This week may not start with many significant transits but don’t be fooled. Venus, now retrograde, is sitting on the edge of Virgo about to move back into Leo. Once back in Leo, Venus joins a gaggle of planets all lining up to square Saturn in Scorpio. With so much action occurring in the sign of the Queen, Venus’s return there this Thursday signals go. Or return as the case may be. Just take a look at the cover of this week’s New York Magazine. Venus retrograde reminds us that what is unresolved in relationships has returned to be reckoned with.
On Friday morning at 3:43 AM PST comes a full moon in Aquarius, the Lunar Lammas and a blue moon. Any week that has a full moon in it is bound to be a badass and this one leads us directly into an intense astrological pattern that unfolds from August 3rd-7th (though most of August runs wild astrologically speaking.
Also this week, Saturn in Scorpio stations direct on Saturday (the day that belongs to it). This is one of the key players in this summer’s line up as it will square everything that is transiting Leo, most importantly Jupiter, on Monday, August 3rd.
Full moons magnify feelings. Venus retrograde unearths them. Saturn gives them form and consequence.
Be patient and kind, dear ones. Offer your shoulder up to teary-faced friends. You may need theirs shortly.
I will have a full moon post out on Tuesday, July 28th.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
What you are creating right now, especially with others, has power. It looks like you are in the process of understanding your talents and what they are capable of. Remember that whatever you create is bigger than you and that you are the vessel that brings it into creation, so don’t stress about whether you are the right one for the job or if your talents are enough. If you are being asked to create it, create it. Your ability and willingness to join forces with others and conceive of something will midwife in a project of significance to the world.
Sounds pretty hefty.
It is, so please take your creative efforts, dreams and wishes seriously and work on giving them form. This astrology can also tend to highlight the romantic entanglements that activate your inner saber-toothed tiger. Don’t bite. Just keep investigating the appropriate boundaries you can set in order to soothe the savage beast.
The full moon on Thursday night/Friday morning shines in your eleventh house of friends, good fortune and dance parties. Get out. Get mingling. Get to communicating what you have been cultivating and see who is up for the challenge. There are great opportunities for you to see who is helpful to team up with and who is not. Get to know possible candidates and offer up yourself as a possible collaborator.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
The full moon on Thursday night/Friday morning shines like a beacon of light in your tenth house of career. Whatever you have been working on, especially over the last six months, is highlighted, finished, revealed or illuminated. Folks can see you now. Don’t hide. Don’t worry about what they think of you, or better yet, remember that what they think of you is none of your business. You cannot control how others see you, what they feel about you or what they project onto you. It’s a massive soul-sucking waste of time. All you can do is show up as you are and love yourself through the process while being willing to learn.
Your ruling planet, Venus, is returning back to your fourth house of home, family, roots and understanding what kind of foundation you have built for yourself. Since this area of life will be the main focus of the next couple of weeks, it’s important to give a great deal of energy to it.
Relationship dynamics pertaining to family, housemates or issues from long ago that hold you back, trip you up or threaten to take you down if you don’t address them, will be the focus of these hot summer days and nights. The good news is if you take the time to address them, understand them and work with them your entire life will thank you for it. There is no issue that rests here that does not branch out into every other facet of your life. Pay attention to any childhood nicknames or anything that you were known for and see if it still plays a role in how you identify. This old version of your self may need an update.
This full moon, with its magnifying qualities, shows you how much you have accomplished, how far you have come and how celebrating your success is important. Letting us celebrate you is too.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
The full moon on Thursday night/Friday morning illuminates your ninth house of travel, exploration, education and your general outlook on life. You may be headed out on a vacation that will offer you a much-needed expansive experience. You might be headed out on an expedition that will teach you an extraordinary amount about you and your place in the world. You might be headed for some important dreamtime that illuminates core issues in ways that they have not yet been. You may just be feeling the romance of the open road and other wide-open spaces.
You can definitely have many expansive experiences while staying around your neighborhood too. Running into old flames at the grocery store and internally remarking on how much you’ve healed from that old heartbreak. Having a romance with your city and revisiting the places that help you feel connected and set you free. Taking an interest in what your friends, relatives and neighbors have to say and noticing that you have the ability to enjoy them for who they are and not dwell on their nervous ticks and annoying habits.
If that doesn’t work or is not yet a lived experience, simply imagine that it’s a possibility because that is how much you have healed. Imagine that’s how solid your boundaries are. Imagine that’s how present and grounded you are. Imagine that is how connected to your core you are. Imagine that you have lost the need to be defensive and gained the skill of being in your own skin and then move in that direction.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
With the possibility of some pretty phenomenally lucrative creative endeavors coming your way or occurring as we speak, you also have an opportunity to harness your hustle and pour it into self-expressive containers of your choosing.
None of this happens without the diligent work ethic that you have been cultivating over the past couple of years. None of this continues to grow along useful lines without you maintaining the shape of what you have created. No garden blooms just because we planted seeds in the spring. Whatever reminders you are getting about constant care and a steady application of your amazing self, need to be heeded.
Your financial expansion also hinges on your ability to see worth in your work and to see your creative outlets as your best life-saving floatation devices. If any kind of love affair takes from this equation or feeds the need to devalue your contributions, it should not be fed even one more morsel. It’s OK to push back against any naysayers with a giant, self-affirming yes.
The full moon on Friday morning occurs in your eighth house of shared resources. It’s important to share in a way that both parties feel is fair. It’s important to negotiate what isn’t. It’s important to value the ways in which your partnerships bring in abundance. Show some love to those that help you make it happen.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
There may not be a more revealing, impactful, illustrative week than this one in terms of your intimacy issues, your capacity to heal from past heartbreak and your ability to give and receive love.
I suggest writing Right Now My Heart Is Healing or I Am Not My Issues or Healing Has Its Own Time And I Trust It on your bedroom mirror, on the mirror where you do you make-up, or any other reflect surface. Go out and buy a handheld mirror and change the message daily to fit your mood. Write it in lipstick. Be playful. Be sincere. Be real when talking to yourself. Be with whatever reflections feed your heart the medicine that it needs. Offer healing to your heart in whatever form it asks for.
You are getting down to your core issues. This is a moment to be tender to yourself. This is a moment to take seriously all the information that you receive about how you show up in partnerships and how that relates to core childhood trauma/issues/stories. This is a moment to reach out and tell the ones that you love, that you do. This is also a moment to step back and not take other people’s issues personally.
The full moon on Friday morning blooms in your seventh house of intimate partnerships, highlighting all of the work, the wonder and the wtf that has occurred there lately. Venus retrograde shimmies back into Leo and your first house of identity. Saturn stations direct in your fourth house of foundations, parents and home this week. These are all foundational areas of your chart and your life. The work we do in these areas becomes the container for all else to flow into and out of. These are very energized places in the chart meaning when planets move into these places they make themselves known. Don’t let the heightened emotions of the week blur the deeper truth. Steer clear of being reactive and meditate on what comes up for you.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
Perspective is everything and I suggest that you give yourself permission to step way back. We are talking wide lens, people. The full moon on Friday morning could bring a project or work situation to fruition, but If you are currently on summer vacay it may come in the form of an idea or a realization about how your efforts have culminated. Sometimes a break offers us a much needed, refreshed view of things.
Most of the energy in the sky is hiding in the back rooms of your twelfth house, which is encouraging you to take a break or be a little less tethered to the constraints of scheduled life. There is something akin to a psychic resetting that you are undertaking and you need time to take it. This is an important process to let yourself have before your birthday. Look back at this year, notice what has burnt to ash and what you will be able to recover from the fire. Keep what has had the strength to endure the purification, let the rest, rest.
Try to take less fear, less doubt and less discouragement into your next year. Take what is real, what is within you and what is worthy of carrying forward and know that it is the perfect amount.
You are about to receive a major boost from Jupiter. This will magnify and make more of what you have. Again, take what you want and leave the rest. There is no need to be blowing up what you need to set down.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
The full moon on Friday morning highlights the area of your chart that deals with love affairs, romances and great gobs of creativity. It might be time for you to take that certain someone out on a date. It might be time to take your self out on one too. It’s definitely time to make a little room for pleasure, fun, art and enjoyment. It might mean that a certain issue arises here with a love interest. Remember, Venus is retrograde and wanting you to review how you are in relationships with everyone. Use what comes up as a meditation on how to grow in the areas of intimate exchanges.
Your role in the group or your way of being with others may be going through a significant shift at the moment. Feelings about folks that have been bundled or have felt burdensome may have a way of naturally unraveling but if they don’t, try not to be too concerned with what others think of you or how you fit in. Make a space for yourself (without causing harm to anyone else) amongst your fellows because you have every right to be wherever you end up.
You may be going through a social overhaul or a review. You may be wondering and weeding out who to spend time with and when. My suggestion is to not give up your own pleasures this week. If the group wants to do something you find unappealing or just straight up boring, don’t. I suggest spending your money and your time on what inspires you. It also wouldn’t be a bad idea to save your spends when you can and to use it in ways that are in line with future plans.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
What may be the most skillful way to use your talents this summer, but specifically in the next couple of weeks, is to cultivate the hell out of your Inner Wise One. You may have to take the high road more often than you’d like to. You may have to be the adult to grown ups that act like raging infants. You may have to step back and let drama unfold and refuse to pick up a stitch of it.
The world needs more adults and all eyes are on you to fit the bill.
Relationships that affect your career and your life path become extremely important right now. Showing up as someone who is honest, straightforward, reliable and responsible is too. If there are a lot of career opportunities being reviewed, then give yourself time to explore them. Remember that you don’t have all the information yet. If you can wait to make a decision, wait. Take your time when you can.
The full moon on Friday morning occurs in your fourth house of home, family, parents and your emotional foundations. This might be a good night to lay low. This might be a good time to deal with family issues that need your attention. This might be a good time to curl up on the couch and order take-out while you binge-watch a Netflix series. This is a perfect night to shut out the world and reconnect with the warmth, hearth and heart of your life.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
The full moon on Friday morning inspires you to speak loud and proud. If there was ever a time to be recognized for your communication efforts, this would be it. If there was a time to have your website seen, this would be it. If there was a time to have you words resound, this would be it. Speak about what you most want to be heard saying. Spread a message that you want to be known for creating. Find a way of communicating that illuminates your best qualities.
You may be in a refining process about where you want to go, how you want to get there and whom you want to travel with. You may be reminded of the laws that you wish to uphold, amend and/or adhere to. You may come face to face with old relationships that disrespected your personal laws, pushed your boundaries or had no regard for them.
We have all experienced trauma in one way or another. We all have stored responses that erupt to the things that appear in similar garb as our original wounds. We all have ways in which we cope with scary monsters that threaten to take our lunch money. Your job over the next couple of weeks is to get to know what is a perceived threat and what is a real danger in the distance. It’s about time that you make your dream journey into a reality but it’s important that you know which roads aren’t safe to traverse and which ones are.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
Thursday’s full moon sets off a ripple effect in your chart that calls into question how you are making money and the joint ventures that you are involved in, cultivating or creating in your mind’s eye. You are in a moment of serious growth and/or serious friction when it comes to what you are sharing, who you are collaborating with and what you want out of the deal.
So my question is, what do you feel about said partnerships?
This isn’t likely to be a short, uncomplicated answer and the truth is that it shouldn’t be. The next few weeks will help you clear up and clear out emotional baggage from past partnerships, but it’s a process, not a straightforward question and answer. And it’s an important process to take part in.
You may not be in business with or preparing to go into a creative partnership with anyone but these next few weeks will highlight the aspects of your self that you share with others and what they share with you. It may also highlight what emotional baggage you are good at releasing and what you aren’t. You aren’t a dumping ground. You aren’t responsible for other people’s bad decisions. You aren’t their momma/daddy/caretaker. Unless you are.
There may be a lot to clear here, but there is also an amazing potential to grow with those that have complimentary farming tools and seeds to sprout. The next few weeks will be a steady practice of weeding out the ones that will overtake your terrain and keeping the ones that give you the important bio-diversity you need.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
Your relationships, both professional and intimate, are getting tested in ways that at first may seem difficult, but trust me, whomever sticks around over the next few weeks is worth their weight in gold. Literal and spiritual gold.
How you define yourself in the public sphere in large part dictates who is drawn to you in romantic and business partnerships. If you want to cultivate a love relationship, my main advice to you is to focus on your public/professional life. Not because you need someone to love you for what you have done, but because the more you are able to show up in the world and be in line with what you want to become, the more visible you will be to those that are in line with that cause.
We are meant to find each other, but I can’t meet you if you aren’t at the meeting. I can’t find you if you are too shy to show up. I won’t know about you until you put your self into your work and bring it out into the light, so that me and everyone else can celebrate you, join forces with you, offer you constructive feedback and point you in the right direction.
But you gotta show up. It takes heart, but you’ve got a lot of that.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.
There is an edginess to your week. Like you are perched in-between your feelings and reacting to them. Habits and ways of coping are up for you to witness. Deeper emotions may also surface through the rhythmic motions of your daily chores and motions. Many of us get our best insights into our lives while brushing our teeth or unclogging the drain.
A spiritual life is a deeply mundane one.
Eating your feelings, while completely understandable and often used as a coping mechanism by the writer of this piece, won’t exactly serve you so well right now. Mostly because whatever you do in terms of your health and health regimes will be magnified or made noticeable. It will also come with a consequence or a concrete manifestation.
Dealing with feelings can suck, but dealing with the consequences of not dealing with our feelings sucks more. Let them arise and notice any correlations with what you are doing. Don’t be too caught up in whether you should or should not feel a certain way or if you are justified in doing so. This is not the point. The point is that you are able to listen to what shows up, even if it comes with no fancy song or dance, and trust that there is some truth to it that you need to pay attention to right now.
Join me for Love or Let Go: A Summer Guide to Venus Retrograde. Through video presentations, bi-weekly emails, and a Q&A session over the next six weeks, we’ll explore Venus in our charts, how the retrograde will impact each sign, ways to do ritual with Venus, and the important dates of this cycle to work with.