“If you are silent about your pain they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it.” Zora Neale Hurston
There is a lot happening this week astrologically speaking. Most significantly Sunday night/Monday morning brings us the 6th installment of the Uranus/Pluto square. Here is a break down of our week, may we live it out with love and loud voices.
Monday, December 8th
The sun and Mercury make a superior conjunction in Sagittarius. This marks a time in Mercury’s cycle when it is farthest away from the earth, way out there in space motoring along at high speeds. Mercury will begin to move from being a morning star to an evening one. This conjunction is also called cazimi or in the heart of and the day can be used for energizing (the sun) our thoughts and communications (Mercury) and also for boldly asking for what we want. I suggest looking at it less like sitting on Santa’s knee and more like a thoughtful meditation for insight and awareness. Breath by breath we live this life. Insight by insight we set it ablaze.
Jupiter in Leo stations retrograde. This happens. Like every year. And lasts for 5 months or so. It’s a slow motion transit. It will effect Pisces and Sagittarius the most (see your horoscopes) but overall it might have us reflecting on what philosophies, religions and spiritual beliefs hold water in trying times. Like when we really need them to. Also it might have us asking what beliefs we hold that help us move deeper into a heartfelt (Leo) connection with truth.
Wednesday, December 10th
Venus enters Capricorn. A big deal for the sea-goats of our clan as it ups the chances of having good hair days. Oh, and also Venus will be merging with Pluto and entering the tight wire of the Uranus/Pluto square on December 20th. Get your relationship issues in order now. Put down the power plays. Put therapy sessions on the calendar. Put your heart on the line for transformative love lessons. More on this event soon…
Friday December 12th
Mercury in Sagittarius Trine Jupiter in Leo. Good thoughts and fun, fiery conversations abound. This is a time for foresight, making plans and venturing out into the wild blue yonder of great conversations and roaming around righteous realizations.
Sunday December 14th
Sun in Sagittarius trine Jupiter in Leo. Total awesome sauce. This is a mutual reception, these two love each other, they are fired up and ready for a heart opening love fest. However…
Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces. Also good. Romantic and practical. Sweet and stern. Liquid and leather. But..
Uranus square Pluto. Ah. You. Yes. The whole week leads up to this. Revolution, upheaval, rebellion, mayhem, destruction, devouring, detracting, derailing, decisive and dismantling. But we are already feeling, experiencing and witnessing these effects.
This is the sixth time since 2012 that we have had a square between Uranus and Pluto. There is one more in March of 2015. This is an era defining moment/transit we find ourselves in. The truth has been sufficiently chaffed. The evidence is raw. The injustice has been filmed, the data is in, the bases are loaded but the questions remain:
Where are we headed?
What are we asking for?
What do we want to be changed?
Who’s revolution is it anyway?
“If you are silent about your pain they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it.” Zora Neale Hurston
The Uranus/Pluto square is an age defining astrological event. It speaks to rebellion, upheaval, reform, rebirth and discontent revealed. The Uranus/Pluto square is between you and Capricorn (Uranus is in your sign and Pluto is in theirs). The Uranus Pluto square highlights the relationship between your identity/sense of self/body and your career/life-calling/reputation. The Uranus/Pluto square isn’t concerned with the personal but it is very interested in the moment when we awaken to the fact that the personal is political.
Your personal is political.
What you want to do becomes a chafing point. You aren’t a mild mannered momma at the best of times but this formation agitates the aggressive and aims to make you agreeable only to your ultimate truth. You must break from form in order to find the function that feels like it’s yours. Anything that is false at this point is pointless to uphold. Pointless because it will most likely be ripped from your grip.
Uranus breaks, smashes, reinvents, awakens and makes anew.
It’s an electrifying track you are on right now. Nothing to fear. Nothing to ignore. Nothing to deny and every truth to acknowledge. If you have plans that will completely change your life then that is how the transit is occurring for you. If you are having intense energetic shifts in your physical body then that is how the transit is manifesting for you. If you are having a quarter, mid or later life crisis then that is how the transit is manifesting for you. This has everything to do with what you are or have been known for. This has everything to do with who you thought you were and who it turns out you actually are. This has everything to do with any power structures that you have clung to in your public roles that you know are now crumbling in the clinging.
Hold onto what is permanent. Hold onto your heart. Hold fast to your connection to life. Hold onto what is ever-lasting and-ever deepening: your spiritual connections. And then be willing to let everything else leave if it needs to.
Go where it’s regenerative. Do what you can to compost old thoughts, especially the ones that pertain to what you can’t do, what’s not possible and what isn’t in your sights. It’s time to suspend your disbelief about what isn’t so that you can start to build upon what is.
You aren’t supposed to stay the same.
This is a game of change. This is a game of chance and this is a game of sweeping up and throwing out all the debris of doubt that’s collected in the dust bin of your soul. This is done through keen observation. This is done through thinking critically. This is done through feeling fully. This is done through coming clean. This is done through being willing to be wrong, through being willing to be taught, through being willing to be kind and by believing that you are worth the work it takes to live a life on point and with purpose.
We are taught to be sheep. We are taught to remain afraid. There are men dressed in riot gear awaiting our every battle cry for change, liberation, equality and justice. Will you be scared into submission? Will you rise above the base vibration of fear? Will you refuse to submit your thoughts to an all powerful “protector”? Will you be fooled by the false sense of law & order or will you work to find your own laws, your own order and your own meaning in the midst of all the mayhem?
Remember this: your best riot gear right now consists of being armed to the teeth with a brutally honest and completely fearless outlook on life.
Get your night vision googles on because all your good fortune is coming via your ability to see- through the dark, through the storms, through the upheaval and through the whirl and twirl of the moment. Keep your friends close because there looks to be some unexpected openings and unforeseen gifts that can only come through them. Keep your sights on how you can help and what you can give to the group because thinking for the whole is going to lift you higher right now. There could be ways in which you act like a conduit for information, insight, foresight and 20/20 hindsight, helping others to see their present more clearly.
Get your therapy sessions scheduled because now is the time when you can get some super-sonic psychological dirt dug up. Not everything is meant to be said out in the open. While you are getting energized or uprooted by the upheaval in your community and/or social circles you are more than likely to need a safe place to hash out all the scenarios. Your personal pain needs to be addressed so that it doesn’t act like a poison in communal wells. Take what you can’t figure out on your own to the healers that you trust. Lie down on the couches that welcome you. Confess within the churches that give your soul refuge. Purge like your soul’s well-being depends on it. Throw out the rubbish. Compost the perishing.
It’s the perfect time to settle your debts-you really don’t want to go into the new year feeling like you owe someone something that you could easily have paid off.
It’s a fantastic time to honor your ancestors. Remember the strength that has been passed down to you, release with love what never served you.
It’s a ripe time to do rituals that help you let go in any way, shape or form.
You’re still in the swell of good things coming through those that you are in partnership with so find time for your loved ones and make an effort to show them how much you appreciate their presence.
Relationships. Career. Relationships. Career. Relationships. Career.
Got it? Good.
These are the domains of your life that are highlighted by the next round of the Uranus/Pluto square. What this era-defining transit will mean to your personal life exactly is hard to say, you see these two have been at it since 2012 but each time the square moves into precision it’s like the font that tells your life story moves into bold especially in all things pertaining to your relationships and career.
It’s not bad. It’s not good. It’s just change and your ability to move with it. It’s not about being right. It’s not about being wrong. It’s just about being true to yourself and the circumstances you’ve found yourself in. It’s not about staying or about leaving. It’s about being with the process long enough to heal, learn and get to a deeper relationship with your life.
Everyone that you are in partnerships with and everything that you are trying to do in your career are in your life for your own healing, awakening and renewal. Things aren’t supposed to be staying the same right now-but that doesn’t mean that everything falls apart. In fact this week still boast boons of good for your work schedule and employment so to the best job that you can do.
This dance of what stays and what goes is a delicate balance to be in. The only way to know is to get really honest with yourself about what leads you down rabbit holes of healing and what leads you to dead ends and to stunted growth. Some things have to or need to fall away in these areas but somethings haven’t finished cooking.
Wait until you are clear before making changes and leaping on faith. But once you are clear go forth boldly and never look back.
Through a willingness to reconsider just what loves has to do with it you have the potential this week to realize the core principles that keep you heartened and hopeful.
You have some good gasoline to stoke the fires of your heart chambers, some good confidence in your catwalk, some good sass in your strut and some welcomed appreciation from the babes you wish to catch the attention of.
We are talking star shine and sun sparkle all over town. You sexy thing, you.
But then there is the Uranus/Pluto square (see opening paragraph). It’s asking for you to reinvent your outlook, reinvigorate your beliefs and restructure your paradigms of perfection. It’s demanding that you dig a little deeper so that you might just see the source of wealth that you have to give from while at work (appreciating the job you do can only help you do it better). Changing your mind might change your job. Or a change at work could really help you shift into self-improvement high gear. You owe it to yourself, to your work and to those who benefit from it to do a bang up job.
Your ability to see another future, your ability to see a positive outcome (no matter how far down the line it might come about) and your ability to leave room for what you don’t know are the aptitudes to exercise right now. You know it will take real work. You know it will take raw resources turned into refined fuel. You know it will take blood, sweat and cuss words to turn the turmoil into healing tears, testaments and triumph. You know that you have what it takes.
Let this week’s love lessons loosen the lacing of old thought patterns so that you remember to leave space for broader horizons and a wide open heart.
The Pluto of the Uranus/Pluto square lands right in the sexy pants part of your chart and for the rest of this year (aka the next couple of weeks) these pants are being set ablaze with opportunity to strut their stuff.
But only if you are willing to confront your fears of inadequacy and dramatically change the way you feed your inner artist.
Love yourself. Purge everything in-between you and that love. To hell with what anyone thinks. This is a moment that can drop you into some pretty weird, wonderful and pleasureful plays but only if you are willing to confront the things that stand between you and giving yourself what you want, deserve and have denied yourself.
Be willing and be ready to be shocked by the truths that start to surface this week. What you have inherited might surprise you. What goes on unnoticed in your psyche might find cracks to slip through and those little suckers might surprise you too.
It’s ok though. You are still set up with healing home remedies, good connections at your base and good cooking to nourish your weary bits. Use whatever solace your home life has given you to help yourself confront whatever romantic relationships are opening, whatever creative blocks you are chipping away at and whatever psychological revelations threaten to strut shamelessly in their own sexy pants.
You whole deal is about relating. Your whole schtick is about being in partnership. Your whole thing is about showing up as the peacekeeping sweetie-pants that you truly are.
Uranus is blowing your cover (if you have one) or blowing a little wind up your skirt (if you don’t). This kind of astrology can feel pretty exposing. This astrology can feel quite liberating. This astrology can be quite clearing in the relationship department. It could be an especially profound time to see the correlations between the not-so-sweet family histories and your current relationship dynamics. For some this will be blatant. For others it will be insidiously subtle. No one has to be a “bad” person. Nor do you need to be a “good” one. No one needs to be anything in order for you to be taking on psychic junk that isn’t yours. Due to internal wiring that was rigged long ago you might not even know that you are. Until now.
In other words it’s time to do some deep cleaning in the realms of your personal/parental/familial history and your present time connections. Your home might be in need of a dirt-busting do-over. Your views about your family structure might need an overhaul. Your relationships might need a kick start, reboot and reinvention.
If you can, stay far away from pointing fingers both to those in front of you and to those in your past. Instead, allow whatever this moment brings with it to awaken you, shake you open and ignite your desire to become what your parents/ancestors/family members (bless them) could not, did not, would not or will not be.
It’s a good time to rethink how to say it. It’s a good time to consider how it might sound. It’s a good time to throw out the cold, callous and controlling sentiments. It’s a good time to read about restorative justice and integrate its sensibilities if such a practice is foreign to you. It’s a good time to change the reasons why you say what you say if most of the time it isn’t for peace, healing or the well-being of all involved.
It’s a good time to wonder about how you wander through the world, what your affect is on it and how your are effected by it. What do the images, messages and stories that you hear do to your soul, psyche and somatic systems?
It might be a time when you start to change your routines or continue refining the changes that you have already begun. It’s a good time to disrupt your daily hum-drum with doses of unexpected detours. It’s a good time to reinvigorate your routines so that you feel more awake, alive and invigorated throughout your day.
It’s a good time for all of these things and more because right now you have the ability to make quite an impact. Right now the words you chose to speak create quite a stir and rouse quite a reaction. Right now you can sway the seats in the house to rally for your cause so I urge you to come correct with your closing statements.
Our brain is capable of extraordinary change but it is in large part dependent on our environment and the stress or healing that occurs in it (which is precisely why prisons as they stand today don’t work). Our brain is a miraculously sensitive and impressionable organ. It’s changing all the time. Your astrology strongly suggests that a change in your daily surroundings could and should bring about a powerful shift in the way you see the world and interact with it.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
It’s another week of good gracing you for no other reason than it’s just the time to. Don’t question the gifts your horse brings nor the nature of them. In other words count your blessings and they will count you back. These benefits that befall you might take a minute to work out though. They might not be exactly apparent at the moment. They might not find their way to your door on schedule or on time. This is in part due to the fact that your ruling planet, Jupiter, is stationing retrograde this week.
It signifies a time of reworking your self image. It initiates a time of reviewing how you present yourself and a time of addressing issues about your body, vitality and physical energy. This is a five month trip so it’s far from a short dip in the pool of renewal. This is a longer process that will help you better understand your sense of self and your needs in regards to home, family and connection to your roots. These aren’t simple issues, they require time, effort, energy and awareness in order to get what you can from this transit.
Soon Saturn will be entering your sign and demanding that you come into contact with your authority, your integrity and your sense of duty to all the dreams that wish to flow through you. We are all charged with this task-parenting the precious gifts that we have been given. It’s your time to step up to the plate and parent the pants off of those little beauties.
The Uranus/Pluto Square connects with you on the levels of pressuring you even further to birth the creations that call you. It’s beckoning you to break the mold and get rocking because you are ready to. There is also a heavy emphasis for the rest of the month on your money channels and there is a connection here with them opening up when your creative energy and penchant for visionary feel free to fly.
Open up, step up and set it up.
So, remember all that smack I was talking a couple weeks ago about everything being a little ba-na-nas in December for sea-goats? Well this is the beginning of the fruit salad season.
Enter Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn. For the sixth time.
It sounds about as serious as it is but it’s also not as serious as it sounds because you have already lived through five of these suckers. You will survive this. It might even unlock an up-until-now imprisoned potential. It might move you into the seat of your true power. It might strip away another layer of your false sense of self.
It might just roll through and leave you unscathed and unaffected. Which would be the worst case scenario.
Life is about change. Growth demands that we face uncomfortable truths. Being honest with oneself means giving up on the lies that we have tried to keep alive. Maybe you have done a lot of this work already. This configuration started rattling your cage in 2012 and remains as a process for you until March 2015.
Maybe you have already stripped down to your true suit and are walking through the world unashamed and unafraid of letting others see you. If you are good with how you present, and by that I mean willing to accept yourself as you are for who you are, then this week and the few following it will speed up your growth. You are in the process of becoming, as we all are, but you are in the process of becoming new again and again and again by being willing to die repeatedly to your old identities. Not all signs will get the pleasure of going through this process. Not all signs get to do this kind of deep cleaning. But for some reason you decided it was a good idea to incarnate now in order to get the goods from these gods. So get them.
Burn (very safely) old letters and bury the ashes. Purge all old clothing items that you know you no longer wear. Shred all your old documents that you no longer need. Give away anything from your childhood or any gifts from your parents that remind you of sorrowful times. Be willing to release. Be willing to move. Be willing to be shaken so that old leaves fall off your tree. You need the room for the new sprouts to spring.
While Mars in your sign is urging you forward, rushing you into reasoning, reacting and responding, the Pluto piece of the Uranus/Pluto puzzle is putting itself together in the back rooms of your chart/life/mind.
You’re about to go through a couple straight weeks of uncovering quite a few keys to your locked up and forgotten inner domains. In other words you are in a much deeper process of healing and regeneration the you are of straightforward action and outer world movement.
Not that there isn’t some of that too. It’s just that it shouldn’t be divorced from what you are learning from your therapy sessions, your dream time and your meditations.
There are still quite a few boons coming your way through friends, social circles and acquaintances so be open, gracious and willing to put yourself out there to receive the praise, the help and the guidance. Refuse little, welcome as much as you can and enjoy the fruits of your labor that have ripened.
Acknowledge what you have accomplished. Acknowledge what you have mastered. Acknowledge what you have come to be known for. You are going to need every bit of work that you completed to be proudly placed on your resume. There is nothing wrong with owning what you earned. In fact it’s a slap in the face to all you have struggled with to not, at the very least, claim what is yours. Saying the things that stir controversy and illuminating your genius are part of putting yourself on the map so don’t hold back this week when it’s your turn to speak.
You still have a potent set of magic spells in your pocket. You still have a series of fortunate winds blowing your way to set sail with. You still have every reason to keep going with all things pertaining to your career, your long-term goals and your plans for realizing your brilliance out there on the grand stage of life. Some of this will need to be reviewed come the next couple of months however. Some of this will be under a deeper scrutiny. Some of this will be worth the time spent understanding just where and when and how to go about it.
Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is stationing retrograde this week. Jupiter rules both your sense of self, identity and physical vitality as well as your place in the world, your career and your life-long ambitions. When Jupiter turns the other way (which it will do for the next five months) there is a less than straightforward motion considering the areas of life that it rules. Not only that but Saturn is about to roll right into the same territory in terms of your ambitions and worldly work. It’s certainly time to make plans, show up, roll sleeves and get set to get dirty. Work means business and yours is about to get a big boost if you are willing to walk into it with no reservations and no excuses.
Grow up by showing up.
The Uranus/Pluto square connects your ability to innovate your income and your willingness to mine your friendly connections for sources of mutual wealth and well-being. You may need to ask for help. You may need to smooth out issues that have been left unkept in recent months with others. You may need to do some healing with the wounded hearts in your camp-if you have it to give, give it because it will go far. Most of the change that will be occurring and that wants to find it’s way through you is change on a very practical level. How you make ends meet, how you greet the day and how you get the job done all get an overhaul right now. Don’t be afraid of recognition, compensation or rescheduling things so the whole boat gets to float.