Tuesday, May 3rd
Sun in Taurus trine Jupiter in Virgo
Friday, May 6th
New moon in Taurus
Saturday, May 7th
Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn
This week offers up one of the sweetest, most fertile new moons of the year. The moon loves to be in Taurus. The moon appreciates the stability that this fixed earth sign brings. Taurus stabilizes the robust energy of spring, harnessing its power so that something can be grown with it. The moon wants a home and in Taurus it has one and it is gorgeous.
Taurus knows how to enjoy what it produces. Slow to move, Taurus teaches us to appreciate the kind of time and effort it takes to make a seed into a garden and a single stone into a monument. There is no rushing a bull, but whatever Taurus builds is built to last.
This new moon is being gifted, not only by being co-present with its ruler, Venus, in all her bountiful babeness, but also because it is in a grand trine with Jupiter in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn. Grand trines link together all 3 signs of the same element in the most positive and beneficial way possible. A grand trine in earth signifies a flow of energy on the material plane, a connection to the abundance that is nature and a reminder of all we are capable of manifesting in our lives. Jupiter creates abundance. Pluto lends power and transformations to the mix.
This lunation is from the land of milk and honey, honeys.
Use it. Build what you most desire to build. Believe that you are worthy of what you wish for. See it. Vision board it. Anchor it down with slow, constant steady actions. And in honor of this new moon, enjoy every bit of what brings you pleasure. Seek out the sumptuous. Adore the abundance and adorn yourself with the ample treasures that this season brings.
For more on how to unlock your abundance with one of the most fertile new moons of the year, please join me for Unlocking Abundance:The New Moon in Taurus and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from May 6th – June 3rd, in which I’ve created personalized readings for each sign, altar recommendations, and new moon rituals and full moon reflections for each sign on how to manifest abundance with the energy of this lunar cycle.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both. Each contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
Build it and they will come. Believe in your assets and they will support you. Support your talents and they will make your dreams come true. Get clear about the amount that you need to make, the amounts that you need to pay out and the amounts that your work is worth.
Then decide on it.
Give yourself a raise. Declare that you are now earning the amount that you need to earn. Write yourself a check and place it on your altar. Declare that support is coming to you in ways that you have no idea about, in ways that are none of your business. Give thanks for the support that is on its way.
Plant seeds in the most fertile plot of your garden.
Don’t waste time trying to grow things in the areas of your life that are hostile to it. You are wiser than that. Give to the relationships that receive you. Give to the parts of your work that have an endless ability to grow. Focus on how your work connects to creating good in the world. Keep seeing the ways in which what you can help to build bridges in your life, in your community and in the world at large. Keep building those alliances. This is true wealth. This is real abundance.
When our work bridges us to humanity at large, we are supported by a tangible reality far, far more powerful than money. We are supported by the resources of connection and relationships. And that is priceless.
For more on how to unlock your abundance with one of the most fertile new moons of the year, please join me for Unlocking Abundance:The New Moon in Taurus and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from May 6th – June 3rd, in which I’ve created personalized readings for each sign, altar recommendations, and new moon rituals and full moon reflections for each sign on how to manifest abundance with the energy of this lunar cycle.
What a rebirth. What a start to your year. What a positive reinforcement. What a powerful initiation. What a new moon to have in your sign.
Happy Birthday To You.
Put beauty in your eyes. Stand in front of true mirrors. Ones that reflect the beauty of your soul and the complications of your personality. Renew your commitment to life. Renew your commitment to yourself. Renew the contracts that hold you in loving accountability and burn the ones that don’t. Decide what lines you wish to grow along this year and then put your energy toward those paths.
What experiences, what aspects of life, what growth opportunities do you wish for yourself this year? What love? What connections? What creative projects? What adventures? What structures do you most wish to build? What feels effortless right now and how can you make the most out of that effortlessness?
Celebrate your nature. Relax into yourself. Slow down to find your breath and your heart beat often. Turn towards yourself and embrace what you are in this moment while at the same time giving yourself the tools that you’ll need for the developments you are wanting to make in the year to come.
For more on how to unlock your abundance with one of the most fertile new moons of the year, please join me for Unlocking Abundance:The New Moon in Taurus and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from May 6th – June 3rd, in which I’ve created personalized readings for each sign, altar recommendations, and new moon rituals and full moon reflections for each sign on how to manifest abundance with the energy of this lunar cycle.
What healing can happen when we finally let go. What love can rush in when we finally stop fighting it. What blessings can be made out of the most difficult aspects of ourselves and our lives.
What you can experience right now is far from ordinary. Far from visible to the onlooker. Far from an obvious spectacle. What is available with this new moon is a secret. A secret doorway into a new dimension of acceptance. Of comfort with your life. Of understanding about why it has gone the way that it has. What this new moon can help you build is a trust, a faith and an inner knowing that your life is unfolding in the way that it should. In the way that it needs to. In the way that is the most abundant for you.
This new moon wants to refresh you. It wants to help iron out the kinks in your neck. It wants to help you remember the power of cutting class. It wants to remind you of the importance of tending to your inner life. It wants to initiate you into the abundance of energy that lives within you and it wants to remind you how to honor that energy, not simply with relentless output, but by also balancing that output with constant replenishment.
For more on how to unlock your abundance with one of the most fertile new moons of the year, please join me for Unlocking Abundance:The New Moon in Taurus and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from May 6th – June 3rd, in which I’ve created personalized readings for each sign, altar recommendations, and new moon rituals and full moon reflections for each sign on how to manifest abundance with the energy of this lunar cycle.
We can’t grow it all on our own. What we bring forth must be shared. It must be connected to others in order to reach its potential. We are a social species. We are a collective of creative engines that work the best when we hum in tune. We encourage each other. We help each other become more of what we are meant to be. We wilt in too much isolation.
This Friday’s new moon potentializes the connections that you continue to make. It encourages you to make more of them. It wants to know what kind of community building you are doing, want to do or need to do more of. This new moon can create a confidence in you that helps you to build a bridge to folks that resonate with your life’s purpose.
It’s a beautiful new moon to begin something with others. It’s a strong new moon that can help to sturdy beneficial bonds that you have been making. It’s a new moon that speaks to making manifest the hopes and dreams for your future.
Be available. Reach out. Connect to others. Create a space for your loved ones to come and gather. Create space for others to connect with one another. We live in a loud world full of lonely souls. Every meaningful connection that we make can lift a lifetime of sorrows. Let love be the umbrella that you gather under and may that gathering produce more of the same.
For more on how to unlock your abundance with one of the most fertile new moons of the year, please join me for Unlocking Abundance:The New Moon in Taurus and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from May 6th – June 3rd, in which I’ve created personalized readings for each sign, altar recommendations, and new moon rituals and full moon reflections for each sign on how to manifest abundance with the energy of this lunar cycle.
You are particularly well positioned to make some successful strides in your career with this Friday’s new moon. This is Taurus season. This is about growth. This is about abundance. This is about fertility as it makes itself manifest in your career. Through your career. Using your career as a vehicle.
What are you wanting to begin in this area of your life? What are you reviewing here? What could you rework that would help you to make the most of the energy that you have? Of the time that you have? Of the talents that you have?
Finances have a way of flowing in right now or there are opportunities that can help that happen with greater ease than usual. Take them seriously. Take opportunities to partner into consideration. Who’s around that has the connections, the assets or the ability to help ground your ideas and make them real? Who inspires you to do so? Take a page from their book. Let their confidence fill you momentarily if you need the lift. Do what you can to keep yourself afloat and aiming for what you know you really want.
For more on how to unlock your abundance with one of the most fertile new moons of the year, please join me for Unlocking Abundance:The New Moon in Taurus and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from May 6th – June 3rd, in which I’ve created personalized readings for each sign, altar recommendations, and new moon rituals and full moon reflections for each sign on how to manifest abundance with the energy of this lunar cycle.
You have every reason to be experiencing greater than normal confidence right now. You have every excuse to feel a little more upbeat than you might typically. You have every reason to be developing and initiating some long range goals at the moment
Given the fact that your planetary ruler, Mercury, is still retrograde, you also have cause to reconsider some aspects of your journey thus far. Some long-term teaching opportunity, pilgrimage or course of self-improvement might be under review or just under way. Being reflective will help you to also be more open to what you want to learn, what you are seeking and what your are working on becoming.
Use Friday’s new moon to begin journeys that are meaningful to you. Use Friday’s new moon to reconnect with what is spiritual for you. Use Friday’s new moon to teach and learn what is most interesting for you at the moment. Use Friday’s new moon to build connections to those that want to teach and learn along the same lines. Use Friday’s new moon to remind yourself that you don’t know all of the answers and that, given that fact, you really have no idea what life will bring you next or what it will all mean to you in the end so your only job right now is to show up and live it as best you can.
For more on how to unlock your abundance with one of the most fertile new moons of the year, please join me for Unlocking Abundance:The New Moon in Taurus and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from May 6th – June 3rd, in which I’ve created personalized readings for each sign, altar recommendations, and new moon rituals and full moon reflections for each sign on how to manifest abundance with the energy of this lunar cycle.
Friday’s new moon wants to help you make some magic out of your comminglings. It wants you to make proposals to those that you share your energy, talents and resources with. It wants you to see the nature of what you have to work with and therefore what you have the capacity to build.
And become.
This is a new moon that can help us to solidify our efforts into real-world accomplishments. For you that is done through understanding the partnerships that have been essential to your development thus far.
There may be something new developing within them. This new moon could signify the beginning of a new phase of the partnerships, a new partnership or a new project that is developing within the framework of your existing partnerships. Whatever the mix of influence, make an effort to feed those relationships. Spend time brainstorming, mind-mapping and co-creating. Do so within the framework that anything is possible if it’s done with integrity, sincerity, consistency and a tremendous amount of patience.
For more on how to unlock your abundance with one of the most fertile new moons of the year, please join me for Unlocking Abundance:The New Moon in Taurus and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from May 6th – June 3rd, in which I’ve created personalized readings for each sign, altar recommendations, and new moon rituals and full moon reflections for each sign on how to manifest abundance with the energy of this lunar cycle.
We remember those that built a home for our hearts. We remember those that made us feel they had no space for us in theirs. We remember those that had a sturdy seat open for us at their table. We remember those that played a constant game of musical chairs with our favor. We remember, always, those who built us up with love, those who tried to fortify us with their encouragement and those who offered us endless supplies of reassurance.
Friday’s new moon is encouraging you to open, initiate and call in the kind of love that you need. Friday’s new moon is activating the part of your chart that helps you to create more love, connection, and positively affirming partnerships.
What relationships are you reviewing and, as a result, what relationships are you in the process of renewing? What kind of energy do you have to give to the relationships in your life and what kind of relationships are you wanting to begin?
This new moon is a chance to be that source of connection and love for those you wish to open your heart and energy to. It is also an amazing opportunity to remain observant of those that can, in fact, be a partner of the highest order.
For more on how to unlock your abundance with one of the most fertile new moons of the year, please join me for Unlocking Abundance:The New Moon in Taurus and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from May 6th – June 3rd, in which I’ve created personalized readings for each sign, altar recommendations, and new moon rituals and full moon reflections for each sign on how to manifest abundance with the energy of this lunar cycle.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
This week the efforts that you put into your most important projects will be matched by the Universe. You cannot lose if you work earnestly, if you work honestly and if your work is in line with what you most wish to bring about in the world.
You’ve got this.
You are growing this. This potential. This responsibility. This reality. This Friday’s new moon initiates you into a time of winning at work. It encourages you to make the necessary revisions to paperwork and might have you needing to reiterate your needs to those you work with but you are supported in such communications. So speak up. Make friends. Reach out to colleagues. This is a tremendously fertile time that wants to help you bring about the projects that you hold closest to your heart. The more you believe in what you are doing and what you are working towards, the more powerful in your conviction you become. Keep clarifying what you are creating and those around you will get on board because when folks see you doing your thing well, they will catch your fire and want to give you what they’ve got.
For more on how to unlock your abundance with one of the most fertile new moons of the year, please join me for Unlocking Abundance:The New Moon in Taurus and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from May 6th – June 3rd, in which I’ve created personalized readings for each sign, altar recommendations, and new moon rituals and full moon reflections for each sign on how to manifest abundance with the energy of this lunar cycle.
Pleasure has it’s own rewards for you right now. Friday’s new moon is encouraging you to get to know what your creative energy needs in order to feel replenished and refreshed. Friday’s new moon wants to initiate you into the fine art of not giving a F about Big Kid Stuff. Just for a moment. Just for an interlude. Just for this one little season you might feel like you have the right and like you have worked hard enough to find out what all the fuss is about. It might just help you to relax and see what gives when you are a little less on the go.
That said, some of you will take the energy of this new moon to begin a beautiful beast of a creative project. Something infused with beauty, something infused with woo-powered charms and something decorated with bedazzled sparkle power that keeps it humming for years to come. Whatever you conceive of now is bound to have a sturdy structure and staying power.
And some of you will use Friday’s new moon to settle into a new love affair. A new way of being with the loves in your life. A renewed energy in your romantic partnerships might open you up to new worlds of wonder, delight and passionate play.
And some of you will be overachievers and do all three. And then some.
For more on how to unlock your abundance with one of the most fertile new moons of the year, please join me for Unlocking Abundance:The New Moon in Taurus and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from May 6th – June 3rd, in which I’ve created personalized readings for each sign, altar recommendations, and new moon rituals and full moon reflections for each sign on how to manifest abundance with the energy of this lunar cycle.
Go back to basics. Go back to home base. Go back to bed if you feel the need. Friday’s new moon brings you back to your foundations. Friday’s new moon wants to help you create a sense of safety. It wants to help you get comfortable and wants to help you feel solid and sorted on the deepest of levels.
Consider what you need in order to feel at ease. Consider taking some time to feel more at home when you are at home. Consider making space for the joys you want to experience with those that you consider family.
Working on your relationships to family, to those that you live with and to those that you create home and a sense of belonging with will help you to create a generous source of wealth to keep coming back to over the next months. Working out old family issues will be made easier with this week’s astrology. You might even find that a few of the things that felt irresolvable have become or are becoming less of an irritant and more of a life lesson that you can file under Things I No Longer Need Worry About.
For more on how to unlock your abundance with one of the most fertile new moons of the year, please join me for Unlocking Abundance:The New Moon in Taurus and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from May 6th – June 3rd, in which I’ve created personalized readings for each sign, altar recommendations, and new moon rituals and full moon reflections for each sign on how to manifest abundance with the energy of this lunar cycle.
Friday’s new moon makes manifest the words and thoughts that you give the most attention to. So speak and think on what it is that you most wish to create. Abracadabra those hopes and dreams into existence.
That doesn’t mean that every thing that you think should be positive. Not at all. That isn’t reality. Our minds are wily coyotes, howling at all kinds of moons. But Friday’s new moon gives extra weight and significance to your communications. As if each word and each thought is a building block. Therefore whatever you are wishing to work out, to build and connect to, use this new moon to speak to it. You can use this new moon to speak what you want to understand, build or create into form.
This is your new moon magic.
It’s really helpful and important to be able to speak about what is difficult, what is painful, what is hard to hold. Breaking our silence is powerful medicine. So is being able to reframe our part within our own stories. To reclaim our role in our tale can unlock all kinds of energy in us.
Friday’s new moon encourages you to speak to what you want to grow. It is encouraging you to speak to those that are in the know. This new moon reminds you that you are not alone. This new moon encourages relationship building. You are not in this alone and you can’t build this all by yourself.
Your village is awaiting your cue.
For more on how to unlock your abundance with one of the most fertile new moons of the year, please join me for Unlocking Abundance:The New Moon in Taurus and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from May 6th – June 3rd, in which I’ve created personalized readings for each sign, altar recommendations, and new moon rituals and full moon reflections for each sign on how to manifest abundance with the energy of this lunar cycle.