The way the astrology rolls out in the coming week, from March 16th-20th, is not only fascinating but extremely unique. There are three major events occurring and each have a major impact on our lives; the last Uranus/Pluto Square on Tuesday March 16th, a solar eclipse in Pisces and the Spring Equinox happening within thirteen hours of each other on Friday March 20th. If you’d like to celebrate this new moon and change in season, invite some friends over, make some food and gather round to listen and participate in the Solar Eclipse of the Equinox Intention Setting Tele-Class where we will harness this unique astrology and make the most out of the burgeoning spring energy.
I am dedicating this piece exclusively to some of the significations of the Uranus/Pluto square cycle and will post separately about the special combination of a solar eclipse and the Spring Equinox. Just keep in the back of your mind that those two big events come on the heels of this one.
Ok. So here we go. The last Uranus/Pluto square.
On March 16th the very last waxing square between Uranus and Pluto will occur. These are two slower moving outer planets that take their sweet time to line up to an exact aspect and will tend to move in and out of that configuration (via retrograde cycles) for a couple of years.
The effects of such an occurrence are lasting and shape our consciousness in undeniably significant ways.
This waxing Uranus/Pluto square is the off spring of the Uranus/Pluto conjunction that occurred between October 1965 and June 1966.
If we look to that time historically it is linked to great upheaval and social awakening. The events that occurred at and around this time fundamentally changed how we viewed ourselves, each other, equality, war and peace. Especially in America.
Malcolm X was assassinated. Martin Luther King led a civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery and, because of what would come to be known as Bloody Sunday, The Voting Rights Act, guaranteeing African Americans the right to vote became law. The Watts Riots, the formation of the Black Panthers, public opposition to America’s involvement in the Vietnam war from leaders such as Martin Luther King and Muhammad Ali and mostly peaceful protests against the war in Vietnam flooded the streets of America.
Entire books have been written on each event. Whole college courses are taught on them. The effects of these events and their reverberations are wide, varied and too great to ever quantify.
Those years and the events that occurred within them were the seed moments for this current Uranus/Pluto square, a formation that has been active since 2012.
It is little wonder then that the Black Lives Matter movement has erupted so successfully and so powerfully. It is quite literally one of the evolutionary children of this astrological signature. The signature of a waxing square is to decide, act and build.
It’s no astrological coincidence that the film Selma had its debut this year and that the title song sung by John Legend and Common would link that event to the major events that took place in Ferguson earlier this year.
It is white America’s greatest tragedy, our greatest wound, our greatest failure as a collective of people that we have let this cycle continue and repeat itself so succinctly and it is a great shame that I’ll most likely have to defend that statement.
There are many more connections to be made between that time and this one, especially in regards to feminism, the LGBTQ movements, the uses of technology, surveillance, environmental degradation and many other global fights for freedom. Many seeds were planted at that time that have now broken ground and established their direction in very definitive and influential ways.
On a personal level this combination of energies is asking us to awaken to the injustices that occur both externally and internally. Both on the streets and in the sheets. Both systemically and chaotically. This is a time of the radical individual joining forces with other radical individuals and taking our lives back from the corporate greed machines that are dividing us to conquer all the capitol. These have been years of societal unrest from Tahir Square to Wall Street, from Palestine to Ferguson.
The more personal responsibility that we take, the more locally we act, and the more globally we think, the more connected we actually are.
And then it’s good to scale out for a moment and consider that our little moment of history, no matter how significant it is, is merely a tiny moment in a gigantic cycle. One of many, many, many cycles.
This is the first square of an entire cycle which won’t come to a close until 2104 when Uranus and Pluto come back together, next time in Taurus. There will be other moments of distinction in the cycle though, namely the opposition in 2046-48 and the last waning square in 2073-74. But for now we have enough on our plate.
To have this leg of the journey come to a close is not an end in and of itself but merely a time of tumult and of taking definitive action. In the coming years the events that have unfolded from 2012-2015 will act as points of meditation and reflection so that we might gain greater clarity about what we aspire to be moving in the direction of.
For more information on the qualities of the planets and the signs that they are in read the second half of this post.