Weekly Astro Pro Tips:
February 2nd marks the cross-quarter day, Imbolc or Candlemas in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s a day that marks the moment that falls in between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. It’s a day that marks the ever growing return of the sun and the warmth to the earth. It’s a day we can celebrate by lighting a candle in every room, honoring the goddess Brigit, remembering the intention that we planted at the Winter Solstice and taking note of how we are progressing with it.
Tuesday illuminates this occasion with a bright, bold and bodacious full moon in Leo. Leo is luminous, a fixed fire sign that is ruled by the sun, seeking fun and heart-warming home runs. Leo loves to make you laugh and does whatever it can to light up the room with its interpretive dances, playful performances and insightful reflections. This moon is conjunct jovial Jupiter and commitment-minded Juno. It’s being activated by a trine from the revolutionary Uranus and one from sturdy Saturn.
The sun will enter an exact opposition to Jupiter on Friday. Jupiter expands whatever it touches. Jupiter may push whatever is hanging on by a thread over the edge. Watch over indulgences of ego. Make fun of yourself. Make being happy more important than being right. Make sure every day contains some play to counter the overly serious condition that maturity can bring.
You horoscopes are affirmation style, feel free to edit and shift when and where you need to. I am so grateful that so many share these words, all I ask is that when you do you also add a link to this page so that other folks can find them too.
More on the full moon soon! Check back Monday evening for a full post.
Aries & Aries Rising Full Moon Affirmation
I commit to any and all creative processes that uplift my soul. I commit myself to the lovers that love me back. I give my inner Serious Sasha pause so that my Playful Pax can get some sunshine on her skin.
I am married to my joy and my birthright to experience it.
There are 100 billion injustices flashing their Cheshire cat grin my way, begging me to be filled to the brim with a bitterness that if let in, will corrupt my natural ability to find my way to any kind of regenerative healing. Therefor I do not let bitterness envelope my soul. I practice enjoying my life whenever it occurs to me. I practice laughing from a relaxed belly. Laughing from my twinkling toes. Laughing from my outstretched heart.
I do not laugh to cover up my pain, I do not laugh to ease another’s discomfort or to take away from their own struggle. I do not laugh to pretend my history away. I laugh sincerely as a practice of self determination. I laugh at the ridiculousness of self-pity. I look in the mirror and laugh in the face of my ego. I poke fun at my attempts to puff myself up beyond mortal status. I give loving side-eye to my self-aggrandizing ways. I dress up my disappointments in the drag of their choice so that I can see how I sometimes set myself up for failure-but no more!
I take responsibility and claim authority over how I see the world and I claim my place in it through being at ease with my own creative self-expression.
Taurus & Taurus Rising Full Moon Affirmation
I am committing to seeing my family members as they are. Not as I wish them to be.
This heals me and sets them free.
I am committed to being me, fully free, in family situations and out of them.
Full grown folks don’t need to wear the costumes handed down to them through the ages. Full grown folks get out their psychological sewing machines and make their own duds out of the family fabrics that they have been given. Full grown folks respect each other’s differences and celebrate such diversity. I see this possibility for myself and each relative that I hold relevant in my life today. I see this possibility but I do not hold my breath for others to awaken to it. I simply give that truth to myself.
Every happiness is available to me when I am open to accepting life on life’s terms. Bearing this in mind I use my home/family life as a playpen of experimental ingenuity, coming up with new ways of relating and finding deeper depths of intimacy to dive into.
I use this full moon to find time to cultivate my inner space, to redecorate my sanctuary, to make space for a creatively healing home and to let my inner child have its way with (some of) the decor. Like any modern day magician I am inspired by the surroundings I create for myself. I am fed by such reflections.
Like any modern day magician I take part in the recreation of my tale by acknowledging my triumphs and working on my mishaps. I see the beauty inside what can sometimes feel like a burden. I celebrate all the ways in which I find and feel at home, here and now.
Gemini & Gemini Rising Full Moon Affirmation
I use Tuesday’s full moon to commit to the words that keep me wise. I commit to my words because like a million little children that I birth everyday, each word I speak bears weight and consequence. I don’t let this make me paranoid, I don’t let this stifle my creativity. In fact it only increases it. Working within the framework of what keeps me keen also keeps me from laying down with lazy.
Bearing in mind that I am still working through a personal reframe of my outlook on life (thank you Mercury retrograde), I take a moment with this full moon to remember that in these times of unlearning, it’s always good to knock on the door of divination. I take out my tarot cards, read my tea leaves and am generally open to remembering my own talent for reading signs. These talents shouldn’t be seen as a distant desire to anyone. Systems of seeing are ways of expressing our humanity and are natural talents to all humans and nothing that is human is alien to me. Plus, I can always check my horoscope (wink, wink) for clues as to how to use my current fortune.
This full moon illuminates the growth that has occurred around the intention I set at winter solstice. Has my commitment wavered? Am I being true to my word? Am I making solid steps towards my intention or just grand gestures full of hot air and puffed up promises? Considering that my career is getting a good kick start from the heavens, I act on the inspirations that I wish to grow the most. I can’t do everything in this moment but I can do a lot by focusing my attention on a couple of my most important motivations.
Cancer & Cancer Rising Full Moon Affirmation
I refocus my intentions on the seeds of success that I planted at the winter solstice. I commit to the tasks that lay in front of me, especially the one that will lead to my financial expansion and resource renewal. Tuesday’s full moon reminds me of the ways in which I might be overspending (time, money and energy) and possibly postponing the perpetuation of my production. I can slow down with the grand gestures by being more mindful of how I engage with my financials. No amount of acquiring things or working for mere recognition can cover up feelings of failure or the fears that I may have about being worthy of what moves through me.
It’s not about whether I am worthy or not. I have what I have for whatever reason, it is really none of my business why. Focusing on it is a distraction from my work at hand. I don’t have the luxury of doubting myself. It’s far too late in the game for that.
My work is getting a boost. My financial life is receiving a boon. My relationship with the raw materials of life needs to be based in mutual respect-I use my talents to create wealth (emotional, spiritual, intellectual chief among them) and because of that I earn my living honestly. And because of that I can hold my head high no matter the wind that blows towards or away from me.
I also focus my attention on what I am learning, on the ways in which I am expanding my understanding of my place in the world, my knowledge of it and my relationship to it. I take time to explore new ways of thinking rather than just letting my mind turn to mush by inundating it with the same old drivel.
Leo & Leo Rising Full Moon Affirmation
KaBOOM is my sound and my action. Tuesday’s full moon is mine and I am hers. I belong to this Imbolc beauty because I AM ARISING. Just like spring. Just like the return of the warmth. Just like the melting ice around my heart I am letting my love flow freely. This action is unstoppable. My unfolding is merely the mark of me following the fluid path that nature has prepared for me.
I am roused.
I am ready to roam. I am wedded to my own recreation of self. I am aroused by creatively blissful beings. I play the F out of each day knowing full well that it’s up to me to unlock the joy that is contained within each 24 hour time capsule. There is no time to waste. Might as well make the most of this moment. I feel the spring’s urgency pulsing through me and I’m not about to let that go unnoticed or uncelebrated.
This moon marks the half way point between the seasonal shifts of the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. This is the time where I see how successful I have been at fertilizing the seeds of my intention. Am I staying true to them? Have I forgotten altogether? Have I lost my roar? Do I need to refresh my rah-rah?
I am also half way through the 12 month transit of the benevolent, expansive, growth-enhancing Jupiter through my sign. Am I still working to consciously expand my sense of self and possibility? Am I losing my focus for fears that are arising in my marriage, intimate relationship or personally meaningful partnerships? Can I stay with myself and keep steadily encouraging my own unfolding?
Yes. I. Can.
Virgo & Virgo Rising Full Moon Affirmation
I commit myself to trusting in all that is unfolding behind closed doors. In no way do I need to be demonstrative at this point in my evolution. So much is being conceived deep within me that I needn’t worry about it’s outward manifestation. Not now. Not while I am in the process of bearing witness to all of my patterns of self undoing and actively reworking them. Not while I am in the process of understudying all the things about my ego that threaten to dismantle my life. Not while I am bearing witness to the ways in which I wish I would receive attention, praise and love and have yet to. Not while I am looking at my part in making sure I stay obscure. Not while I am making plans to break free of these self-destructive paradigms.
The internal work I am doing now is nothing short of life-saving in regards to the trajectory of the next couple of years.
Therefore I will use Tuesday’s full moon to remember the intentions that I set for myself back at the Winter Solstice and I will align myself with them once again. Perhaps quietly. Perhaps secretively. Perhaps without worrying about what anyone else would have to say about it. And definitely with my sincerest intentions and my most formidable efforts.
Libra & Libra Rising Full Moon Affirmation
I commit myself to the social situations that do me good. The friends that have me feeling free enough to act as foolish as I wanna be. The ones that will encourage me to play every role I could possibly play. The ones that wouldn’t have me living in a box but would instead help me bust down its boundaries.
I commit myself to the relationships that serve me by serving them back. I focus on the mutually beneficial beauty in the engagements I get into. There is fortune here. I make my comrades laugh. I am willing to engage in public displays of making fun of self, not to depreciate my value but as medicine to counter possible self-aggrandizing. This is not about me. This is about we.
I am interested in how my friendships and peer relationships are helping to benefit my position in public affairs, my career included. I am interested in how I can help theirs. I am a source of magnanimous good will. I am focused on the abundance of heartfelt healing that is flowing through me making me aware that I have more than enough and because of this state of opulence I give of my attention freely to those that are on a similar path.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising Full Moon Affirmation
I am committed to realigning myself so that I go after what I want. I have no time to be bashful. I have no time for false identities. I have no energy for public displays driven by insecurity. If the last six months have revealed anything to me it’s that it’s time that I expand my public presence and embrace any desires that I have for public recognition.
Not so that I can be another Napoleon however.
So that I might relax enough to enjoy the benefits of bringing my fruits to the fore. So that I don’t let feelings of insignificance win. So that I stand up to the forces inside of me that aren’t always so friendly and say I care not what you say! I only care about the fact that I am a child of the Universe and my only job is to light up the sky, shimmering in my own unique constellation.
This is also a time when I get to see myself as I am. There is no hiding my flaws, there may even be a magnification of them. Like a kid hopped up on too much birthday cake, Tuesday’s full moon could have me spinning like a little whirling wee one.This is a time when I am hyper visible and I will remember that fact as I playfully engage with my potential for success, recognition and the world at large.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising Full Moon Affirmation
I use Tuesday’s full moon to commit myself to my growth. Anyone that tries to convince me that I should not, can not or will not do so needs to be left in the dust that I kick up as I move forward.
I use this full moon/Candlemas/cross quarter day to break on through to the other side. I will trudge past the gatekeepers of my mind by playfully convincing them to let me roam free. I will not be held hostage by fears of my success but I do take time to consider what they may be because they are exactly what I need to address. I make fun of my fears, showing myself that often times they are only my hopes inverted.
I remember that I have faith. I remind myself what I have faith in. I remember that I am not in this alone. I remember what guides me. I remember what gives me life. I remember to play a cosmic game of trust. I lean back into the arms of what governs this wild ride because I. Am. Not. In. Charge. Here.
I am married to my journey. I belong to my life. I am the divine consort to my destiny. I am the beautiful bridegroom of my future and the sublime suitor of serendipity. My life is a marriage of the infinite with the temporal and in that union I shine, shimmer and sparkle.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising Full Moon Affirmation
I take refuge in the mystery that is my healing process. I enjoy not knowing how this will all unfold. I am tickled by my desires to all of a sudden tackle issues that usually scare me silly.
Like my fear of being supported by others.
Like my fear of being dependent on others. Like my fears of merging my assets with another. Like my fear of being indebted to another. I counter these fears by allowing myself the pleasure of receiving the help that is being offered. I counter these fears by remembering that I can’t do this alone so it’s silly if I try. I counter these fears by letting myself be taken care of.
It takes chutzpah to find the fortitude necessary to heal these old wounds. Sometimes it takes a little bravado before I can find my way to brave. Sometimes it takes cultivating the trust of a toddler to counter the cynicism of the more mature citizen. Sometimes my inner bold, brilliant, beautiful, beloved brat deserves a little (a lot of) admiration. It’s good to remember how I have survived so many storms, weathered so many wounds and that I have, in fact, made it this far.
My best thinking got me here. My best thinking got me here and here is the place where I continue to heal my mind. It’s the battlefield of many a war lost. I hereby make the commitment to be happy and in so doing I divorce myself from the need to be right and to do it all alone.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising Full Moon Affirmation
I am lucky in love and I praise that luck by celebrating with all the hearts that hold me best. I am lucky in love and because this is true I give freely of my own supply. I am lucky in love and I create more of it by showing those around me how I wish to be treated. I am lucky in love because I give myself what I need where and when I need it.
I am lucky to be so connected to myself. I am lucky to have been given this opportunity to know who I am, what I am capable of and I am so lucky to get to experience my divinity through loving others. I am reminded of my connection to all of life and although I do not suffer fools I remember that they are suffering themselves.
I commit to the partners that come bearing gifts of common good. I spend time luxuriating in the healing practice of play with them. Passion is paramount during my playtime. Pleasure is too. I worship at the feet of fun and feel only justified in this journey of following my bliss.
At the same time I acknowledge the deep journey of self discovery that I have been on. I take all the gems I have been given with me on my next go round the sun knowing full well that there are still a bevy of boons coming to me through all those that I am in partnership with. And to that I say yes please and thank you kindly.
Pisces & Pisces Rising Full Moon Affirmation
I commit to my unfolding. I commit to the beauty in my life. I commit to all of the wondrous creations that have started to emerge through me. I commit to using my energy for my own healing.
I show up for my dreams. I show up for my needs. I show up for the ride that this new burst of innovative energy wants to take me on. I use this moment to regain my strength by showing up for myself daily.
I am married to what moves each 24-hour period along. I joyfully tend to the work that needs my attention. I use a playful approach to getting through the stacks of paperwork on my desk, the piles of dirty duds in the hamper and the bills that need bailing out because these are the events that make up my life and I refuse to move miserably through it.
Keeping up with the little things helps the bigger ones get birthed. Keeping my word to myself about maintaining healthy habits makes me happy. Keeping on keeping on with all that moves me in the direction of self-motivation is my key to happiness.
I use my energy to motivate myself in the ways I know I need. I take back the authority I may have projected onto others in the past and I actively move towards my own self-mastery.
Keeping the focus on what I can do, in the here and now, reminds me of the only thing I actually have power over: my own life.
**Sharing guidelines: I am so grateful that so many share these words, all I ask is that when you do you also add a link to this page so that other folks can find them too. Thank you!