*Please note that I only write about the major aspects of the week
Thursday, September 17th
Jupiter in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces
A little song and dance that might confuse or add an influence of delusion, dreaminess and enhance the desire to live out an ideal. This astrology can create a need for altruistic activity, it can help us to carve out room for creative inspirations and ultimately lets us know what “could be.” But can we?
11:09 AM PDT Mercury stations retrograde at 15 degrees of Libra
A powerful day for observation, meditation and reflection on the nature of our relationships as well as on the area of our lives governed by the house where Mercury is going retrograde (look for the house in your chart that contains Libra). Because Mercury conjuncts the north node during its retrograde, it carries with it an eclipse like feeling which could lead us to review where we are going and which directions feel the truest.
7:49 PM PDT Saturn enters Sagittarius
A big energetic shift, especially because Mercury also stations retrograde on this day. Saturn in Sagittarius wants a long range plan. Saturn in Sagittarius wants us to establish ourselves in accordance with our beliefs. Saturn in Sagittarius has the strength to scrutinize all belief systems, as does its ruler, Jupiter (now in Virgo). Saturn in Sagittarius is asking us to get our sh*t together in whatever part of our chart it just landed in. If we do there can be tremendous pay off. If we don’t there is no end to Saturn’s ability to make misery our bffl.
Friday, September 18th
Moon enters Sagittarius at 8:31 PM PDT moon conjunct Saturn at 8:40 PM PDT
Moon conjunct Saturn happens once a month. It can be a little tough emotionally. Be extra kind to your heart and hopes.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know your rising sign, please read it. If you don’t, read your sun sign. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both. Take what works for you, leave the rest. There is no right way to do this, it’s all just a friendly suggestion. If you find inspiration here and you want to share it you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for sharing the work, it means everything to us and we really appreciate it!
Aries & Aries Rising
Self-improvement doesn’t exist in a vacuum. We can meditate on the tops of mountains and do spiritual practice in caves for days but if we can’t carry that over into the shrine of our intimate relationships, then what good is it?
Humans often claim to love god but hate the people that they claim god made. It’s not a solid argument, but unfortunately it’s a popular one. But we can’t have the experience of loving someone in the flesh through reading scriptures. We can’t feel the warmth of a smile or the touch of a loving gaze if we are living for a future moment in heaven or rebirth.
But we can seek out the sources of such divinity through each and every relationship in our lives. We can make each person our temple. We can see our love of another as a manifestation of a life-giving and generative force. We can make relating our philosophy. We can make showing up for our significant others our religion. I suggest you make this your personal mission for this Mercury retrograde ride.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
Say it. Do it. Be it. Be not afraid of it. What commitments have you broken to yourself? What relationships are you hanging onto that you know are well past their welcome? What needs do you have in your intimate affairs that have been left unspoken? You only have until Thursday to make sure you’ve straightened it all out.
Just kidding. Well, sort of.
You see Saturn has spent the last 2+ years strong-arming you into understanding every inch of your intimacy issues and it’s finishing up its trip on Thursday. Done deal. Won’t be back for another 30 years. I just wanted to let you know in case there was something that you were putting off, thought that you could deny, ignore or pretend wasn’t an issue in regards to any of your intimate partnerships. Especially in regards to how you are showing up in them.
I just thought I would let you know because it would be so #astrocool if you took advantage of this week in any way you need to. Because Saturn is moving on. On to your 8th house of what you can build with others. What your assets and their assets can do together. And it would be such an #astroshame to take any of your baggage with you. The clearer you are on what you need in partnerships the better you’ll be able to build with them in the next 2 years.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
True love has nothing to do with looking for something better or hanging out with whoever until it comes. True love fits. True connection cannot be concocted. It’s not one size fits all. It’s specific to your needs and theirs but more to the point it’s specific to the way your energy intertwines.
There is nothing wrong with being in a relationship that isn’t meant to last though. There is nothing wrong with trying out different forms of partnering and different ways of doing union. There is nothing wrong with flirting with potential.
Until Saturn shows up.
Having just entered your 7th house, Saturn is demanding definition. You see it’s the kind of time where good enough simply isn’t enough any longer. It’s the kind of time when the dangers of loneliness turn into the realities of unhappiness. You can’t force two (or more) souls to fit together. Not in matters of the heart, not in partnerships of business, not in this astrological weather. Saturn wants to make something out of the partnerships that you are in or be done with them altogether. It either works for both parties or it doesn’t.
With your ruling planet stationing retrograde in your 5th house of love affairs and creative projects this week, you’ll have ample opportunity to review and renew the relationship contracts that you’d like to keep and the ones you are ready to let expire.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
It’s about how you structure your days and what you fill them with. It’s about how you can best find solid ground and stay there. It’s about how you tend towards being disorganized so that you can procrastinate. Procrastinate showing up. Procrastinate saying what you need. Procrastinate demonstrating your gifts. It’s an old trick. You aren’t fooling anyone. Besides, you’ve got too much work to do to worry now.
But you could.
You could worry large, strange, monstrous fears into being. You could over-extend yourself by saying yes when you’d be better off saying nothing. You could fill your calendar with drab tasks that keep you from the important things. But that would be such a waste of this opportunity.
You’ve got to work out your childhood issues, your issues with your living situation and your worries about belonging. You need to have that tough conversation with your mom or clear up things with your dad or tell your parent what’s what. You’ve got to deal with your roommate, tenant, landlord, real-estate agent or neighbor. State your needs. You’ve got to work on your communication skills. You’ve got to stop worrying about saying the right thing and just get to saying the thing, cleanly, kindly and precisely. Don’t explain yourself away. Don’t worry your life away. Don’t give away what you’ve won. Hard won.
What’s yours is yours and it’s high time you respected it, worked with it and gave it your organized all.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Leo & Leo Rising
If it’s in your heart it can be in your life. If it’s a part of your soul, it’s your duty to bring it into being. If it’s something that you just can’t live without, you should dedicate the next two years to bringing it into form.
It can be done.
But like the contractions that bring the baby into the world, birthing anything into being is a process of expansion and contraction. You’ve got to be willing to lose your original shape. You will become a different person. You’ve got to make room for it. Your life will be rearranged. You might feel infringed upon. Your own wants might become secondary to what you need to do. Pare back on the partying. The fun may seem like it’s been forgotten, but less free time just means you have to become more creative with what you’ve got.
Party plan.
But also plan to spend your time in your art studio, science lab or other spaces where creative ingenuity can be made manifest. Take these inklings into account. Put your pipe dreams in your pipe and smoke them with a prayer. Send your dreams to the gods and let them know you’ll do all you can to bring them into being here on earth. Communicate daily with whatever forces you feel are on your side.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
You cannot plant seeds in sterile soil. You cannot grow without getting some residue on you, without some of the nutrients or the compounds of the earth that bore you. You cannot cut and run from your past. You are a living, breathing piece of it. Born from it. Proud product of it. You did not get here on your own. You were not born in a vacuum. You were not brought here by a stork. You cannot claim total independence.
Like it or not you came from the tree that dropped you here, no matter how far you fell from it.
Make peace with your past. It’s time. Make amends with those that you hurt. You need the freedom that forgiveness will afford you. Find some way to move through the sludge of what was, so that you can get to what is. Because what is is growing at lightening speed and it is in need of your most grounded awareness.
Your sense of self, position in the world, presence and the impression that you make on others is gaining girth and, if you work it, this can be so much more than an ego trip you are on. This can be a time where you are able to make your dreams, your deep-down-no-one-in-town-knows-about dreams, come true.
And so much more.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Libra & Libra Rising
Step out of the gaze. The inner critic’s gaze. The one that says you aren’t enough. The white gaze. The skinny gaze. The gendered gaze. The moralistic gaze. The able-bodied gaze. The male gaze. Whatever has gazed upon you and left you scarred and feeling less than. It’s time to willingly, forcefully and purposefully step out of it.
How you see yourself, how you think about yourself, how you reference yourself, how you allow others to reference you sets up a dynamic of energy and informs all of your relationships. We can’t control anyone else. We can’t stop the systems that ail this world from putting us in ill-shaped and sometimes cruel boxes. We can’t shift age-old paradigms of discrimination in one interaction (nor is it the responsibility of those negatively impacted by oppression to do so) but we can refuse the internalized oppressors, the ones that have burrowed into our psyches like a torturous tick. We can either decide to respect who and what we are or we can allow the judgment of others to determine our worth, our status and our acceptability.
Step out.
You’ve got too much to say, to teach, to learn and to communicate to us in the next 2 years. You’ve got too much to learn about what you are capable of coming up with. You need a clear place to begin from. You need a safe space to start in. You deserve a chance to see how your mind works, free from worrying about how you measure up and free to venture out far past the limits set by others.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Let your hair down. Loosen your belt. Get comfy. Have a drink. Saturn is done with you. Well, kind of. Done giving you the opportunities to advance yourself along mature lines and done steadily scrutinizing whether you are doing it correctly.
But I bet you have a better sense of what you are capable of now. I bet you have a better understanding of your strength. I bet you’ve accomplished a tremendous amount in regards to how you see yourself and how you are professionally showing up in the world. Saturn in our sign (it was in yours for the last 2.5 years give or take) alters our course if we are off it. Saturn’s transit through our sign steers us towards what will be most successful or halts us from engaging in what won’t be.
Now it’s time to turn the gifts you’ve received from those lessons into a reality. Take your resources and put them into the direction of you destiny. Invest in you. There has never been a penny that went to waste when it was invested in oneself. Don’t be cheap and don’t be fooled. Our resources are for our own use. If you don’t bet on you, who will?
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
No hiding. No whining. No sleeping on the job.
No wonder you are feeling the pressure. Saturn has arrived. It’s ready and it isn’t about to wait for you. It wants your best. Wants your all. Wants your innocence, or it will take it. This is no time to cry wolf. This is no time to feign innocent. This is no time to call for your momma.
She isn’t coming.
This is the time to pull up your socks, roll up your sleeves and dig into your life as the most mature version of you that you are willing to muster. Adults don’t get to whine about it. Adults get to grin and become better than the bad that is thrown at them. Adults get to stay up late and worry about their babies. Adults get to do with their hard earned freedom what they wish.
They know the price.
Nothing good is ever for free, nor would we want it to be. After these next two years are done with you, you’ll have a whole new you to contend with, and so will we. But don’t worry about us. We are spellbound and gobsmacked at the steps that you have already taken towards caring less about what is expected of you and caring more about what you expect from and want for yourself.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
Maybe if we understood the nature of the things that ails us, we wouldn’t be so afraid. Maybe if we understood the parts of the self that suffer, the aspects of us that anguish, the one within who locks into pathways of pain and refuses to get derailed. Maybe if we didn’t turn away so willingly from the histories that haunt us, the things we wish to lock away in the closet, the parts we wish to tuck neatly in-between the mattress and the box spring so we can make believe it never existed, disorderly and dishevelled. Maybe if shame weren’t so shameful and pain not so painful.
Maybe then we’d be OK with being human.
Maybe then we’d live honestly and show up fully in the world, unafraid of being discovered for who we really are, unwilling to deny our flawed perfection, our broken wholeness. Maybe then we’d find ways to tolerate another’s strange routes and how they wander through their pain. Maybe then we might take the chance to understand one another. Maybe then we’d find more peace in the simple experience of being human. Maybe then pain would be as perfect as production, awareness as valued as success and sincerity as sacred as the sweet.
This horoscope is no cryptic message. It’s as straightforward and precise as I can be given your current astrology.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
It’s important to pay attention to any shifts that may occur in regards to your outlook on life in the next few weeks. It will influence what and how you communicate, which will in turn influence who you hang out with and how you hang out with them.
Over the next two years I’m going to be encouraging you to show up in your social circles, in your community and in your places of worship (be it a cathedral of trees in the forest, a rally for justice or a temple of any kind) as someone who is willing. Willing to take the reigns. Willing to take responsibility. Willing to take your role amongst your people to the next level.
Put on a conference. Put on an event. Put on your calendar all the places you need to go in order to show folks in the know that you are capable of stepping up to the plate. Not in a shiny-fancy-look-at-me-sparkle kind of way, but in a this-is-not-about-me-this-is-for-the-good-of-us-all kind of way.
Be a holder of space. Be a place of solace for others. Rise above seeking merely to meet your needs and seek to see where meeting your needs intersects with meeting the needs of the collective.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
The pressure is on. But pressure is good for business. Pressure is good for making definitive decisions. Pressure is a good way to get a grip on what is most important on our to-do list. Pressure presses us to put our best foot forward and gets us to make use of all we have.
What tools have you developed? What skills have you honed? What accolades have you accomplished and, better yet, which ones could you if you just pressed yourself to do a little bit more. Everyday.
What are you afraid of? What do you fear losing? What mental loops keep you tied to past patterns? What behaviors keep you tied to those thoughts? What are you dependent upon that you are also being asked to break free from?
We can’t grow when we are only ever comfortable. We need the discomfort. We need the pebble in our shoe. We need the thorn in our side sometimes. We need to see what mental anguish is pacifying us to stay locked away, just out of reach of our potential, just shy of our greatness, just comfortable enough not to ask questions. Sometimes when we stretch ourselves we have to feel the growing pains, but that’s also the signal that we are using muscles that are just aching to be of use.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. When you purchase the recording, you’ll receive a personalized video for your sign that outlines how the astrology of the month – 2 eclipses, Saturn moving into Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde, and the Fall Equinox – will impact your life, as well as information on which days and times to work during this time.