*Please note that I only write about the major aspects of the week
Monday, December 14th
Sun square Jupiter
Mercury sextile Neptune
Sun square Jupiter can lead to a little too much excess. Let the air out of the inflated ego. Take life one step at a time. Remind yourself that you can’t figure it all out right now and that most of life figures itself out beautifully if we get out of the way. Be generous as a default. Give what you think you lack.
Mercury is about to have a wild week, which means we are all going to have to contend with spilling the beans. What do you need to say? What have you already said? What will you need to explain, articulate and make room for in your conversations? Today, Mercury’s wink and nod to Neptune hopefully promotes healing conversations, musings and meanderings. Keep them in your pocket. You’ll need them for later.
Thursday 17 December 2015
Venus sextile Pluto
Strong feelings. Strong emotions. Strong hearts help to bring more beauty to the world. Pluto’s got its prints all over this week. There will be no shortage of intense interactions and extreme feelings.
Friday 18 December 2015
Sun square Mean Node
First Quarter Moon/Moon square sun
Today the moon is 1/2 way to fullness and crossing over the south node in Pisces. It’s a good day to see old patterns that we get sucked into that we need to make a conscious break from. Residue from old situations can make the present moment a little sticky, it might seem like we don’t have a whole lot of room for wiggle. But we always do if we take the time to make it for ourselves. Ask to see your situation another way. Ask to see it from another perspective.
Saturday 19 December 2015
Venus trine Chiron
Mercury conjunct Pluto
Moon conjunct Uranus
Venus trine Chiron today can help remind us to appreciate the wisdom that our wounds hold and the trine can help us access that wisdom more easily.
Mercury conjunct Pluto is hefty. This aspect calls for truth talk that can lead to deal breakers (check tomorrow’s Mercury square Uranus) but this aspect can also lead us to great awakenings. Mercury conjoin Pluto wants to get down with a subject. It wants to investigate it. Unearth it. Take it to therapy. Take it to a rebirthing session. Take to back to the past life in which we first came across it in. This aspect can get all kinds of cathartic. It can get all kinds of obsessive. It can get extreme. It can go way too far so keep yourself in check. Leave well enough alone when you can.
Whatever is happening in your life now will be revisited in the new year because Mercury will go retrograde on January 5th, eventually backtracking all the way to Pluto during the last week of January. Again and again and again. Remember that you don’t have much more than the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the information that you are receiving.
The moon’s conjunction with Uranus today just amps up the feelings of being taken off guard and destabilized. It can be a great aspect to help us see things differently and can spur us on to creative responses and inventive ideas. Use wisely.
Sunday December 20th
Mercury square Uranus
These are the deal breakers and awakeners. When we are confronted with a truth that challenges us, can we rise to that challenge? Can we meet it with curiosity? We might not always like what we hear when Mercury squares Uranus. We might not always like the things that we have to say, but they are ours to say, to work with and to work on.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. Reading your sun sign horoscope will give you information about yourself. Reading your rising sign will give you information about your specific astrological chart. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both. Astrology is a symbolic language with many lenses to look through. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
This week has a lot to do with what you confront at work and what you are able to communicate in your public life. Your career is going to be a place of much excavation and a site of many a realization in the coming month and a half. What do you need to say to those that you are working with? What are you hearing from those you work for and those who work for you? What do you need to go deeper into? What are you working on that will potentially rock the boat a bit? How do you deal with confrontational conversations in your profession?
Make sure that you aren’t trying to force your ideas on any one else. You might have a tendency to run a little extreme at the office right now, so see if you can temper that by listening as much as you speak and considering what others are saying as much as you are trying to articulate your point of view.
Notice what work trips (even if they are local ones) bring up. They might be helping you to access a deeper understanding of why you are doing what you are doing. They may also point you in a direction that is more fulfilling for you. Notice who you meet during your day. Notice the conversations you have. Notice if there is something that you keep hearing over and over again, independently from different sources. There is a muttering in the air about the changes to come in 2016. You don’t need to act on them now, but you might want to start paying attention to the signs and compile the information as best you can.
I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 22) and full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
Travels. Trails. Seeking. Seeing. Your journey is loopy for the next little bit, especially as it pertains to love and finances. I wouldn’t be surprised if you meet folks that rock your world or if you get reconnected with those that used to. Being reunited with old aspects of your life and heart is an important teaching tool that the next few weeks ahead will employ. Having to revisit what we once walked away from, or what once walked away from us, helps us to gain clarity about the present moment.
But your heart is ready for a clearing. It’s primed to shake off what shook it up. It’s primed to remember how full of life and possibility it is. It’s primed to revisit old pockets of pain with a newfound perspective.
The perspective of it being a beauty to behold.
Remind yourself of the strength of your heart. Of all that it has dared to love. Of all that it knows. Of all the ways in which it has grown. Focus on the beating of it. Know that every single time it pumps blood through your veins that it is a testament to your courage to be here, to love here, to live here and to know yourself here, in this moment.
I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 22) and full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
You can gather a great amount of understanding about yourself right now. You have the ability to see deeply into the nature of your fears and phobias about commitment. You have the honor of looking at any of your obsessive tendencies. You might even have the pleasure of remembering what it means to be seized by them.
Un-seize yourself.
Put your mind on the moment if you find that you keep getting caught up in what other people are or are not doing or able to do. Focus on what you have not on what you have lost. Focus on what you can do, not on what you didn’t do Focus on the nature of what you get fixated on. What are the core stories that get replayed time and time again? What is the central theme? What is the tune that your sorrows love to have on repeat? Get the information and then get into action to help yourself through it.
Try not to take your emotional temperature too much. Don’t get overly concerned with the intricacies of how you suffer. These next few weeks require your honesty and will keep you circling around the issue. These next few weeks will hold you to your truth. It’s best to come clean about how you feel and to care deeply about doing so because this catharsis can lead to a greater freedom to love yourself exactly as you are.
I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 22) and full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
It is more than likely that you will be initiating and on the receiving end of conversations that leave you a little rocked and raw. It’s more than likely that these conversations will be with those that are closest to you. It’s more than likely that this is just the beginning of unearthing the deeper issues between you and loved ones.
Happy holidays!
Have compassion for yourselves and others during the process. It’s far from over. It’s far from simple. It’s far more layered than you might think. Most of us are afraid of being left out, left behind and left alone. Most of us are afraid of being too real because it might leave our relationships too in danger of being disrupted. Most of us need time to figure out the best way to make our point without making too much of a mess.
Intimate relationships are only threatened by the weaknesses inherent in them. This astrology of the next six weeks has the power to tease out these weaknesses. But it also has the power to tease out their strengths.
Be open to strengthening yourself through working on them. Be willing to let certain conversations happen and certain ones lie low for a moment. Be mature enough to give everyone the space they need to come to their own understanding of the problem that has been posed.
It’s a long life on a bumpy road. You’re learning a lot about how to voice your concerns, your learning a lot about the changes that need to happen in your relationships and in yourself in order for you to be able to stay in them and with them. You are learning a lot about your needs and non-negotiables while seeing the trajectory of miles and miles of life yet lived.
I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 22) and full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
Try to master the task. Try to get efficient at what you are working on. Try not to berate yourself for not getting things done if they don’t need to be done just yet. You’ve got something going on in your chart that makes me think that there is either a new job or a new way of working at your current gig that is important for you to pay attention to, to develop and to innovate. What can you do differently that would help your work go deeper?
You need more than money to make you happy.
You’ve got something going on that makes me think that an issue with friends or a group that you are part of needs to be looked at more closely. You’ve got something going on in your chart that makes me want to tell you to make room for unexpected and unforeseen disruptions in your daily schedule so get done what needs doing in a timely manner. It might feel a bit on the heavy side but once completed it will be hugely satisfying.
You’ve also got something going on in your chart that makes my momma bear come out and say, “wear your scarf!” Seriously though, wear it.
I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 22) and full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
Love lessons. You’ve got plenty to choose from. They might come from romantic partners. They might come from children. They might come from labors of love/projects you are working on. These lessons might come from the many sources of intimacy that you currently have and are developing. Which avenue the lessons choose to come through isn’t as important as the main theme that runs through them: having a real talk about what has been brewing within you.
In fact your current cosmic situation is the perfect brew to encourage you to have heart to heart conversations. Conversations that are cleansing. Conversations that are courageous. Conversations that can help you clarify your own yearnings, longings and needs in all of your life-long love affairs.
This week may also bring with it insights into the nature of what you can get consumed, possessed and swallowed up by. This week may reveal to you what obsessions have you running yourself ragged. This week may have you wanting to break free from your mind’s bad habit of focusing on what you don’t have when it comes to love, intimacy and having a good time and instead turn your gaze towards what you do have and what you can build with it.
I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 22) and full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
You’ll most likely be forced to dig around an old issue. You’ll most likely be asked to hold your own when it comes to conversations with blood family, housemates and friends. You’ll most likely be asked to open up to levels of feeling that haven’t been opened in a minute.
Hold yourself accountable. Hold yourself up to a higher standard of breaking it down with loved ones. Hold your self if conversations get too real. Be willing to be vulnerable. Be honest with yourself. Be forgiving of your shortcomings. It’s more important that you make the effort to understand what your relationships are teaching you rather than getting the conversations “right”. There is no right way to be human. There is no right way to deal with difficult subject matter. There is no right way to deal with the difficulties that can arise when we need to talk something out.
There is however a compassionate way. There is a kind way. There is a loving way. There is a way to do so that helps lessen the feeling of being threatened and increases the feeling of being a good friend to yourself and everyone else.
I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 22) and full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
The temptation to slay them with the truth might threaten to overcome your better judgment if it weren’t for Venus visiting your sign. Venus gives us the gift of being able to get away with things we wouldn’t normally be able to get away with. Venus can temporarily lend us a quality that makes our every move more charming. Venus makes us look good.
And trust me, you need that glow this week.
We are all facing a time of having words with others. So while I don’t encourage you to get too dependent on your charm offensive, I do encourage you to get all you can out of your most intimate interactions. This week makes it possible for you to turn searingly honest sentiments into statements of sincerity. Your intentions are more likely to line up with your impact and your effect will be felt.
Make note of what kind of impact you want to have. Be conscious of the imprint you are making on others. Know that you have a certain amount of power that imbues every word you speak so take caution to speak the ones that you know you can stand behind for a long time to come.
I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 22) and full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Get the goods. You can and you will if you focus your energy and your intentions on accomplishing what you wish to. You are all kinds of persuasive right now. If you falter or feel like you don’t deserve it, try to question the feelings that come up when you are going for what you know is owed to you or owed to the cause you are collecting for. We all have to be willing to fight for what needs protecting, for what needs promoting and what needs to be supported, financially and otherwise.
Collecting capital and being stealthily strategic about how you’ll go about spending it is one of the themes that follows you into the new year. You’ve been through a season of major expansions that have been met with equally dramatic contractions and this breathing exercise is not through with you. It’s not always comfortable but it’s trying to help shape you. It’s trying to help you do away with what won’t help you move steadily towards your best. It’s trying to sort out what to grow and what to let compost. Grow yourself and your dreams in the world. Compost any societal expectations of you that keep you hemmed in.
I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 22) and full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
Your impact is felt this week. You might be in the process of revealing yourself to the world one layer at a time. You might be in the process of revealing your smarts one sentiment at a time. You might be in the process of revealing your realness, one intense conversation at a time.
Whatever the process know that your words land with others on a very deep level. You might also have a flair for going there this week. This could be received as either a welcomed revealing for others or an invasion of privacy. Temper your temptation to excavate the deepest psychological wounds of others. They may not know that they are there.
If you have meetings, emails or interactions with those that can move your business forward, help you reach your goals or raise your voice and elevate your message, treat them like winning lotto tickets. If you can do that for another, try to view it as the most important thing that you could do right now. Be a vehicle for miracles. Be compassionately honest. Be aware that in doing so you might upset some but if you go for clarity and kindness you can’t go wrong.
I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 22) and full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
You’ve got an opportunity to extract some very important material from your unconscious. It’s a process that you’ll return to more than once in the coming 6 weeks. It can be extremely helpful for your overall trajectory over the coming year. It sets you up for the deepest kind of review. It’s like being able to locate and then dig out a thorn that is deep in your side that you didn’t know was there.
You may want to pay attention to the liminal spaces you enter and exit. Places you might create in. Places you might let go in. Places you feel you can surrender in. Place yourself inside of a larger context when you find yourself struggling with something painful. Pain can keep us locked into a smaller version of life and ourselves. Remember to do something with the information that you acquire. Hug people. Tell them you love them. Help them. Send a lifeline to those you know also struggle.
With Venus in your career house right now you’ve got a lot going for you in terms of getting your message out to the world. Keep meeting those that can get your ideas off the ground. Keep working on what works out there and keep tending to the tenderest part of your heart in here.
I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 22) and full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.
Sometimes we stumble upon a psychological landmine that has been dormant in a group of people for quite some time. Sometimes we might take it personally or feel like we have done some kind of major damage, but the truth is that someone was going to set it off eventually. If that someone turns out to be you, try to remind yourself that you didn’t put the issue in the room, you just set it off.
Sometimes it’s like that.
You might be called on to sort out some deep issues with friends this week. You might be the one that ignites the need to delve into an underlying issue. No matter the equation, steer clear of magnifying drama or taking things too personally.
There is a great opportunity to actually work through some core conditions that the group you are a part of needs to work out. If those involved are up for such a session you could end up being the catalyst or facilitator for a much needed healing. And what community doesn’t need that right about now?
If your week is less dramatic, it might just supply you with conversations that help you to understand your influence and your need for intimacy among your peers. Talks with your friends and communities have a major impact on you and what you all do together. Don’t be afraid to reach out and let it be known that you appreciate and honor those that you walk this path with.
I’ve got lots of astro-gifts available for you and your loved ones this holiday season, including an Intention Setting For the Year Ahead that includes writing exercises and rituals for the winter solstice (Dec 22) and full moon in Cancer (Dec 25), a personalized reading for each sign on the major events and themes of 2016 and a 21-day workshop on how to live out your life’s purpose through understanding the foundations of your natal chart. All that and more here.