The sun will ingress into Capricorn on Sunday, December 21st at 6:03 EST. The new moon in Capricorn will follow at 8:36 pm EST. On the way there Venus will conjunct Pluto and square Uranus. If you’d like to know what all that means for you please read your horoscope below and consider joining me for my Winter Solstice/New Moon Intention Setting Tele-Class on Sunday December 21st. I will also have a blog post up mid-week about the new moon and solstice so please check back for that update.
In the meantime, the week ahead is about letting go as the light of the moon wanes in preparation for both the new moon/new light and the return of the sun’s light (here in the Northern Hemisphere). The dark days are good ones as they draw us deeper within and closer to those that are near.
Let us be enraged about injustice, but let us not be destroyed by it – Bayard Rustin
Reviewing you relationship to power, to prominence and to how you might perpetuate dominance is apt to be high on the agenda right now. Noticing how you take up space, take down the competition and team up with those in power and in charge are also things to keep in your view.
This Sunday’s new moon in Capricorn and Winter Solstice is a powerful kickstart to your career, your life calling and your current plans for the year ahead. Make them. Create them. Envision and manifest them. This is no time to get lulled by holiday parties or to get sidetracked by the agendas of others. It’s time to stick to the practice of bringing yourself more fully into the world by following your instincts and backing them up with decisive yet thoughtfully constructed plans.
Capricorn is a steadfast, practical and utilitarian energy. It’s anything but lazy. It’s anything but distracted. It’s anything but unreliable. This doesn’t mean that you magically become that. It means that this can be a time that is full of magic if you are willing to show up like that. Like all in like that. I know it’s the season for most everyone to get their holly on but I would be remiss if I didn’t urge you to dust off your high-aiming hero(ine) and get to work.
Consider joining me for an online community gathering to celebrate with a Winter Solstice/New Moon Intention Setting Tele-Class on Sunday December 21st.
I do not deal in happiness. I deal in meaning – Richard Wright
When the light rushes in, let it. When the truth rushes in, get it. When the wisdom that you have been wishing for offers up its miracles, rejoice with it. When the tickets arrive in the mail, take the trip. When far off places call your name, answer in full. When the inkling to set out onto a new journey wells up inside of you, stand up, strap on your boots and take a hike.
You only live once and this week will pass you by if you let it.
This week isn’t without its harder lessons though. This week isn’t without its doses of deeper dirt-digging when it comes to love lessons and the meaning that they hold. You know as well as anyone else that to get to the nectar of the fruit one needs to be willing to crack the harder shell.
(That’d be your ego).
Lay yourself before all that holds meaning for you. Lay yourself before the light of the flame that you tend to. Lay yourself before those that are able to be with you during your process of self-awareness and soul-seeking. This is astrology that can bring you into the heart of what holds meaning for you. Visit rallies, temples, sacred spots and wailing shrines. Go were you get humble. Go where you feel a greater love. Go where you can get some good vibrations and then bring that awareness to your lovers, partners and dates.
We teach what we most need to learn. Listen to what you are sharing and see if it applies to you too.
Consider joining me for an online community gathering to celebrate with a Winter Solstice/New Moon Intention Setting Tele-Class on Sunday December 21st.
Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people – Carl Jung
Given the fact that so much is happening in a domain of your chart that has to do with allowing the natural process of death to occur, you will be well-served to allow this Winter Solstice/new moon event to carry away anything that you need to be unburdened by. Sometimes the best start that we can make is to let things end.
Especially if that is a relationship or a dynamic in your romantic relationships. Especially if it’s around fear, control, obsession, rage, possession and feelings that you wish you didn’t feel. It’s important to address the parts of yourself that want the outcome as you want it and not as it wants to be. It’s healthy to wonder/ponder/probe into the components of self that would like to be right, ruling and righteous in the situation. It’s good to purge old propaganda about what others owe you, what you owe them or what your role is in this dynamic. So often what we end up doing is setting folks up, quite unfairly, to act out our worst nightmare. It’s not because we consciously want to. It’s not because we mean harm. It’s simply due to inertia, inheritance and an inescapable trick of our spiritual/emotional evolution that we must replay the scenario until we are conscious that we are doing so.
And then we can decide differently.
Be willing to give up control and employ the wisdom that if you set something free and it never comes back then you were probably under the illusion that you had it in the first place. Don’t be afraid to strip the situation down to its skivvies so you can see it and respect it for what it is. Consciousness is key here and knowing your own unsavory behaviors will help you better see another’s and deal with it deftly.
Consider joining me for an online community gathering to celebrate with a Winter Solstice/New Moon Intention Setting Tele-Class on Sunday December 21st.
When you light a candle, you also cast a shadow – Ursula K. Le Guin
Every problem that we have can be boiled down to our lack of understanding about how to care, love and be intimate with ourselves and each other. If this was of paramount importance our lives would be radically transformed. If intimacy with the moment at hand held prominence over power, greed and control, our entire world would change on a dime. Our true power can only be connected to through our willingness to connect to it.
Who’s with you now, how are you connecting to them/they connecting to you and what is the response that is evoked?
The candle that is lit and the light that casts a shadow in your life right now is in the domain of the duo, but all life is relationship. Everyone, every experience, every moment is your partner. And it’s in those exchanges that we get to see, witness and experience ourselves as worthy of such a tender touch or worthy of more than a lazy attempt to connect with us.
It’s impossible to understand how to be close to another without at first or at the same time understanding what is in the way of such a connection. It’s impossible to get to a related experience of living without being absolutely willing to risk being seen, seeing ourselves and revealing all that we are.
Take the moment of this new moon, the solstice and all the action that is occurring in your Seventh House of intimate connections to understand a little more about yourself in this area. Plant seeds of connectivity. Nourish the soil so they can take root. Remember that the nature of every conflict reveals to you more of what gets in-between you and your healing. Use any turmoil with another to turn over a new leaf of self-love and self-acceptance.
Consider joining me for an online community gathering to celebrate with a Winter Solstice/New Moon Intention Setting Tele-Class on Sunday December 21st.
Our labor is designed to maintain the values of our economy . . . Not human values but the values of the system that rules us – Walter Mosley
With Mars still motoring through your Seventh House of one-to-ones you can bet the lessons of conflict without much resolution abound but so do passionate embraces and full-fledged, fiery feelings. Team up with those that are going your way so that you can grow together and push projects forward-especially the ones that take a village to raise.
You can also be sure that whatever your work, life and/or health issues are bringing up is more than worth your undivided attention. Save the relationship drama for another time because this week means business. Your life and all the missions that are yours to master need your undivided attention as this Sunday’s new moon and Winter Eclipse would rather that you get some work worked on than your temper rising over romantic ridiculousness. Make plans, seek council and find your way to the drawing board as much as you possibly can so that you are able to map out the course of your next steps.
Same goes for your health. If there is some part of the body that is demanding your attention, give it. If there is some part of your schedule that needs rearranging, move the pieces about. Many potential and down-the-road problems can be averted by reorganizing your priorities and putting your health concerns front and center. You need a good vehicle to get around in, the revolution isn’t fought when our bellies are full but it’s also much harder to win when we are asleep on our feet.
Consider joining me for an online community gathering to celebrate with a Winter Solstice/New Moon Intention Setting Tele-Class on Sunday December 21st.
The urge to create is essential, the same as the urge to live – Jessica Hagedorn
For all of us this week holds a central theme: a lack of love and intimacy are at the root of many of our personal, political and social ills and until we heal our internal issues in this domain, the external ones will just keep rolling in like waves to the shore.
Obsessing over what people do or do not do impedes our ability to address the root of our own intimacy issues. Instead of putting all your attention on another, which is all too easy to do with this weeks astrology, focus on what issues others are bringing up in your life so that healing can occur via your self-awareness. If you’re lonely, be lonely. If you are tired, be tired. If you feel abandoned, feel abandoned. Be a good friend, mate, and companion to yourself. Follow your feelings until you get to the original wound and it will most likely start to unravel itself.
Unravelling of feelings is aided greatly by creative self expression. When I look at your chart it’s full to the brim with pregnant possibilities. There is a very tangible, substantive practical magic – just how a Capricorn new moon and Winter Solstice would have it. So the question is, what are you cooking up? How are your art practices perpetuating the process of your healing? Is it helping you get to, address and release feelings of rage, despair and doubt? Are you allowing yourself to move past pretty? Are you searching for sanity by means of remembering your whole story and allowing yourself to exist outside the lines? Are you helping yourself through the hoops of hopelessness through linking up to those who do not fear the real?
Consider joining me for an online community gathering to celebrate with a Winter Solstice/New Moon Intention Setting Tele-Class on Sunday December 21st.

Yes, Mother . . . I can see you are flawed. You have not hidden it. That is
your greatest gift to me – Alice Walker
There’s nothing to hide here. There’s no reason to. Feel into your flaws, see them in all their her/historical glory. See what you are made of, what you were birthed from and what you have tried to hide.
Trust what you know.
Trust the flaws. Trust your gut. Trust the scratchy, shaky new beginnings of relating more honestly with your inner world. Nothing is supposed to be perfect here. Everything is broken to begin with. All you’ve got is your desire to make the most from the pieces you possess. When the outer world tries to obliterate, condemn or dismiss your right to exist as you are, the only place to go is in to make damn sure that you aren’t denying yourself your own right to exist.
Stand by you.
Acknowledge each time you refuse to leave yourself high and dry. Encourage your own practice of patiently waiting for signals and clues as to what to do next. Make a conscious decision to move into your inner sanctuary and your outer one. Make your home a temple to rest, recover and rejuvenate in. The world is a heated and haunted house. Spend the energy that Sunday’s new moon/Winter Solstice is giving you on creating as much family fantastic in and admits all of the fundamental flaws of this world.
Consider joining me for an online community gathering to celebrate with a Winter Solstice/New Moon Intention Setting Tele-Class on Sunday December 21st.
There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you – Zora Neale Hurston
How we frame our stories, how we tell our stories and how we allow our stories to enter the fold of our collective tale can be a wildly healing, completely traumatizing or a total cataclysmic event. Sometimes it alternates between all and more of these possibilities. Framing, reframing and redefining how our lives are accounted for is a process, a dialogue and a necessary part of our growth.
We must be our own biographers, co-writers with the universe and co-creators with our community members.
How you communicate, what you communicate and if you choose to communicate is your business, but it feels like big business right now. It feels like what words you chose and what feelings are behind them carry a greater impact than you might have originally implied. Therefore, as I have been cautioning you to do over the past few weeks, keep being considerate with what you say and how you say it. Not to play nice. Not to placate. Not to pretend. But to practice bringing consciousness to what you are creating through your communications.
There are bound to be transformative dialogues that demand to be had but there could also be dogmatic, divisive little diddi’s that try to derail you, don’t let them. Stay on the track of your healing not on the track of hero-ing. You mind is more likely to stay hyper focused and intent on remaining obsessed right now so back it up when and where you can. Get perspective. Get reflective. Get a grip.
Consider joining me for an online community gathering to celebrate with a Winter Solstice/New Moon Intention Setting Tele-Class on Sunday December 21st.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
You cannot belong to anyone else until you belong to yourself – Pearl Bailey
As Saturn, the planet of Responsibility, Reliability and Restraint, teeters on the brink of your sign, most likely having the weight of the moment not at all lost on you, a host of energies bubble, boil and want you to toil away at your finances and ways of making said income.
Sunday’s new moon and Winter Solstice reinforce these themes and your material life will be very grateful if you use the rest of 2014 to sort out what comes from where and what you can do to make the most of it. This is one of those moments and most likely one of those seasons to be conscious of what and where we do business. Our dollars have more dignity when they go to supporting the places that support us back. What are you buying in to?
This new moon carries extra significance for you because of the fact that it is ruled by Saturn who’s on your doorstep, has rung the bell and is about to storm the house if you don’t let her in. You are in for a three year lecture from me about how to grow up (promise that I’ll switch it up though). You are in for a three year pep talk about working on your boundaries. You are in for a three year rant (albeit poetic) from me about the importance of committing to yourself and all the things that you wish to manifest in this life. Because wishes aren’t enough to birth a thing. Only real, raw contractions can bring a baby forth. Some of this might feel restrictive but I’m going to keep reminding you that it’s par for the course of being birthed.
Consider joining me for an online community gathering to celebrate with a Winter Solstice/New Moon Intention Setting Tele-Class on Sunday December 21st.
We are what we imagine. Our very existence consists in our imagination
of ourselves. The greatest tragedy that can befall us is to go unimagined —N. Scott Momaday
The seal is breaking, the light is reemerging and the regenerative powers of the long nights have prepared you for this renewal. Take the time before the birthday songs are sung to reconsider some aspect of your identity that may be in need of a transformation, release or reconstruction in some way. Take a moment to consider the relationships that have left this year, the ones that marked you both with signs of success and signatures of sorrow. Take the week to walk yourself through the past year, take note of what you have learned and what you have unlearned.
Your resources are outstanding right now. Your access to your own agency is at an all-time high. Your ability to get to the well of your own super-powers is potent. Your penchant to obsess, possess and pummel others is also unmistakably present. Pay attention to how you utilize, wield and walk through the world with the authority that you have been working so diligently to cultivate. Is it bringing you an experience of intimate connection or carving a cavern between you and others?
Sunday’s new moon is your birthday present from the universe. It’s the opening and releasing of your Capricorn energy for the year. Mark it. Make it. Move towards it. Open to it and let the light that reemerges from here on out (for those of us in the Northern hemisphere) recharge your soul and reorder what is important. What are your top three non-negotiable demands (ie. this year I will only entertain relationships that . . .) for this year especially as they pertain to intimacy, career and creativity? Make the list and check in with it every new moon to make sure that you are actively imagining and working towards a life you love to live in.
Consider joining me for an online community gathering to celebrate with a Winter Solstice/New Moon Intention Setting Tele-Class on Sunday December 21st.
It is only by closing the ears of the soul, or by listening too intently to the clamors of the senses, that we become oblivious of their utterances
– Alexander Crummell
Unbeknownst to the rest of the world you are in the process of a great releasing. Either that or you are (or are wanting to be) holed up and working way at your future plans, to be revealed sometime around your birthday. This is an entirely appropriate and important task for you to give yourself to. What dreams may come won’t come unless we let them by making space, taking time and welcoming them in. Precisely the reason that I am advocating for you to take some serious time this weekend to consider resting, renewing and recommitting to your need for a space to abandon yourself to the rhythms that call you.
Take some time off.
Or at least give yourself a timeout. With Mars in your sign for the remainder of the year plus some it’s not like you won’t still work on what you can, but it’s high-time you closed up shop in whatever ways you can so that you have the chance to get back to listening to you. A lot has gone down this year. A lot of hours were logged and many things were checked off the list. You now have the opportunity to spend the month before your birthday a little quieter internally making sure that you are tuned into the music your soul wishes to close this year with and what notes it would like to start the next one on.
Consider joining me for an online community gathering to celebrate with a Winter Solstice/New Moon Intention Setting Tele-Class on Sunday December 21st.
If you escape from people too often, you wind up escaping from yourself —Marvin Gaye
There are too many lessons via your friends and allies right now to stay at home. It’s worth your spiritual growth to get out to as many social events as you feel drawn to going to. Don’t be a scrooge with your affections. Don’t hole up in your house. The world is a wild and wondrous cauldron of confusion right now and for reasons unbeknownst to you, it’s time to get out there.
Because there’s luck when we mix it up, or a better chance of that fine Lady Luck finding us.
Or you finding her. A part of you putting yourself out there is you actually putting yourself on the line in some way. It’s not good to constantly let yourself off the hook. It’s not always helpful to have an out. Sometimes it’s not in your best interest to swim away with the fairies.
Sunday’s Winter Solstice and Capricorn new moon enlighten the domain of your chart that deals with those in our life that are on our side and those that are worth the effort to show up for. Take a moment this new moon to consider what might you like to begin in this arena of life. Do you feel connected to those that surround you? Do you have folks in your life that you can turn to to lean on and to bump up against? It’s important to feel loved from those we share space with but it’s also important to know that the relationships are strong enough to withstand challenges, learning curves and bumpy stretches. Give to your friendships what you would like from them.
Consider joining me for an online community gathering to celebrate with a Winter Solstice/New Moon Intention Setting Tele-Class on Sunday December 21st.