Saturn is here all week folks, squaring everything that moves through Leo, and there is a lot that does. Most importantly, Jupiter, the planet that expands everything it touches is finishing up its last days there before it ingresses into Virgo on August 11th.
This week is filled with great potential and great consequence. Fools’ gold won’t fool anyone unless we ignore the obvious, which I don’t recommend doing. Work with what is worth the effort. Leave pretty for the petty. Leave vanity for the willfully ignorant. Let your integrity lead the way to what is rightfully yours to do right now.
Monday, August 3rd
Jupiter square Saturn
This is an aspect that will be in effect until March 2016. It’s one of four major points in the Jupiter/Saturn cycle, a cycle of growth, opportunity and establishing the order of things. This particular square represents a crisis in consciousness. Saturn is the principal of rejection, contraction and definition. Jupiter is the principle of inclusion, expansion and optimism. As a society we may see this arising as a cultural crisis, a culture in crisis, and/or many clashing cultures creating what feels like a crisis.
On a personal level this could manifest as opportunity meeting reality. What stays? What goes? What has weight? What is worth keeping? What was just a fantasy, a fancy or a fallacy?
Tuesday, August 4th
Venus conjunct Jupiter in Leo
This happened on July 1st when Venus was still direct. You may look back to that week and see if any opportunities are resurfacing that originally entered the scene a little over a month ago. Generally speaking, even though Venus is retrograde, these two coming together in the sky is still a phenomenal event. They are the planets that bestow us with the most blessings.
But. Saturn…
Wednesday, August 5th
Venus in Leo square Saturn in Scorpio
The second of three squares to Venus, Saturn is here to define the kind of good greatness that this iteration of the Venus/Jupiter conjunction is bringing. If it isn’t built to last it won’t last long. Relationships get tested, boundaries need redefining and everyone needs to be the boss of their own lives.
Thursday, August 6th
Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Scorpio
A nice moment of alignment between our will and the structures we can put in place to make the most of it.
Mercury conjunct Venus in Leo
On its own a sweet situation that can lead to beneficial contacts and creative communications. But. Saturn…
Mercury in Leo square Saturn in Scorpio
Don’t whisper sweet nothings if you can’t back them up and don’t believe it if it’s too good to be true.
Friday, August 7th
Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Leo
In its last moments of being in Leo, Mercury makes a conjunction with Jupiter. This aspect offers endless possibilities. Long-range plans will be brewing and big visions stewing.
Notice, no Saturn here.
Mercury enters Virgo
Mercury has super-power here. Make use of it by making the most of your communications. Virgo is focused on the process of healing, digesting, assimilating and, of course, correcting. Details reign supreme.
Saturday, August 8th
Mars enters Leo
Not one to miss the party and bringing its own brew of bombastic, Mars enters the crowded club that has been colliding in the fixed fire sign. This is an extra ounce of energy for all Leos and the part of our chart that contains it. Try not to exhaust yourself. A measured approach is needed here with such an extreme emphasis in one sign.
What matters most right now is that you are clear about which opportunities can actually pan out. You can’t go chasing every beautiful butterfly that flutters its colorful wings at you.
What matters most is that you are honest about what you can do with what sticks around. What you chase is your choice. Choose wisely.
What matters most is what you actually do with the opportunities that bear weight. Chasing even the most constant muse is not enough; you must work with her daily, diligently and devotedly.
This week brings creative and romantic opportunities to their edge, testing the very fabric of them.
Do you want me? Do I want you? Do we want this?
Wait, what is this?
And once you know what this is, you can ask yourself is this for me? Do your romantic partners give you life or leave you feeling untethered, unraveled and wandering around like an orphaned child? If the answer is clear and absolute, listen to it. If you still feel confused be willing to hear your truth when it calls your name because it will, most likely in the next few days.
You want to partner with the most vibrant of options at the moment. Creative and romantic. You want to partner with what is reciprocal. You want to partner with what is additive to your recipe for love, laughter and success. Anything less is an insult to yourself, not to mention a lie. And lies have consequences.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
It’s one of those times that could be potentially potent for revealing how your mommy/daddy/family issues show up in your intimate relationships. Whatever rejection, over-protection, love, loss, betrayal, upheaval and coddling you received from your family of origin might now be projected, in powerful ways, onto those that stand before you. Intimate partners, business relationships and all those that carry the possibility of loving, accepting and adoring you are the targets of your greatest need.
It’s really no different than what any other human on the planet has to deal with, it’s just that this moment is particularity loaded for you and therefore your responses to the actions or inactions of others will be very telling. How much do you rely on the outside world to validate your existence? Does a part of you still demand that they love and adore you? Do you get pouty, defensive or bitter when you feel like they do not? Are any issues coming up with your parents or parental figures that help to tease out your need to please or your need to have the relationship play out in a certain way?
Those that you are connected to in intimate and important ways will be your greatest teachers this week. Use what you learn to be a better ally to yourself, but also a better supplier for the needs that you have. It’s not wrong or bad that you have needs, but it may be inappropriate to ask certain people to fulfill them.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
Meditate on what is in your throat. The lump there. The energy there. The ideas you long to communicate. The thoughts that you wish to speak into reality. It could be an event, a book, a project or a new way of doing your day.
Notice the conversations that you are having, what they spark, what opportunities they bring, what they ignite and what experiences they have you revisiting. Notice what is coming around again, what you may have missed the first time, what you are now able to grab hold of and make real. Notice any fear or trepidation that comes up when you realize that you have the power and opportunity to do so.
You might have to work. You might have to cleanse your mind of doubts. You might have to move through what makes you uncomfortable when it comes to being heard.
Sing. Sing in the shower. Sing in the car. Sing your coffee order. Speak. Hum. Make sounds that you can hear. Sounds that resonate with what you feel. Notice that your body is an amazing tuning fork. Notice the vibrations in your bones when you hit the right note, the one that emphasizes your truth.
Cleanse your diet of things that cause inflammation and things that slow you down. Notice the connection between how you feel and what you are able to get done in a day and see if there is some adjustment that you can make to your daily regiment that helps you feel clear, calm and centered. Making your health a priority will help you indefinitely. Considering what your body needs, not just what your mind is craving, helps everything.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
If you are willing to work with the consequences of success, this will be a rockin’ ride. If you are not set up to receive the onslaught, this may be a messy process.
It’s not about the opportunities that we are given. It’s about the gracious skill with which we can handle them. Right now it’s important that you make graciousness your number one goal. Generosity would be a good runner up. Give away what you can’t handle. Ask for support where you need it most. This isn’t about doing everything on your own. It’s about seeing how you can best support what needs to be done. You are in charge of making sure that your creative efforts get supported.
Abundance isn’t easy. It may be easy to attract but it takes skill to manage and it takes a master to maintain. This is the work that is cut out for you and also the work that you are cut out for. Don’t doubt it. Just find ways to work with it and ways to work it. You are being asked to master your creative talents and see them as your greatest resource. Don’t feel guilty about this. Don’t worry about what you have gained. You will find ways to pass it on and use it to make more good in the world.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
The greatest gift that you currently posses is your ability to clearly identify and honestly admit what doesn’t feel stable, secure, solid or emotionally sound. Your foundations are getting a once over, a last look and it’s a powerful time to lay any and all missing bricks to the base layer of your life. It’s also a powerful time to notice what blocks you come up against when you attempt to do so.
Most of us, as children, make unconscious agreements with our parents. We agree to be their caretakers. We agree to fill the holes in their heart. We agree to be what they wanted to be but never could. We agree to be the repository for their rage, shame and discontent. We agree without knowing it. We agree before we could ever know the weight of such an agreement.
This week you might meditate on what you have unconsciously agreed to, what they unconsciously or consciously asked you to agree to and which of those agreements you are ready to now make null and void. Write it down. Write that you are grateful for their love, their lessons, the fact that they birthed you into the world but that it is now time for you to take your energy back and put it into your life, your self and your dreams. Write that you are hereby breaking the contract that you made to (fill in the blank) and that you do so lovingly but definitively. Change the words here and there to suit your needs. You don’t need to sent it to anyone. Keep it for yourself. Burn it. As you wish.
One of our main jobs is to move, with our gratitude intact, past the limitations of our parents. It’s actually our birthright. Holding ourselves back helps no one. Break the contracts that no longer help you. In doing so you will give those you made it with back their dignity and take yours too.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
That moment when one waits in the wings, just off the stage, pregnant with possibility, full of hope and brimming with butterflies. That moment when everything is possible but nothing has yet happened. That moment of expectation that can quickly turn to doubt, fear and anxiety.
Don’t panic.
Jupiter is about to spend a year strolling through your sign. It will arrive there on August 11th. Jupiter is famous for bringing us more. More of what we have, more of what we want and more of what all ready is.
Your life is about to be put under a cosmic magnifying glass. Make sure that the parts of it that you love the most are the parts that get exaggerated. Prepare to be a little overwhelmed at the sheer magnitude of opportunities that will come your way and prepare to have every single opportunity met with an equally hefty consequence.
But consequences are great when we act from a place of integrity and discipline. They suck when we are asleep at the wheel.
Wake up, sleepyhead. Time to get your act together and gather yourself for this opportunity that only rolls around once every 12 years. This week spend your energy and your talent on what really matters- composting what you wish to leave behind, tending to behind the scenes details and making sure that you are as conscious as you can be of the ways in which you might deny yourself the luck that is about to come knocking on your door. Instead, work on ways to welcome it in with open arms.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
This week offers a potent little moment where your career opportunities line up with your abilities to manifest earned income. From Monday to Thursday especially, make sure that you put promised work into the hands of those you promised it to. But/and/also, if you have extra time and energy to do a little more than was called for, do so.
Showing up in your full glory for those that you work for and with will help to engender future partnership opportunities. It will also show you who is willing to fund your dreams, either with their cold hard cash or with their own talents and skills. Who has your vision? Who is down for the ride? Who can go the distance? Promises are cute but you’ve got bills to pay.
You’ve also got cash flow to sort out and to stay on top of. Whether it’s a steady stream or it’s a little stop and go, I suggest using this week to declare what kind of allowance you’d like to be paid. There is something about your financial boundaries that can benefit from being adhered to. Not in a stringent kind of way, but in a way that helps you feel like you know what you are allowed to spend in the different categories of your life. Then you can have fun with what you have instead of partying away your rent money and wasting your energy feeling bad about it.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
In order to feel successful, satisfied, and fulfilled in our career life, there should be a sense of play, pleasure and the permission to take creative license where we can. No matter our profession, if we feel like we can’t expand, express and move fully into ourselves as creative beings when at work, there will always be a resentment that lingers there. A bitter taste of should haves and would haves and didn’ts.
There is a startling fact that we must face upon arriving at the gates of adulthood: we must forge our own way through the unfair and inequitable terrain of Grownup Land. Others are given the tools we need most and seem not to know how lucky they really are. Some are given the opportunity to opt out altogether, or so it seems. And a few are given all that they will need while the masses struggle, fail and persevere against all odds.
But our struggle is our own. No one can do it for us and once done, no one can take credit for it. It is ours to marvel at. It is ours to appreciate. It is ours to gaze upon, a monument to our inner strength.
This week teases all of this to the surface. Take time to appreciate what you have come through. Take pride in what you have struggled with and through. Take caution not to be stopped by your fears or by your faults. You have bucket loads of both, like we all do. It’s not the point. The point is to love yourself enough to muster up the courage to face them like a champ and know that they are a part of your path to greatness.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
The way that you think about what is occurring is more important than what appears to be occurring right now. The way you frame your past, present or future successes, failed attempts and untried undertakings is far more important than your scorecard.
All of that is on its way: the glory, the gowns, the awards and all of the ups and downs that come with it. For now just work on being mindful of what meaning you are making of it all as you could be setting yourself up for great success or setting yourself up to miss the point entirely. You can’t keep a good talent down. Eventually it will find its way to the light of day where everyone is bound to recognize it.
This moment is brimming with expansive, beneficial potential. Your potential. But this is also a time that illustrates what holds you back from believing that such possibilities are yours to grow into.
It’s all possible, but in order to bring those dreams down to earth you must be willing to become focused, diligent and dutifully organized and not let your inner doubts and demons rule.
For you, expanding your public role and your ability to be professionally potent goes hand in hand with being able to be specific. General isn’t generative here. If you are willing to see this next chapter of your work-life as a vehicle for applying yourself wholeheartedly, to see what you are capable of and to take your life to the next level then go for what you want. Exactly what you want and nothing less.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
Great opportunities abound this week to clear out the psychic, emotional and psychological spaces that you share with others. This doesn’t have to speak to endings. This doesn’t have to be a dramatic, definitive declaration. This doesn’t have to be anything more than a subtle fine-tuning of your team anthem.
But it needs to be done.
Otherwise a little clutter under the bed has a way of turning into the monster that we are too afraid to face, a teeny bit of resentment can turn into a torrent of tantrum and a barely-there bone to pick can turn into a beast of a burden.
Get clear on what pisses you off, what isn’t helpful and what gets your goat the most. There are plenty of good gifts coming your way from partners of all kinds but this moment is not about taking whatever comes your way – it’s about being specific and determined to make choices that align you with the folks that resonate the most.
You might also find yourself with a deep appreciation for the plucky courage or brave assertions of a partner, friend or colleague. Take any encouragement from significant others to be bold as a sign of strength in your relationship. Ask for what you want and know that those that are truly invested in your growth will applaud your capacity to be clear about what you need.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
Take names, numbers, business cards and all leads that come your way. Gather all your possibilities, spread them out on your floor and see which ones feel the most exciting, the most vibrant and the most full of potential.
Now strategize. Which of these options best align with your current cause or your latest campaign? What is the best way to follow up with these potential leads? Map it out. Make a plan. Execute it. The more you mean business, the more business will find you. Clarify your message. Downsize your career clutter. Don’t worry about getting it right, just work on getting it working. Right doesn’t exist. Perfection is just a practice. The most important thing that you can do is demonstrate to those that could be potential partners, allies or angels that you mean business and you’re clear about what you are pursuing.
There will be plenty of mutually beneficial partnerships to create with in the coming year. Business partnerships will begin to appear and folks will find a way of coming out of the woodwork to work with you, but again, your ability to remain true to your vision will help you to clear your career path and create allegiances with those that strategically make the most sense.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
It’s time to pay attention to the overarching beliefs that you are building your life within. Do you believe that you’ll always find your way, that you have within you all you need and that your intuition will guide you to good? Do you believe that your well-being is worthy of being first on your list? Do you believe that you deserve to be treated lovingly, with respect and adoration? If not, do you want to?
All you need is a desire for wellness to be hot on the trail for a cure. Not a magical, fix-all elixir (but wouldn’t that be swell) but a realistic approach to healing. Feeling “good” comes and goes but wellness is about our devotion to tending to whatever is. Wholeness is being strong enough to be with whatever is present, not contorting our emotional life into whatever is the latest feel-good fashion.
Mental health has everything to do with being able to self-soothe. Not to fix but to find self-acceptance. To find meaning. To find a purpose for our pain. Because it has one. It’s individual, it’s personal but it’s there. It educates us, cracks our hearts wide open and can inspire us to travel along a path that can’t promise worldly riches but can promote something much greater – gratitude for the life we are living. Not because it is perfect. Nothing here is. But because it is ours.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.