For more on how to unlock your abundance with one of the most fertile new moons of the year, please join me for Unlocking Abundance:The New Moon in Taurus and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from May 6th – June 3rd, in which I’ve created personalized readings for each sign, altar recommendations, and new moon rituals and full moon reflections for each sign on how to manifest abundance with the energy of this lunar cycle.
Give it. What you think you don’t have. What you have never had enough of. What you are envious of in others. Give it to yourself. Until you know it. Until it’s in you. Until it is you. Until you can’t think of anything else. Until you don’t think of it anymore.
Give it. Generously. Take it in wholeheartedly. Until it falls out your mouth. Hanging on every word. Give it to yourself. Make it your steady source of nourishment. Until it is the salt in your tears. Until it’s the echo of your laugh. Until it is your future. Until it is your past. Give it to yourself in response to what was always withheld. To what is still withheld. To what seems to refuse you.
Choose you. Let generosity be your best revenge. Don’t stop where their tracks did. Beyond their finish line is your starting point. This is your life. Your race to pace yourself through. Your journey to journey.
No one knows how it will end. No one save your stars. And your heart.
Immerse yourself in what you need. Bury yourself in its scent. Cover yourself in its light. Eat at its table. Sleep with its mistress. Refuse to be ashamed of your needs. You weren’t starving before you got here. You were born full.
Believe it. Until you are satiated again.
Friday’s new moon, arriving at 12:29 PM PT, is an invitation to trust. To reclaim. To recreate our lives in the eyes of abundance. Our original form. It’s an invitation to believe that our needs can be met. It’s an invitation to build our lives with our needs in mind.
That’s what Taurus does. It builds, working steadily, stubbornly, and persistently at its goal. It grows. It cultivates. It creates. It greens landscapes. It does not to give up.
This new moon is especially blessed. It sits next to its ruler, Venus, also in Taurus. Venus in Taurus has all the swag in her bag. All the Femme in her fantastic. Venus in Taurus rolls deep. Deeply generous. Deeply generative. Deeply connected to her right to enjoy herself, her life, her partners and her creations. She is the Creatrix. The Bull Goddess. The Sacred Cow. Her horns are emblematic of the crescent moon itself.
Both the moon and Venus love to be in the fertile fields of Taurus. The moon is exalted here. Up on high. Famous for her ability to produce and reproduce. Abundance abounds.
The new moon in Taurus is also sitting in a grand trine with Jupiter in Virgo and with Pluto in Capricorn. A grand trine looks like a giant triangle joining all three signs of an element. It’s sturdy. It’s flowing. It’s blessed. This grand trine is in earth. The element of fertility, growth, ground, reality, limits and labors. A grand trine creates ease and harmony. This one does so on the material plane.
Abundance is the earth itself.
A trine from Jupiter is about as good as it gets. It grows, optimizes, instills faith, makes possible, makes more of, magnifies, includes and opens to the possible. A trine from Pluto lends depth, transformative powers, resilience, determination and the ability to purge past emotional patterns that inhibit our ability to fully live our lives.
This new moon occurs at a time when there are five planets retrograde: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter (stationing direct on May 9th), Saturn and Pluto. That means that this is a time to go inward, to look first at how we are doing what we are doing before we try and fix it, mend it or rework it. This is a time to heal it and our relationship to it.
During this new moon, Venus is also close to the sun, invisible to the naked eye. This means that her powers are more applicable to doing things in secret, on an internal level. Use this new moon to get down to core beliefs you have about your worth, your talents and your inner abundance. Give yourself a chance.
We don’t have to believe in growth for it to happen. But it helps.
New moon blessings!