Weekly Astro Pro Tips:
On Monday, February 9th, Venus the goddess of love and pleasure (still exalted in Pisces/energetically charged with great powers) will conjunct/merge energies with Chiron the wounded healer. These two can work together to flush out old wounds of addiction and denial by getting down to the pain around our original story of separation from the source.
There is a great amount of activity happening in the healing waters of Pisces right now; Venus, Mars, Neptune, Chiron and the asteroids Eros (think Cupid’s arrow) and Psyche are all there with the sun and new moon to follow on February 18th. Pisces symbolizes the primordial waters that we all arose out of and all will go back to (and that we often miss dearly). The pairing of Venus and Mars and of Psyche and Eros are both in near conjunctions in Pisces. Both combinations speak to desire, love, relationship, erotic power and the inevitable awakening that such states are meant to induce. Falling in love often evokes our urge to merge and yet getting lost in another is the surest way to end an affair. If we are to know what love’s medicine is capable of we must let it wake us up into the great adventure of self-actualization.
All in all this is a powerful combination for Singles Awareness Day/ Friendship Day/ Quirkyalone Day … otherwise known as February 14th.
Mercury Stations direct on Wednesday, February 11th at 9:57 am EST. The fleet-footed messenger is still in the intellectually agile air sign, Aquarius. Mercury has been retrograde since January 21st, challenging, inviting and taunting us to understand the inner workings of our mind, meaning, and what we let come out of our mouth. At the time of its station direct it is conjunct a couple of asteroids. The one that stuck out to me was Eos, goddess of the dawn. The days that Mercury stations retrograde or direct can be days that reveal much meaning to us. Mercury’s station also signifies its morning star incarnation and the end of its mythic underworld journey. Couple this with the influence of Eos and it looks like there is more than one reason to wake up.
Other than that it’s a fairly quiet week, but don’t be too fooled by momentary pauses. The deluge of healing that is happening in Pisces is sneakily strong. Not only that but March is gearing up to deliver our next round of eclipses (in Pisces and Libra respectively)and the last Uranus/Pluto square. In other words prepare for the floodgates of spring to be opened.
Respond to all gentle nudges to wake up. Staying asleep until the spring will only lead to a rude awakening come March.
Happy Mercury station!
You might find that a reversal of fortune is upon you this week. What was sour turns sweet-or the other way round. You may have been using this last Mercury retrograde cycle (January 21-February 11th) to reconsider what makes you feel closer, further away, feeling fine and finding fault with all those you might call you supporters.
We often (as in almost always) expect something from the ones that are with us and when our expectations aren’t met we sometimes (as in almost always) feel angered, hurt, betrayed or let down by them. This week offers you a power meditation on how to skip that whole step. When we indulge in our fantasies and expectations of others we cheat everyone involved out of a genuine relationship. I can’t actually be in a relationship with you if I am hoping that you’ll fill the void that I think so-and-so left in my life. You can’t be in an authentic relationship with me if all you do is project your relationship with every other so-and-so that looks just like me onto me.
The only way to really know each other is to be willing to know ourselves, deeply. The only way to have friendships that can be mutual places of growth and healing is to bring our unconscious motivations to the forefront of our consciousness.
By the looks of your chart that type of healing energy is with you this week. By the looks of your chart that kind of resolution is possible for you now. By the looks of your chart that kind of understanding is what you are currently after.
**Join me for my next tele-class Calling Love In: New Moon Intention Setting on February 16th. This class will focus on utilizing the new moon to identify the blockages we have to love and how to navigate through the journey it takes us on. This call will be prerecorded and sent out as a file to listen to at your leisure.
Rethinking the ways that you present yourself to the world are once again the issues that take center stage this week. Take note of how you come across to others. What do you project first? Fear? Fulfillment? Honesty? Truth? Self-possessed priestessness?
See the picture that you are painting and consider how it makes you feel when you gaze upon it. Are the colors bold, vibrant, life–affirming, inspiring and helpful to your overall goals? Are you acting in ways that support the kind of person you wish to grow yourself into?
Try not to doubt fluctuations in your career. Doubting takes away from our ability to problem solve. Let Wednesday and the days surrounding it help you get to the point and once you get to it, let it sink in. From where I am sitting it looks as if you will be given a powerful opportunity to reframe your position and therefore reclaim your ability to successfully self–direct.
Bulls are good at refusing to be bullied but being open to what will grow you up is what we are after here. This week it looks like you have some healing help from friends and supporters that want to love you. Let them. There may also be teachers that wish to guide you. Thank them. There may even be suitors in your social circles. Entertain them. There are a million reasons why we cannot do this life alone and there are even more reasons why we do not heal in a vacuum. Reach out to your allies and suitors. Let yourself be known.
**Join me for my next tele-class Calling Love In: New Moon Intention Setting on February 16th. This class will focus on utilizing the new moon to identify the blockages we have to love and how to navigate through the journey it takes us on. This call will be prerecorded and sent out as a file to listen to at your leisure.
A new dawn is rising. Clouds clear. Hope emerges. Or at least something like the possibility of it. Your ruling planet, Mercury, is stationing direct this Wednesday and it looks perfectly poised to help you gain some mental clarity.
But astrology doesn’t just happen to us. Not in my estimation. Rather we are a part of it, in relationship to it, in perfect partnership with it. Listening intently, replying honestly and offering up our best to each situation that arises is one way we can be engaged with the transits as they occur. The dates and times the planets provide us with are often like gateways we can walk through or refuse altogether (not recommended).
Remembering that Mercury is the fleet-footed messenger of mischief and magic, you can use Wednesday and the surrounding days to get still enough to receive the information imperative to your journey. You are in the midst of your travels, in-between one place and the next. All you need to do at this point is collect the information necessary. It might not be time to know what exactly to do with it.
In these types of liminal spaces it’s helpful to remember that we are under the influence of the journey itself, as well as influencing it. In these places we have the power to affect the outcome by partnering with the process. The less you let your ego drive your life right now the better. Your outer shell is under a significant process of softening and it looks like you are being prepped for a big healing (especially in regards to your romantic and creative affairs). My best advice to you is to fall madly in love with your career. Any and all work that gives you joy and helps you feel connected is well worth extra attention from you. Expect messages from all kinds of weary travelers and wandering weirdos (including yourself). We don’t always get what we need in the packages we think we need it from.
**Join me for my next tele-class Calling Love In: New Moon Intention Setting on February 16th. This class will focus on utilizing the new moon to identify the blockages we have to love and how to navigate through the journey it takes us on. This call will be prerecorded and sent out as a file to listen to at your leisure.
If we could only wake up with the perspective that is granted on our deathbed we might enter each day honestly invested in trying to learn. Knowledge can only lead us so far. Study for the sake of acquiring facts can only inform a part of our lives, not the entirety of our being. What you are after right now is something more than mere names and dates. What you are after right now is an experience that you can share. A journey that you can take others on with you and the study of what connects, heals and transforms the scars of the heart into tattoos of triumph.
Mercury (planet of communication) stations direct on Wednesday which may help to pivot your understanding of what you share with others. When we are connected through partnerships we bear witness to another’s ups and downs. We are on a journey with them, as they are with us. We are affected, we are triggered and we are bound to be moved closer towards our own healing via the union.
What may arise is a new understanding about your own personal journey and how you deal with unresolved fears, anxieties or inheritances. Be open to seeing how you can be a resource for others and how giving what you most want to receive is a way of getting it.
Any loss that occurs, either in your mind or in your outer world should be acknowledged as a great teacher-especially in relation to the entirety of the Mercury retrograde cycle (January 21st-February 11th). Try to focus less on fearing the loss itself and more on witnessing the ways in which you deal with fear. Where you focus your mind has everything to do with how the situation will ultimately unfold in your life.
**Join me for my next tele-class Calling Love In: New Moon Intention Setting on February 16th. This class will focus on utilizing the new moon to identify the blockages we have to love and how to navigate through the journey it takes us on. This call will be prerecorded and sent out as a file to listen to at your leisure.
This week affords you many an opportunity to start anew with others, or at the very least start anew with your way of being with them. Get straight with the ones you hold dear. Don’t hold back when you are trying to get to the bottom of your fears.
Or theirs.
This is a powerful week for honesty. This is a potent week for your own clarity. This is another step in the direction of learning about intimacy and exchange. Rules of engagement are important to adhere to as they have a way of bringing us closer towards our ultimate goals in love (and war). Therefore listen like your life depends on it to all the partners that posses your time. You need the communications with all those that you are closest to, especially if they are serving you honest reflections.
Not all of it is unicorns and rainbows though. What might arise this week is the knowledge that you have people in your life that are too caught in their own pain to have the ability to stand for your well being. Letting ourselves be honest about the motivations of others isn’t negative, it’s necessary. If you can understand who they are and how you relate to them you might be on to something life–saving and ask yourself this: Do you allow another’s contempt for you or your choices to influence your way of acting in the world? Answer that with honesty to be set free.
**Join me for my next tele-class Calling Love In: New Moon Intention Setting on February 16th. This class will focus on utilizing the new moon to identify the blockages we have to love and how to navigate through the journey it takes us on. This call will be prerecorded and sent out as a file to listen to at your leisure.
Big healing requires big humility. And a sturdy container to come from (that’d be a healthy sense of self). Healing demands containment and transparency. When we come up against our own emotional needs, memories, distortions, fantasies, grief and loss we need to be able to both hold space for the tidal wave-like feelings that might be sweeping us up as well as being able to be open up to significant others about our process. Leaky containers drown us down. Faulty finishes finish us and all we are trying to accomplish. Intimacy is a deep process of continual self-renewal and a commitment to personal accountability.
You are all up in that right about now.
Which is why it becomes increasingly important to join with the cosmic forces this week that are helping you to decode the subtle ways in which you might be aligning with the more oppressive forces in your life. Consciousness is everything and understanding what keeps you down is the only way to get out from under the thumb of it. Understanding the ways in which you agree to playing second fiddle (especially at work) and challenging the thought process (internal and externally) that keeps you there is the only way to get on the path to being the star of your show. Outsmart those dumbasses when you can. And then go have some real talk with your best beaux or bae.
**Join me for my next tele-class Calling Love In: New Moon Intention Setting on February 16th. This class will focus on utilizing the new moon to identify the blockages we have to love and how to navigate through the journey it takes us on. This call will be prerecorded and sent out as a file to listen to at your leisure.
Make your move on the muses in your life, especially the ones that you may have overlooked in the past. Make moves towards those that make you feel giddy, free and fortunate. Make eyes at whatever (or whomever) impels you to reach down into your creative genius and pull out a monument to what you love and your reason for living. We all need to be connected to whatever that is. Otherwise we are just waste–producing parasites sucking a beautiful organism dry of all its resources and splendor.
You may have spent the last three weeks redefining what your relationship is to your romantic partners, your children or your creative life. Maybe all three. This week offers you a last little nugget of necessary negotiations to navigate your way through. This is in part due to the planet of communication, Mercury, stationing direct. When Mercury appears to change directions it can be a powerful moment of revelation, renewal and awakening. As if we ourselves have woken from the spell of the retrograde itself. I often find this to be a day of deepening my awareness about what the retrograde was teaching me. I’m struck speechless by what comes.This Mercury station is accompanied by the asteroid named after the goddess of the dawn, Eos. Therefor I am making the prediction that you will experience this kind of mental renewal- a new outlook on your love life, creative energy and relationship to your progeny.
Let everyone in these categories renew their relationship to you if needed. Sometimes what love really needs is a new day to dawn.
**Join me for my next tele-class Calling Love In: New Moon Intention Setting on February 16th. This class will focus on utilizing the new moon to identify the blockages we have to love and how to navigate through the journey it takes us on. This call will be prerecorded and sent out as a file to listen to at your leisure.
If we are lucky in life, we get a chance to know, trust and fully become ourselves as we were meant to be. This requires some excavation, deep digging, dedicated uncovering, and copious amounts of desire to know oneself. It also requires that we have the fortitude to feel the layers of shame, exclusion, repulsion, fear, fury, anguish and resentment that we may have been handed down to us by our people’s people’s people. It also requires us to want to rise to the challenge of accepting the responsibility of carrying forth the brilliance, resilience courage, creativity, and beauty that we may have been handed down to us by our people’s people’s people.
This week is asking you to get radical with your roots. Grasp them. Let no one else define them. Know your hers/his/theirstories. Know why you belong here (which is exactly just because you do). Know that you belong here. Know how this might be distorted by the culture soup you swim in. Know how to get out of environments that don’t help you stay afloat.
Change your mind about what you need to fix in your family. Don’t let assumptions get in the way of your understanding of one another. You aren’t allowed to take someone for granted just because you share blood. No one is allowed to take you for granted just because you share genes or jeans.
There is a new day dawning and it can help you to see your role at home more clearly (especially if you want to). There is a renewal happening deep within you that can reconnect you to your base. You don’t have to remain in the same role that you have always played out. Day is breaking in the darkest, most private part of your life and if you want to see by it, there is a new light of awareness emerging here.
The seeds of our future potential either remain hidden under the rubble of our childhood traumas or are rescued by our current adult incarnation. Save yourself from your past. It’s the only way to access and be sustained by the vast amount of creative and romantic potentials also available to you now.
**Join me for my next tele-class Calling Love In: New Moon Intention Setting on February 16th. This class will focus on utilizing the new moon to identify the blockages we have to love and how to navigate through the journey it takes us on. This call will be prerecorded and sent out as a file to listen to at your leisure.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Rewind. Come again.
Don’t be afraid of a little chaos. You are in the process of reinventing how you do your daily life, how you interact with your communities of neighbors, friends, siblings and all folks that feel close to you because of the routines you keep. Gossips will say what they want. Whispers always swirl around the skirts of the bold whose ears must be closed to their tales and taunts. Keep that skip in your step and don’t change speeds to make someone else comfortable.
You are in a process that is akin to coming out. You are revealing yourself through your words and deeds. This is made easier when you wake up to who you are and what you are capable of. And wake up you must.
There is no time to sleep through your potential.
Coy won’t cut it and the game isn’t waiting for you to decide to play it. It’s on. Get in it. You might have to loosen the shackles of your past to do so. You might have to dissolve the ties that bind you to shame, blame and bad habits but there is no time to pretend that you aren’t in need of separating out from childhood beliefs and family dynamics that keep you immobilized. Especially if you have been lost in fairytale versions of your history. There is no time to pretend about what was, you’ll only be wasting the spacial salves that this moment is trying to bring if you do. Families are usually fraught with complicated contracts, but right now you have the opportunity to reseal the deals you’ve made with your kin so that you can commit to your own inner healing.
Give yourself the time you need in your inner sanctuary to separate out and know what is what. Guard that space like it’s sacred. Because it is.
**Join me for my next tele-class Calling Love In: New Moon Intention Setting on February 16th. This class will focus on utilizing the new moon to identify the blockages we have to love and how to navigate through the journey it takes us on. This call will be prerecorded and sent out as a file to listen to at your leisure.
Typically for beasts like you, things get better as you age. All the rushing and rousing that youth tends to display isn’t as steady and sturdy as the time–honored ways that only age can produce. Wisdom comes through trial and error, but mostly through error. Discomfort tends to teach what isn’t helpful for our unfolding and nudges us towards what is.
A slow, self-restrained, pragmatic approach to life is what goats are famous for. Made to survive scaling the harshest conditions and the most unfriendly mountainous terrain, Capricorns are built to last and know how to. Perhaps misunderstood as a purely practical sign, Capricorns have a deep–seeded faith that is rooted in having the fortitude to do what they say and say what they do. Good lives are filled with simple moments of showing up and taking care of business. Spiritual lives are lived by filling our days with simple acts of honesty and kindness. Lasting empires are built by being true to ourselves and earning our living honestly.
The last three weeks have featured Mercury retrograding through your Second House of financial affairs, how you produce your products and relate to your fiscal future. This week features Ceres, goddess of the grain and Pluto, god of the underworld coming into a conjunction in your sign. These two tell tales of growth, decay and renewal. They signify many things but chief among them are the importance of trusting the cyclical processes of nature and the importance of finding one’s own footing when life appears to go underground.
Slow and steady builds badass bounty. Honoring the ebb and flow of things does too. Remembering what, over a long period of time, will have you feeling proud and productive is your way to #win. So is remembering that to make any kind of real, lasting change we need to look far down the road and not rely on immediate gratification. And remembering all that as you go forward with every financial endeavor will help you scale the mountains that were meant for you, not just the ones that you can.
**Join me for my next tele-class Calling Love In: New Moon Intention Setting on February 16th. This class will focus on utilizing the new moon to identify the blockages we have to love and how to navigate through the journey it takes us on. This call will be prerecorded and sent out as a file to listen to at your leisure.
Most of our power is associated with being able to see ourselves as we really are. You have been in a deeply revelatory process of awakening to your potential during the past 3 weeks thanks to Mercury being retrograde exclusively in your sign. I’m hoping that it has helped you to feel closer to yourself and more aware of your intellect, your capacity to speak honestly and has inspired you to take your words seriously.
This transit has been a gift and a blessing, though it may have felt like a trap or a curse of kinds for some of you. Lies may have been exposed, hopes may have too. A rethinking of your entire way of being is par for the course. Life may not be about doing the right or wrong thing but it is definitely about being authentic or inauthentic to our inner voice.
Keep listening to yours.
Wednesday marks the official close to the retrograde cycle, though Mercury will remain in your sign for another month. During this next stretch of time you’ll be able to put into motion what has been integrating within you. During this time you’ll be able to sort out what your next set of steps is and get to strutting your stuff. In the next stretch of time you’ll be more apt to stretching your abilities and showing us what you’ve got.
This week and next is also calling you to heal some financial affairs and the self-esteem issues that are related to making a living doing what we most desire to do. My advice is to court your most beloved career. Even if it seems like a long shot. Even if you feel it’s out of your league. The energy is with you right now to go for your dreams, but do it in a grounded steadfast manner. Make the most out of any infatuation you might have but don’t spend all your money on a dead-end delusion.
**Join me for my next tele-class Calling Love In: New Moon Intention Setting on February 16th. This class will focus on utilizing the new moon to identify the blockages we have to love and how to navigate through the journey it takes us on. This call will be prerecorded and sent out as a file to listen to at your leisure.
Manifesting a great love requires us to be able to manifest a great self-awareness. Right now you have all the lovers in your sign, Venus (goddess of love), Mars (sex drive), Eros and Psyche (asteroids named after deities from the Greek pantheon whose myth is an epic love story) which signifies a time of great healing in this domain of your life. What many of the myths associated with these planetary energies point to is the importance of developing ourselves before and alongside a relationship. Awakening to the self-renewing powers that romantic love can lend us isn’t an easy journey. It requires fortitude, learning to rely on one’s own natural strengths, and identifying our weaknesses.
Developing ourselves is a life-long practice. This week and next are well spent developing your more pressing creative adventures, though there may not be a simple route to getting there. Giving any creation life is an unpredictable journey. This is part of producing material. Sometimes unleashing a million little movements can help settle us into the flow of the work at hand. Sometimes a little struggle can go a long way. Sometimes floating around in the back rooms of our being is what connects us to creative content.
Right now you don’t have the problem of being separated from your insight or inspiration but you might be sidetracked by a million other motives and/or subterranean signals. Just as there is a flood of vibrant, creative, erotic energy stirring you to consciousness, there is an equally important pull to tend to what is less visible, defined and definite. Try to straddle the need to let yourself drift off into what might appear to be distractions and what is actually productive procrastination.
**Join me for my next tele-class Calling Love In: New Moon Intention Setting on February 16th. This class will focus on utilizing the new moon to identify the blockages we have to love and how to navigate through the journey it takes us on. This call will be prerecorded and sent out as a file to listen to at your leisure.
***SHARING GUIDELINES: Thank you so much for wanting to share these words. All I ask is that if you do please add a link to this page so folks can find their way here too. Quoting me is sweet but sending traffic here is sweeter.