Monday, August 1st
10:49 AM PT – Sun in Leo trine Saturn in Sagittarius both at 9 degrees
Tuesday, August 2nd
10:49 AM PT – Mars enters Sagittarius
1:44 PM PT – New Moon at 10 degrees of Leo
Friday, August 5th
8:27 AM PT – Venus enters Virgo
Saturday, August 6th
6:18 AM PT – Mercury in Virgo square Saturn in Sagittarius both at 9 degrees
5:20 PM PT – Venus in Virgo square Mars in Sagittarius both at 1 degree
Sunday, August 7th
9:25 AM – Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces both at 11 degrees
The week opens up with a trine from the sun in Leo to Saturn in Sagittarius. It’s close enough to the new moon in Leo to make an important imprint on how the next lunar cycle will play out. We can use the power of this new moon to deepen our commitment to ourselves, our self-expression, our projects, our paths and our lives. Trines from Saturn can help to solidify our efforts, making them real and helping us to feel how worthwhile our efforts are.
On the same day as the new moon, Mars will re-enter the wide-open spaces of Sagittarius. Mars was in the far-roaming fire sign from March-May. It stationed retrograde there and is now back to finish up its course of action. The next three weeks will wrap up this year’s Mars retrograde when it leaves its shadow period while conjoining Saturn, an aspect we will keep our eyes on.
Currently Saturn is slowing down to change directions, deepening its impact, intensifying its significations, and pulling focus.
Saturn represents a lot of things. Boundaries. Borders. Structures. Rules. Regulations. Rejections. Commitments. Responsibilities. Authority, given and reclaimed. Saturn’s current journey through Sagittarius has us galloping through some fairly extreme ideological terrain. Extreme responses can be important given extreme situations, but we must be very careful when playing with fire. What are we burning down and what is most likely to take its place, given the current climate?
Saturn is currently squaring Neptune in Pisces. Neptune dissolves structures. Erodes foundations. Permeates all boundaries. Floods all channels. Neptune can induce a lack of security during the dissolution of what was. Old walls need to be dissolved, old fear eroded, false lines of separation blurred. But when overwhelmed with the shifting shape of things, some humans tend towards fear while some tend towards unification.
This is the divide we find ourselves dancing in now.
Will we find more reasons to fear or will we find more ways to connect with one another? We know we need change. We know the establishment is not established for the majority of us. We hear a new course calling us. We can see the possibility of a new order in the distance but if we don’t have a strategic, well-thought out plan of action we are bound to miss the opportunity and end up in hot mess like we’ve never been in before.
We must chart our course conscientiously.
Venus will join Mercury in Virgo on Friday and both will make squares to Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius, respectively. Venus square Mars is less than sweet. It can aggravate irritations, it can fray ties, it can help us to reach our edge in relationships. Keep perspective. Keep harsher thoughts for your therapist. Keep being as kind to yourself and others as you can be. Honesty doesn’t have to be cruel, but when provoked, Mars can tend towards mean-spiritedness.
Mercury will connect the Saturn/Neptune square by squaring Saturn on August 6th and opposing Neptune on August 7th. Illuminating this signature, the messenger might possibly get tripped up in the blurred lines and busy lies that abound right now.
Practice observing when anxiety arrises. Yours and others’. Practice witnessing fear when it shows up. Yours and others’. Practice naming the different emotions and thought patterns experienced throughout the day. It will help you to understand which to follow and which to just watch.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. This week’s horoscopes are written affirmation style. Please change the language as you need to so that they resonate for you. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
I commit to my creative energy. I get up early for it. I stay up late with it. I soothe its fears and find ways to keep it amused. I make it my lover. I make many efforts to make it happy because it brings me joy to do so.
This is supposed to be fun.
Tuesday’s new moon is asking me to build something with my creative energy. Something of meaning. Something that reflects the current travels that I have taken. Something that requires that I take all I have been learning and put it to use.
It wants to help me do so. It encourages me to harness these wild horses and let them steer my passions into a conscious container, a decided direction and a conscientious course of action.
If I build it, they will come. But the only way I’ll know that for sure is by dedicating myself to building it. While having fun. While exploring the possibility of being joyfully attentive to my creations. While giving myself the freedom to create. While being in awe of the process.
*SALES END TUESDAY 11PM PT. Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
I commit to creating a place to call home. I commit to deepening my awareness of my inner life. I commit to helping myself find good ground to support me. No matter how entertaining my travels are, I radiate wellness when I know I have a safe place to return to.
I give myself safe spaces to return to.
I get creative at home. Building altars to what makes my heart sing. Building spaces that reflect my creative talents and temperaments. I fill my space with love. I celebrate where I feel most at home. I give my energy to what helps me feel held and what feels like affirming connections to my past.
I honor where and what I come from.
I take time to make the most of this Tuesday’s new moon by returning to the corner stones of my life and tending to them. I take a moment to check in, to root down, to feel the ground and to give thanks for it. I make connections with those members of my blood and chosen family that help me feel connected, held and loved. The more I commit to this connection, the more it commits to me too.
*SALES END TUESDAY 11PM PT. Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
I celebrate not knowing. I love learning new things. I am not afraid to run into information that I have yet to devour, in fact I revel in it. I don’t feel inadequate or ridiculous when I need to admit that I don’t know something. It keeps me humble. It keeps my mind open to possibilities unknown to me thus far. I keeps me knowing that I am allowed to not know. I am allowed to ask for more information.
I am allowing myself to learn. On the job. On the fly. On the go.
Especially in my most intimate partnerships. Especially when I am given the opportunity to make amends or accept them for a former rupture in the fabric of an important relationship. Especially when I am given the gift of getting to rehash or relearn about the inner workings of those I care most about. I commit to witnessing those closest to me as they are in the moment. Not as they were. Not as I knew them to be. Not as I assume them to be.
I give people a chance to course correct and I hope that they give me the same opportunity, because I need it just as much as anyone else.
*SALES END TUESDAY 11PM PT. Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
I commit to continuing the cultivation of my craft. We are all given talent, but it is not enough. We need to mix our talent with the good sense to know how to recognize it, work with it and develop it. I call on my good sense. I call on my work ethic to work with me.
I call on the energy of gratitude to enter my days as I work with what I have been given. I ask that gratitude guide my relationship with these talents so that growth is encouraged. I ask to be grateful for all that I am committed to and all that I am committing to so that I meet these commitments with greater ease and even joy. When I commit to it, it commits right back to me. This kind of relationship can move mountains.
I am gratefully responsible to the creative gold that I have been given.
I carry pyrite in my pocket, put in on my desk, wear it round my neck. I ask for the energy of abundance to move through me. Not for me. But through me. For others. For whomever needs it. For whatever work in the world could use it. I have nothing but complete confidence that I will be provided with it because I do the work that is mine to do.
*SALES END TUESDAY 11PM PT. Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
I was given a big heart. For a reason. I was given a big heart to help me thrive through all seasons. I was given a big heart so that I could listen in and learn from it. I was given a big heart because there is big pain here and that big pain needs big love channeled to it. I’ll be one of the many that will channel it when and where I am asked to. I was given a big heart because there is also big love here that I am meant to let in, receive and be rejuvenated by. I take in all I am given, gratefully. This is not a oneway street. I was given a big heart because this is a big world with big problems that need bigger solutions than the pettiness that created them. I hold a space for potentially outgrowing the division that diffuses our collective potential.
I believe in everyone else’s potentially big heart.
I dedicate myself to this heart of mine. I protect it. I share it. I let it out to roam freely. I dedicate myself to the opening of my heart, here and now. So that I can love myself fully. So that I can show up full. So that I can rise in solution and illuminate creative ingenuity.
I am dedicated to my totality, to my complexity, to my discrepancies and to my nuances. I’m dedicated to finding ways to remember to love myself through each experience, no matter what, no matter who else does, no matter if I want to in that moment or not.
*SALES END TUESDAY 11PM PT. Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
Hiding out can restore hope. It can refuel energy. It’s important to withdraw at times if I’m in the middle of something. Like a little growth spurt. Sometimes I need to close the door. Just to concentrate. Just to let my mind drift. Just to explore the process that I’m in.
Just for now.
There is a rebirth occurring. Not everything I do needs to be put on display. I understand the power of concealment. I know the magic of keeping somethings undercover. I know that my strength comes from the way in which I am in relationship to the process of my life. I honor the cycles that I live in. I honor the studio spaces, the soundproofing, and the covered windows that can momentarily help me to focus on what is important.
I commit to my growth and the process it’s got me undertaking right now. I am comfortable in the unknown. I know that at this moment I am open to many possibilities and even though some structures in my life might be dissolving, I have the steadiness of character and the sturdiness of self to lean back on and when I am not sure about which way to go, I sit patiently and wait for my answers to arrive. Because they always do.
*SALES END TUESDAY 11PM PT. Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
I commit to my dreams. I commit to the visions that I have for the future. I commit to their possibility, to their beauty and to their probability. I know that my spirit is capable of making this vision a reality. I see our collective good and I dedicate myself to uncovering it, fostering it and building a garden for it to grow.
Every thing needs a little sunlight. No ideas can grow in the dark. No dream becomes a reality without its coconspirators. So much gets done when I am with those that help me see the possibility of a future that I want to stick around for. A future that I can be proud of having co-created. A future where life isn’t afraid to live itself.
I make plans to conspire with those that inspire me. I take refuge in my community. I bathe in the warmth of its unity. I respect the differences and the challenges there too. I am dedicated to the process of becoming with those that hold a vision of my potential, that aren’t afraid to tell the truth and that are around to rally me into action.
*SALES END TUESDAY 11PM PT. Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
I keep going. I keep bringing the light that I have been given to the places that I have to bring it to. There is no time to waste. The world needs every ray of light that each of us have been given. I don’t hold mine back.
I dedicate myself to the work that is mine to do. I can’t do everything. I can’t solve every problem. I can’t get to everyone. I’m not supposed to. I just need to be dedicated to what is in front of me. I just need to be dedicated to growing into the footsteps of greatness, not in hopes of getting anywhere in particular, but in hopes of keeping myself on the right track.
I spend time this new moon meditating on the meaning that my career pursuits are providing for me. I spend time this new moon meditating on those aspects of my career that give me life. I spend time this new moon meditating on how I can give back that kind of life to my work in the world. This is my moon to dedicate myself to growing all I can in my career. It doesn’t have to get done tomorrow, in fact it can’t. I look long term in order to see what needs my immediate attention and take action accordingly. I make long-term investments in myself by working towards what has creative longevity and the capacity to let me love it into being.
*SALES END TUESDAY 11PM PT. Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
I pack my bag full of love, art, heart and thoughtful critiques that help me to gain perspective on my present by understanding my past. My current path isn’t arbitrary. Today’s journey is built upon each step that I have taken up until this one. All the mistakes that I made. All the victories I won. All the doors I knocked on and the ones I was too afraid to walk through. All of those experiences have brought me here. Nothing was a mistake. Nothing wasn’t sacred. Nothing was lost. I have my feet on this particular patch of heaven for a reason.
I’m in the best place that I can be, because from here I can choose.
I can keep going. I can pause. I can turn left, right or inward. But whichever path I choose I also commit to it. Journeys are rigorous. They take effort. Stamina. Dedication. Decision. I deicide to be here, no matter how hard, how uncertain or how unnerving it might be. I decide to be present to this and I accept all that it brings. Bit by bit. Piece by piece. A little bit of guiding light at a time.
While some ups, downs and unknowns might follow me around, I remember that I don’t need to have it all figured out. Or anything figured out. I just have to show up with what I have, with everything I have in this moment, and see what use I can be. My work is my service and I serve at its pleasure.
*SALES END TUESDAY 11PM PT. Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
I am committed to finding the partnerships that inspire my creativity. I am interested in those meetings, minglings and merging of energies that leave all parties feeling full and open to what is possible. I am interested in the collaborations that contain the possibility of long-term prosperity and a balanced energetic exchange.
I am committed to embracing all sides of myself and my life. I don’t waste time trying to stay shiny/happy. I allow for the nuances of life to inform me. I find meaning everywhere. In depth. In height. I don’t try and block out any experience and in doing so I allow myself to be healed. Resisting life makes it intolerable. Suffering swells when I only try to swim upstream. There is time for that, but there is also time to just be with what is.
I am sturdy enough to hang with what comes. I am old enough to know that everything changes when it is ready to. So no matter where I am or what condition I find my mind in at this moment, being with what is, is the only thing to do.
*SALES END TUESDAY 11PM PT. Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
I open my heart to those that I know can hold it. Not be responsible for it. Not be in charge of it. Not be at fault for its many moods. Just folks that know how to hold tender things that thump and bump. Tender things that open in hope and can close in confusion. Tender things that need to know tenderness.
I commit to the partnerships that pull me close in celebration of the freedom we experience together. I commit to showing up for the folks that continually inspire me to reveal a little more of my heart. I commit to caring for those in my life that show up constantly as cheerleaders and challengers to my self-loathing, self-undoing, confusion and carelessness.
I am dedicated to learning how to relax into love. I am dedicated to learning more about how to relax my heart. I am dedicated to caring, respecting and recommitting myself to the relationship commitments that work for all involved. I keep this area of my life clean and well-kept. The less drama that goes down, the more the chance for fulfillment goes up.
*SALES END TUESDAY 11PM PT. Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
I am dedicated to my well-being. I am dedicated to creating the conditions that inspire my own self-care. I am dedicated to developing a deeper relationship to whatever messages my body sends me. I am dedicated to developing a deft touch that tells me what needs warming and when.
I warm myself by stoking the fires of my heart.
I don’t let my heart grow cold. Too much bitterness closes me up. Makes my bones ache. Makes my tender heart forget itself. Too much tiredness leaves me flat. Leaves forgotten the importance of pleasure. Too much work that has no heart just feels like work without end and is an end in and of itself.
I dedicate my time to creating a healthy work/life balance. One that has me feeling radiant in the office and out. I dedicate my time to managing the little jobs so that they don’t pile up and threaten to overtake big chunks of time. I use this new moon to reset my boundaries, my relationship to my responsibilities and to keeping my schedule on track so that the racing of my heart is from the flush of excitement that comes from getting things accomplished.
*SALES END TUESDAY 11PM PT. Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.