*For auspicious times to work with this lunar cycle, an individual reading for your sign, as well as altar and ritual suggestions for tomorrow’s new moon, join me for Igniting the Inner Fire.
Insight comes when it wants to. Inspiration arrives when we least expect it. Both arrive at the intersection of our being open to them and them being willing to make the journey to us. It’s a magic mix. One to be grateful for. But one that is never far from us.
The feeling. The vision. The phrase. The desire. The rush of blood. The butterflies in our belly. The sign. The signal. The wink. The nod. The heeeyy gurl. The confirmation from life that we are on the right track.
Nothing feels as good as being hot on the heels of what makes us blush. Of what gets us going. Of what makes our heart go pitter-patter.
But the feeling is just the beginning. The idea is just the start. The vision isn’t enough if we aren’t ready to see it through. We’ve got to be able to bet on ourselves. To double down on our dopeness. To dare to believe in the information that we are receiving. It takes a leap of faith sometimes. It takes willingness to value our intuition.
It takes some practice. It takes some discipline. It takes courage. It takes time to build this relationship. But there is no time like the present.
We don’t need to be “good”. We don’t need to get it “right”. We don’t have to be pure, or perfect or nice. Inspiration doesn’t work for respectability points. Or the popular girls only. Inspiration is our birth right. It’s a gift that you have been given just for breathing.
You’re welcome.
The next lunar cycle begins on April 7th at 4:23 AM PT. It’s a new moon in Aries. It is happening at the most potent degree of Aries (18+ degrees), the exaltation degree. It has extra power, dignity and desire. This new moon burns bright. It ignites the internal fire. Initiating, awakening and encouraging us to act on our insights.
Aries is bold. Independent. Action oriented. Incorrigible. Rash. Brash. Brazen. Courageous. Warm. Hot. Aries moves. Begins. Initiates. Takes risks. Takes life head on.
The new moon is conjunct Uranus, the most experimental, groundbreaking, inventive, unique, destabilizing force in the current astrological pantheon.
The new moon is square Pluto, the most intense, transformational and powerful force in our modern astrological system.
The new moon is trine Saturn, the most stabilizing, stern, responsible force of manifestation we’ve got to work with.
The new moon is ruled by Mars. Mars is currently in another fire sign, Sagittarius, sitting at 8 degrees of the sign for most of the month, preparing to station retrograde on April 17th. Mars is the planet that introduces us to our desires, our drives, our need to defend and protect what is vulnerable to predators. Mars is our inner warrior, our heroine, our Superperson.
This new moon is demanding that we consider what we do with our rage? With our drive? With our desire? Are we able to move towards our desires? Are we able to take action to make manifest our potential? Are we able to have faith in the inspiration that comes and make use of the intuitive insights that we receive? Are we able to stand up for our dreams and do we dare to risk what we need to in order to see them made manifest?
New moon blessings!