become responsible to my calling and has directed my focus to how and when I get derailed.
I have learned to pay attention.
Nothing can distract me from my intention. I come to all the work that I have to do in the world with my full-force and belief that there are many out there that are waiting for my energy, input, ethic and intensity.
What I do with the benefit of others in mind benefits me greatly. Nothing in this world is one-sided. What I do with others helps me to understand how to be a better partner to myself. All the good luck I am experiencing now is because of the ways in which I have learned to cultivate connection, with myself first and then with everyone else.
I know that diversity is generative. I know that nature has given us this blessing and that it is our greatest strength, so I build at the intersection of our likeness, drawing from the rich well of our unique experiences. Together we can balance out the narrative that there is only one kind of beauty, intelligence, success, strength or way to be together.
In partnership with one another, through learning how to be with one another, by being dedicated to understanding one another, we can achieve anything.
We can achieve everything.
Join me for Self-Love and Sacred Generosity: New Moon in Libra and the Astrology from Sept 30 – Oct 29, for ritual and altar suggestions and a sign-specific reading to help you use this Friday’s new moon to unlock the potential of Jupiter’s year-long transit through the area of your chart that contains Libra.
I am interested in how my work can lift us up. I’m interested in the ways that my contributions can balance out some of the deficiencies that our world struggles with. I’m interested in understanding how my success translates into more joy, more abundance, more justice, more peace and more generosity in the world. I know that when I link my work up to a larger vision, succeeding becomes more glorious, more satisfying, and more interesting.
I tend to the relationships that can help me make more of this happen. I make time for the folks that feel the same way about their work. I make room for collaborations that conspire with this vision. I make room for new aspects of my work to flourish. I make pathways for more income to flow in. I open the floodgates for the success of my career so that its flourishing can serve in ways that I can’t even comprehend.
It’s too late in the game not to do what I do for the goodness of more than just myself. This is my journey of building a legacy. It doesn’t have to be fancy. It doesn’t have to make me famous. It doesn’t need glamour to be great. All it needs is my sincerity, my hard work, my commitment and my willingness to open up to what wants to make itself manifest through me.
Join me for Self-Love and Sacred Generosity: New Moon in Libra and the Astrology from Sept 30 – Oct 29, for ritual and altar suggestions and a sign-specific reading to help you use this Friday’s new moon to unlock the potential of Jupiter’s year-long transit through the area of your chart that contains Libra.
I’m willing to stretch myself. I am willing to take the journey. Past my comfort zones. Past the places that I like to hide out in. Past the limits that others have told me to live within. I’m willing to learn what I don’t know. I am willing to learn about how I can grow. I am willing to learn my way out of defending myself against what will awaken me.
I’m willing to go the distance to meet the folks that are bound to make a big difference in my life. I’m willing to be a little uncomfortable in order to get there. I’m willing to get a little road-worn. I am willing to get a little dust on my shoes, a little wear on my wheels.
I am watchful of the rest stops that I can see in the distance. I make plans to take full advantage them. I know that I do not need to be an ever-producing machine of product in order to be valuable. I remember the pricelessness of balance. I honor rest. I know that sleeping is productive. I remember that dreaming is my psyche’s way of speaking to me and I want to listen to its wisdom.
Join me for Self-Love and Sacred Generosity: New Moon in Libra and the Astrology from Sept 30 – Oct 29, for ritual and altar suggestions and a sign-specific reading to help you use this Friday’s new moon to unlock the potential of Jupiter’s year-long transit through the area of your chart that contains Libra.
I see the relationships in my life that have building potential. I see how I benefit from the growth of my partners and I let that inspire me to grow on my own and through our partnership. This next year will most likely bring me fortune through the folks that I collaborate with. I remember to stay grateful for these gifts. I remember that the success of those that I am close to is a gift that is shared with me.
I trust this.
I am more able to let go of what isn’t mine to hold. It feels good to do so. It feels necessary to let my fears of loss and sorrow surface because the love that flows through me is bigger than all that I have lost.
While I know that I will grow through all the new connections that have come into my life, I also know that in order to really give myself a shot at growth, I need to heal. My healing can not only help more abundance arrive, but my healing also makes room for it to stay.
Join me for Self-Love and Sacred Generosity: New Moon in Libra and the Astrology from Sept 30 – Oct 29, for ritual and altar suggestions and a sign-specific reading to help you use this Friday’s new moon to unlock the potential of Jupiter’s year-long transit through the area of your chart that contains Libra.