*Please note that I only write about the major aspects of the week
Tuesday, December 8th
Sun in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries
This is a bright spot in the week. Uranus can bring inventive, creative and innovative strategies, insights and information. It’s a day that can remind us to be open to the exciting possibility that this day is a completely unique gift to behold. This day is full of possibility. This day is a day to be lived.
Try to view a problem, issue or situation from a different angle. Ask for divine, creative intelligence to guide your thinking. Ask different questions. Ask to see what you are usually blind to. Ask to be open.
Wednesday, December 9th
Sun in Sagittarius square Chiron in Pisces
Mercury enters Capricorn
The sun represents our identity. Chiron represents the wound that will never heal but that can constantly inform us. Painfully present in this moment in time is the archetype of the wounded self gone awry.
What makes someone pick up a gun and harm others? What is happening in us when we think violence is the only answer or the only way through the pain we feel? What wound are we carrying, each one of us, that could make us cause harm. Each of us carries with us the potential to heal and the potential to harm. None of us are exempt from this. None of us are above this.
All of us have the responsibility to extend ourselves to help, love and create spaces for justice in our lives, in our communities and in our world. If we can choose the path of healing, if we are able to make that choice, this is the time to choose it.
Later in the month (December 19th) Mercury will conjoin Pluto and square Uranus (December 20th). This means that there is a lot of revolutionary, revealing and deepening communications to come. Stay tuned….
Thursday, December 10th
Mars in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries
Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
This is what I know about Mars – it can hurt. That planet can dig around an issue like a jackhammer.
This is what I know about Mars in Libra – it does all this damage while thinking it can still be friends. It can be very unclear about boundaries. Libra wants to make nice, wants to connect, and wants to be in relationship. Mars declares war, delineates its self, and defines its space.
You can’t tell someone that their behavior is hurting you and then take care of them afterwards. I mean many, too many, of us do, but it doesn’t feel good to.
Mars is spending the entire month of December in Libra (Mars will have been in this sign from November 9th-January 3rd). It is not at all uncommon for Mars to spend that long in a sign, but during its passage through this sign, Mars squares Pluto and opposes Uranus.
This is bumpy (Uranus/Pluto) and traveling on such a road with a sharp object (Mars) can at the very least be potentially dangerous.
Last week Mars squared Pluto, intensifying the issues that Mars (and the house in your chart that contains Libra) is stirring. This week Mars will oppose Uranus. Uranus has a particular talent that shocks, disrupts and innovates our relationships. Uranus in a hard aspect (like an opposition) can also speak to a break, separation or trauma. Be cognizant of how trauma works in your system, what the signs are, what self care regimes you might need and what meaning you might put upon the natural end (even if abrupt) of things.
Not every separation is bad. Not every separation is permanent. But every one experiencing the sudden shift of a relationship or situation needs endless amounts of love, compassion and patience. Give it to yourself.
On the other end of the spectrum we have the ultra, over the top romance of Venus and Neptune in a trine.
These sweeter, softer tones might be over thrown by the shocking antics of Mars and Uranus. They also might take the edge off. They also might cloud the issue a little. Venus trine Neptune is the romance to end all romances. Hopefully it will help us all fall a little more in love with our lives as they are.
Friday, December 11th
New Moon in Sagittarius 2:29 AM PST
This new moon wants your serious commitment. This new moon is asking you to pack your bags #GirlScoutStyle because this journey is the real deal. It’s long. It’s exciting. It’s worth pushing on through the wear and tear. It’s a pilgrimage and you’ll be a different person by the end of it. More on this in a separate piece that I’ll publish on Wednesday, December 9th.
*Please join me for Letting Light In: Intention Setting for the Year Ahead. This month’s installment includes a guided medidtaiotn and writing exercise for the new moon in Sagittarius, a guided intention setting exercise that will help to utilize the power of the Winter Solstice and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer. You’ll also receive a recording that is specific to your sun sign and one that is specific to your rising sign as well as a detailed look at the astrology from December 11th-January 10th. THIS IS NOT A LIVE EVENT. All materials will be sent to you as an email containing links to video presentations that you can participate at your leisure. New moon blessings, solstice cheer and happy holidays to you and yours! xoc
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know your rising sign, please read it as well as reading your sun sign. If not just read your sun sign. Take what works for you, leave the rest. There is no right way to do this, it’s all just a friendly suggestion. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate your donations. If you want to share this work, we love and appreciate it too we just ask that you quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we love and appreciate it and you!
And just where do you think you are going?
Friday’s new moon is wondering. Friday’s new moon might make you want to do some serious wandering. Friday’s new moon would like you to commit to scaling a summit, to a course of study or to spiritual discipline.
It’s not going to tell you which path is most suited to you, which philosophy is right for you or which initiation will bring you the kind of spiritual awakening you need. It’s not going to lay out the path for you. That unfolds naturally. You’ll find what you are seeking if you are in it for the long haul. The new moon is neutral and has no preference as long as you embark on a serious mission, a passionate pilgrimage.
This week is also bound to get little bumpy. This week will put some rock in your roll. This week warns against simplistic thinking or strategies that hold stubbornly to the past. This week has the potential to be wild. And a little weird. And definitely wired.
This week carries voluminous volts of electricity and energy. It might have you on overdrive. It might have your system on alert. It might have your brain in survival mode.
Slow it down if so.
Staying in survival mode won’t help solve issues that arise with your loved ones. Take good care of yourself if something triggers your fight or flight response. Come back to the negotiation table when you have found your ground again.
*Please join me for Letting Light In: Intention Setting for the Year Ahead. This month’s installment includes a guided meditation and writing exercise for the new moon in Sagittarius, a guided intention setting exercise that will help to utilize the power of the Winter Solstice and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer. You’ll also receive a recording that is specific to your sun sign and one that is specific to your rising sign as well as a detailed look at the astrology from December 11th-January 10th. THIS IS NOT A LIVE EVENT. All materials will be sent to you as an email containing links to video presentations that you can participate at your leisure. New moon blessings, solstice cheer and happy holidays to you and yours! xoc
Who can you take your talent to? Who can you take your resources to? Who can you take your vision to? Who can match your potential with their own? Who’s got your missing pieces? Who’s got complimentary skills? Who’s got the knowhow that you need right now?
Friday’s new moon is asking you to look for possible commitments that have you making more of what you naturally have by merging it with the resources of another.
That or it’s time to make a serious commitment to healing your old fears. That or it’s time to drain the collection of emotions that your psychic tank has been holding. That or it’s time to make a resolution to allow your self to shed old skin. It’s too easy to lock away our potential when we focus on all we have done wrong in the past. Begin a course of healing that allows you to flush out old wounds and fears so that you can form a positive relationship with the potential of the present.
You might want to make changes to your routine, ones that you know will liberate your energy. Don’t be afraid to mix it up when it comes to where you get your workout on or where you get your work done.
*Please join me for Letting Light In: Intention Setting for the Year Ahead. This month’s installment includes a guided meditation and writing exercise for the new moon in Sagittarius, a guided intention setting exercise that will help to utilize the power of the Winter Solstice and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer. You’ll also receive a recording that is specific to your sun sign and one that is specific to your rising sign as well as a detailed look at the astrology from December 11th-January 10th. THIS IS NOT A LIVE EVENT. All materials will be sent to you as an email containing links to video presentations that you can participate at your leisure. New moon blessings, solstice cheer and happy holidays to you and yours! xoc
Friday’s new moon wants you to ponder just whom you are willing to commit to and partner with. This could be about love. This could be about shared creative projects. This could be about taking an adventure with another. This could be anything that requires you to take steps towards building a bond and being down for road-dogging.
Committing to a course of action with anyone, for whatever reason, means that you take the good with the bad, the happy with the sad and the fantastic with the flawed. Make sure you are down for the entire deal, fine print and all.
You see, love interests might throw you a curve ball this week. If you have wee-ones they might also give you a run for your money. A situation with your friends, the friends of your lovers, or your lovers that are friends could also come to a point of tension this week that reaches breaking point.
In short, before you commit make sure that you pay attention to how others respond when you end up in a difficult or worst case scenario. Listen to what people tell you about themselves. Listen to their actions. Listen to their words. Listen to their impact on your life. Folks always end up revealing the truth about themselves. As we do too. Much will be revealed in the coming days about which partnerships have what it takes to make certain strides forward.
Your job is to watch when you’re eager to fix, fight or make assumptions about a problem before you’ve given the conflict or disruption time to reveal the true nature of its lesson.
*Please join me for Letting Light In: Intention Setting for the Year Ahead. This month’s installment includes a guided meditation and writing exercise for the new moon in Sagittarius, a guided intention setting exercise that will help to utilize the power of the Winter Solstice and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer. You’ll also receive a recording that is specific to your sun sign and one that is specific to your rising sign as well as a detailed look at the astrology from December 11th-January 10th. THIS IS NOT A LIVE EVENT. All materials will be sent to you as an email containing links to video presentations that you can participate at your leisure. New moon blessings, solstice cheer and happy holidays to you and yours! xoc
Being able to carve out a family for ourselves is one of the most important things that we can do. It’s a declaration of self-love. It’s an act of resilience. It’s self-care at its finest. It’s revolutionary.
You are experiencing a revolution at the core of your life.
It might not feel easy. You might not feel so pretty. You might not know exactly where to hang your hat.
Sometimes we have to take a deeper look at the floorboards of our life. Sometimes we don’t want to because we know they have suffered from wear and tear and we don’t want to reconstruct. It’s painful. It’s scary. It means that we’ll have to change how we relate to the things we felt were so solid and permanent. But.
Foundations shift.
This process helps us understand our core needs better. Sometimes we collect people, titles and certificates because we are too afraid of being alone. Too afraid of not being enough. Too afraid of dealing with ourselves. And then we get stronger, strong enough to realize that what we really need is the truth. It does, after all, set us free.
Our work and the folks we work side by side with can become a part of our safety net, our support system, our way towards hope and possibility. Friday’s new moon is encouraging you to commit to seeing a work project through. It’s encouraging you to have a long-range (and yet pragmatic) vision for your current life’s work. It’s encouraging you to marry yourself to your movement. It’s encouraging you to be your authentically original self. Think of the quality of the seeds you are planting. Do they have the potential to give others permission to become. Do they have within them the potential to open up spaces so that there are more diverse stories being told? Do your projects have within them a generosity of heart that can inspire the same in others?
*Please join me for Letting Light In: Intention Setting for the Year Ahead. This month’s installment includes a guided meditation and writing exercise for the new moon in Sagittarius, a guided intention setting exercise that will help to utilize the power of the Winter Solstice and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer. You’ll also receive a recording that is specific to your sun sign and one that is specific to your rising sign as well as a detailed look at the astrology from December 11th-January 10th. THIS IS NOT A LIVE EVENT. All materials will be sent to you as an email containing links to video presentations that you can participate at your leisure. New moon blessings, solstice cheer and happy holidays to you and yours! xoc
Friday’s new moon is conjuring up something exciting, something daring and something concrete for you to help create. Friday’s new moon is encouraging you to be a little more serious about beginning the things you want to see grow in your life. Friday’s new moon is encouraging you to take a step forward, a step towards it and a to step up for it.
Dedicate your energy to it. Declare your intentions. Declare your desires. Declare your devotion. Don’t be afraid of wanting it. Don’t be afraid of looking like a fool when you go for it. Don’t be afraid of where it might take you to or what it might take you away from. Just focus on developing your ability to show up for it.
Show up for what you love.
Most of us show up for what will numb our pain without hesitation. We are so committed to escaping it that we will go to extraordinary lengths to do so. Not this time, kitty-cats. Go to extraordinary lengths in pursuit of manifesting your talents and your gifts in the world. It’s a good time for a definitive and bold statement about yourself and what you are here to do. Ruffle some feathers if you need to. Just be completely honest and willing to stand by every word and sentiment you dish out.
*Please join me for Letting Light In: Intention Setting for the Year Ahead. This month’s installment includes a guided meditation and writing exercise for the new moon in Sagittarius, a guided intention setting exercise that will help to utilize the power of the Winter Solstice and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer. You’ll also receive a recording that is specific to your sun sign and one that is specific to your rising sign as well as a detailed look at the astrology from December 11th-January 10th. THIS IS NOT A LIVE EVENT. All materials will be sent to you as an email containing links to video presentations that you can participate at your leisure. New moon blessings, solstice cheer and happy holidays to you and yours! xoc
Notice the memories that arise. Interview your reasons for reacting in the ways that you do, especially if those reactions involve any kind of self-rejection, fear or self-loathing. Notice what you think you should “get over”. Notice what can’t exactly be healed, forgotten or gotten over but, instead, carried with grace and acceptance.
Notice how you carry your feelings about belonging and not, your feelings about wanting what you have and have not, your feelings about being understood and not.
Friday’s new moon happens at the base of your chart: the foundations that you have and will have built your life upon. This is the ancestral ground that holds you up. This is the place where you seek rest. This is your one true home.
This is the place that holds all your memories. This is the place that holds all your possibilities. This is the place that holds your past. This is the place where you will eventually return to come the end of your life.
Friday’s new moon is an invitation for you to recommit yourself to your inner life. What does your home need? What innovations can you make in your relationships to your family, housemates or inner space that feel timely and important in this moment. What do you need courage to face, recreate or evaluate when it comes to this aspect of your life? Make sure to clear up any money issues that you have the ability to, especially if it involves family members. This week might bring you an opportunity to find a new way of being financially independent but it might require you to separate from an old way of being with your work, money or family. See what you are ready to let go of, what is being forced from your life or work and try to remember that you don’t need to and can’t always know why something is happening or the eventual good it might bring.
*Please join me for Letting Light In: Intention Setting for the Year Ahead. This month’s installment includes a guided meditation and writing exercise for the new moon in Sagittarius, a guided intention setting exercise that will help to utilize the power of the Winter Solstice and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer. You’ll also receive a recording that is specific to your sun sign and one that is specific to your rising sign as well as a detailed look at the astrology from December 11th-January 10th. THIS IS NOT A LIVE EVENT. All materials will be sent to you as an email containing links to video presentations that you can participate at your leisure. New moon blessings, solstice cheer and happy holidays to you and yours! xoc
Remind yourself not to make assumptions about what others do or don’t mean. Remind yourself that we rarely ever have all the information about a situation. The truth can take a lifetime to unfold. Remind yourself to be hard on the issues and soft on the person*. Remember that what occurs in intimate relationships is an indication of what we are and what others are projecting onto the world. Remember that we are here to be in service of love and that often means that we have to engage with everything that stands in the way of that love.
It takes courage. And many deep breaths. And endless patience and compassion.
Friday’s new moon occurs in your 3rd house of communication. It’s inviting you to take your thoughts seriously. It’s encouraging you not to take what you are learning for granted. It’s encouraging you to start your book, website, blog, vlog, newsletter or campaign of any kind. It’s encouraging you to take your thoughts on the issues that matter most to you seriously.
You have something to say. You have thoughts to contribute. You see the world in a way that no one else can. We need your voice. We need everyone’s voice. We need the diverse experiences of each one of us on the table so we can stop thinking in terms of separation and start thinking in terms of possibilities.
*Please join me for Letting Light In: Intention Setting for the Year Ahead. This month’s installment includes a guided meditation and writing exercise for the new moon in Sagittarius, a guided intention setting exercise that will help to utilize the power of the Winter Solstice and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer. You’ll also receive a recording that is specific to your sun sign and one that is specific to your rising sign as well as a detailed look at the astrology from December 11th-January 10th. THIS IS NOT A LIVE EVENT. All materials will be sent to you as an email containing links to video presentations that you can participate at your leisure. New moon blessings, solstice cheer and happy holidays to you and yours! xoc
Poverty is a construct of capitalism. It’s a distortion of the true wealth of our creativity. It covers up the richness that we are granted when we share the earth’s bounty equally. It’s a blatant lie made up to have us believe that we are inadequate. To make us believe that certain communities are inadequate. That our communities are essentially flawed. It’s an illusion to keep us chained to the machine.
The mono machine.
But diversity is where wealth really resides. Diversity is where nature takes us on a joy ride. Diversity is the greatest gift of creation.
Think about what you are making, selling, getting paid to/wanting to get paid for. Does it support your diverse experience? Does it tap into the wealth that lies at the intersection of all of your identities? Does it move you to be more understanding of how your work impacts the world in all its diversity?
Friday’s new moon wants you to commit to a course of financial action. If I were you I wouldn’t waste time on things that you don’t have to. It’s a privilege to follow your gut and go for what lights you up. If you have it, take it. Take it for yourself and take it to open up opportunities for others down the road. If you have the privilege of doing so, dedicate yourself to a course of action that will help money flow into your life in a way that aligns with your integrity. If you have the honor of developing your skills, do so in a way that also helps others to meet their own potential.
*Please join me for Letting Light In: Intention Setting for the Year Ahead. This month’s installment includes a guided meditation and writing exercise for the new moon in Sagittarius, a guided intention setting exercise that will help to utilize the power of the Winter Solstice and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer. You’ll also receive a recording that is specific to your sun sign and one that is specific to your rising sign as well as a detailed look at the astrology from December 11th-January 10th. THIS IS NOT A LIVE EVENT. All materials will be sent to you as an email containing links to video presentations that you can participate at your leisure. New moon blessings, solstice cheer and happy holidays to you and yours! xoc
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
You’re in a pressurized process. You’re most likely hyper aware of yourself right now. You’re maturing at rapid rates (or paying the price) and in an intense individuation process. All of these feelings and all of these experiences are helping you to develop your sense of self.
No one can give us our sense of self. You can’t order it online. You can’t borrow it from a friend. You can’t convince someone else to give you theirs.
A well-developed sense of who we are is something that we have to develop from within. It’s something we have to fight for. It’s something we have to come back to again and again. It’s something we might doubt. It’s something we might fear. It’s something that might be elusive until we are under the pressure that can produce such a result.
Friday’s new moon is in Sagittarius. It’s your new moon. It’s your invitation to commit to developing yourself. It’s your invitation to stand up for yourself. It’s your invitation to define yourself by committing acts of great kindness and compassion towards yourself. Friday’s new moon wants to give you the permission that you have been waiting for.
No more waiting.
You have the permission to be yourself. You have the permission to be a loving, proud parent to your flawed, fabulous, not yet fully formed, always evolving, learning and growing self.
*Please join me for Letting Light In: Intention Setting for the Year Ahead. This month’s installment includes a guided meditation and writing exercise for the new moon in Sagittarius, a guided intention setting exercise that will help to utilize the power of the Winter Solstice and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer. You’ll also receive a recording that is specific to your sun sign and one that is specific to your rising sign as well as a detailed look at the astrology from December 11th-January 10th. THIS IS NOT A LIVE EVENT. All materials will be sent to you as an email containing links to video presentations that you can participate at your leisure. New moon blessings, solstice cheer and happy holidays to you and yours! xoc
As the daylight in the Northern Hemisphere wanes we are forced to turn inward. We are challenged to find an inner light when faced with a lack of it. In the dark we become more aware of what is present within. Having less to look at outside of ourselves reveals a great deal about how we deal.
This is part of the reason why your sign is so spiritual in nature. Capricorns are born with the ability to navigate through the tough terrain of winter. The apparent dormancy of this season only appears to be a lack of movement. That’s what happens when we focus on the surface of things. In the dark a deepening of one’s experience is actually occurring. Because life never stops moving, if it isn’t going outward it must go inward.
You’re in that process, in that stage of the year and in that stage of your life cycle. Getting to know yourself is more important than getting something done. Outer accomplishments are still occurring, I am sure, but the real deal is within.
Friday’s new moon is an invitation to hit the psychic reset button. It’s an invitation to re-establish your relationship to your internal landscape. It’s an invitation to appreciate the transitions that you are currently in. It’s an opportunity for you to commit to the practices that keep your mind open and able to stay in the moment. Practices that are big enough to hold the problems that cannot be solved and instead need to be held.
*Please join me for Letting Light In: Intention Setting for the Year Ahead. This month’s installment includes a guided meditation and writing exercise for the new moon in Sagittarius, a guided intention setting exercise that will help to utilize the power of the Winter Solstice and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer. You’ll also receive a recording that is specific to your sun sign and one that is specific to your rising sign as well as a detailed look at the astrology from December 11th-January 10th. THIS IS NOT A LIVE EVENT. All materials will be sent to you as an email containing links to video presentations that you can participate at your leisure. New moon blessings, solstice cheer and happy holidays to you and yours! xoc
Think broadly. Think beyond your everyday scope. Think beyond what your ego tells you is possible. Remove the barriers and borders in your mind that try to keep out multiplicity and diversity. Life is bigger than what your brain tells you it is on any given day. Life is actually more generous, generative and gorgeous than we notice it to be.
This Friday’s new moon opens up your 11th house of communities, hopes, dreams and visions for the future. Allow your visions to be inclusive, inviting all parts of you to proceed forward. Allow your imagination to roam into realities not yet conceived of. Allow yourself to enter into the mind of a science fiction writer for a moment. Ask the spirit of someone like Octavia Butler to show you the way.
If you could dream up a world, a beautiful, just, loving world, what would it look like? A world where people didn’t get left behind. A world where nature was seen as an intelligent being. A world that made room for a new future fantastic.
Now consider that you are a part of this and that this new moon is your wake up call to put these hopes and dreams into action. Consider that this new moon is your invitation to take definitive steps towards creating the future you want, here and now.
*Please join me for Letting Light In: Intention Setting for the Year Ahead. This month’s installment includes a guided meditation and writing exercise for the new moon in Sagittarius, a guided intention setting exercise that will help to utilize the power of the Winter Solstice and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer. You’ll also receive a recording that is specific to your sun sign and one that is specific to your rising sign as well as a detailed look at the astrology from December 11th-January 10th. THIS IS NOT A LIVE EVENT. All materials will be sent to you as an email containing links to video presentations that you can participate at your leisure. New moon blessings, solstice cheer and happy holidays to you and yours! xoc
You owe it to yourself to make up your own rules. You owe it to your professional life. You owe it to your happiness, your soul and your talents. You owe it to future generations. We are not living for our lives only.
Make up new rules that help you make the most of what you have to offer. Make up new rules that give your gifts a lift. Make up new rules that enhance your right to be an individual. Make up new rules that keep you accountable. Make up new rules that give you the right to exist. That give you the right to bring your humanity into the world. That give you the right to bring your story, your experiences and your heart into the center of why you do what you do.
Break the ones that don’t.
We don’t need more #BillionaireBoysClub members. We need our selves intact in order to do our soul’s work. We don’t need any more profit. We need our people safe. We don’t need any more consumption. We need more compassion. We don’t need any more heartless greed. We need to be reminded that there is more than enough for everyone and any message to the contrary is a lie we must challenge.
You’ve got a gift. We need you to share it. We need you to give freely of it. We need you to open the way to a more generous, compassionate and creatively enriching way of life on the planet.
We need a new world.
Friday’s new moon opens up all of these possibilities and then some. Friday’s new moon stimulates the growth of your 10th house of career. Make the most of it. Live for a big purpose. Work at something that can exceed you. Work in a way that you can be proud of.
*Please join me for Letting Light In: Intention Setting for the Year Ahead. This month’s installment includes a guided meditation and writing exercise for the new moon in Sagittarius, a guided intention setting exercise that will help to utilize the power of the Winter Solstice and a meditation for the full moon in Cancer. You’ll also receive a recording that is specific to your sun sign and one that is specific to your rising sign as well as a detailed look at the astrology from December 11th-January 10th. THIS IS NOT A LIVE EVENT. All materials will be sent to you as an email containing links to video presentations that you can participate at your leisure. New moon blessings, solstice cheer and happy holidays to you and yours! xoc