*Please note that I only write about the major aspects of the week
Tuesday, September 8th
Mars in Leo trine Uranus (retrograde) in Aries
This is an exciting, invigorating little ditty. It may give you an extra lunch of unexpected courage to compete with. It may give you a desire to move beyond catty competition and into the kind of competition that we can only have against ourselves and personal best. Or it might just give you the permission to dance vigorously to the beat of whatever drum strikes your fancy.
Wednesday, September 9th
Mercury in Libra square Pluto (retrograde) in Capricorn
Trying to win a conversation won’t give you any satisfaction here. Trying to get to the reason why you are having the conversation that you are, will. Being willing to listen to what is really being said, being willing to respond authentically to what is really being asked of you and being honest in your response can be, especially under these conditions, wildly satisfying.
Saturday, September 12th
Sun in Virgo opposite Chiron (retrograde) in Pisces
Later today the sun will be eclipsed. The light will be obscured. We will search our soul for meaning and search our instagram feed for fresh images of it. Today Chiron (the wounded healer) looks the sun (the ego) dead in the eye and says, “Beyond your shiny exterior, beyond your flaming fabulousness and beyond your obvious super power, who are you really? Are you willing to embrace the parts of yourself that society tells you to disown? Are you willing to see your wounds as potent energy centers that are both destructive and productive, both your demon and your daemon, both your gift and your curse?
New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse at 20 degrees of Virgo (11:41 PM PDT is the new moon and 11:54 PM PDT is the partial solar eclipse)
For a full break down of this cosmic occurrence please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. In this presentation, I will outline the significance of the upcoming eclipses, the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Libra, Saturn’s ingress into Sagittarius for the next 2+ years, the Fall Equinox, as well as detailing the other impactful and important themes and days of the cycle and how to work with them.
There will also be a post on the solar eclipse in Virgo out by Monday, September 7th. Please check back for that.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know your rising sign, please read it. If you don’t, read your sun sign. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both. I personally think it’s more important to follow your rising sign than your sun sign, but you know what’s best for you. Take what works for you, leave the rest. There is no right way to do this, it’s all just a friendly suggestion. If you find inspiration here and you want to share it you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for sharing the work, it means so much!
Doing everything yourself is addictive. Working on overdrive can be delicious. Burning all kinds of ends of the candle is a straight-up rush. Ambition feeds on the need to succeed. Big mega-watt stars are shiny-fantastic but all that action doesn’t leave much room for deep magic.
Sometimes we need a little support.
I’m not talking about a crutch. I’m not talking about lazy days spent wasting away. I’m not talking about slacking or distracting yourself with the unnecessary. But I am suggesting that there are elements of your life that need more than what you are able to give them.
We all need help to keep the ship steady and streamlined.
We all work better when the details that aren’t our strong suit are taken care of for us. Trade. Hire people. Work-share. Find solutions to the chores you have that have you running around wasting energy you don’t have to give them. Your health won’t be as happy if you haven’t got the support. Your work won’t be as prosperous if you are stuck doing every last detail. You might miss the opportunities you should take up because you’ll be too spent to see them for what they are.
And there are opportunities. Especially as they pertain to your work life, employment situation and general opportunities to consider how you need to grow your daily duties and which ones you need to, at this point, pair back on.
Make room for more magic.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. In this presentation, I will outline the significance of the upcoming eclipses, the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Libra, Saturn’s ingress into Sagittarius for the next 2+ years, the Fall Equinox, as well as detailing the other impactful and important themes and days of the cycle and how to work with them.
This weekend’s solar eclipse initiates you into a time when your own personal creative energy is emerging in ways you cannot and should not control. Eclipses tend to bring people, opportunities and situations abruptly into, and out of, our lives. You are being asked to thoughtfully, considerably and consciously be a part of this process.
Don’t say yes just because you can but also try not to throw the babe out with the bathwater.
Some loves are meant to last and some are just here to remind us of the past. And that is over, so keep it moving if you stumble upon a dynamic that isn’t dynamo. You don’t want to be using this creative concoction on some stand-in when you could be using the energy of the eclipse to move mountains.
And now that your Big Boss, Venus, has stationed direct you are in many ways more free to wander, roam and make love your home. Just remember that any negotiations in relationship have got to be one-hundred percent honest and on board with what you believe in. Energy is coming into your life or being activated within you that inspires you to make a more rigorous effort in your artistic life, in your children’s life, in your creative projects and in all of your love affairs and long-term relationships. Remember that this eclipse might bring in a new project or love but it might also end one. Trust what you reap.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. In this presentation, I will outline the significance of the upcoming eclipses, the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Libra, Saturn’s ingress into Sagittarius for the next 2+ years, the Fall Equinox, as well as detailing the other impactful and important themes and days of the cycle and how to work with them.
It’s one of those weeks. One of those weeks that will inundate you with information on your inner life in all its complications and all its clarity. One of those weeks that will supply you with enough psychological gris for the therapy mill for months to come. One of those weeks that can illuminate the kind of foundational flaws that, when worked with, will have you rock steady and ready.
There are new ways to grow the base of your life, but if the renovations are done in haste, all this expansion will go to waste. This week’s eclipse is signaling a time of inner excavations done in detail. It may be supportive to look to your relationships with your parents. What are the issues that you are currently working on in your relationships with them. Remember our folks don’t have to be alive, in contact with us or even known to us for us to be working out our issues with them.
The relationships that we have with the ones who birthed us, brought us in, cared for us, carried us, dropped us, depleted us or devalued us are some of the most important stories to get straight within the context of our overall story. If we weren’t loved as we needed to be or as we need to be that is not a reflection on us. That is just the reality of the situation. It’s not even a judgment about anyone else. The facts are the facts and the foundations of your life would be well served if you got clear on how you felt about the facts. Besides, once we are honest about a situation we have a much greater capacity for nuance, paradox and complex relationship patterns.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. In this presentation, I will outline the significance of the upcoming eclipses, the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Libra, Saturn’s ingress into Sagittarius for the next 2+ years, the Fall Equinox, as well as detailing the other impactful and important themes and days of the cycle and how to work with them.
I’m not exactly sure how you’ll get it all out. All on the page. All in a text. All in your instagram hashtags. You’ve got messages for days and every day that goes by goes a little faster.
There may be a lump in your throat, a tale that you need to tell, a song that must be sung and a truth that can no longer be held back. Saturday’s eclipse is sure to loosen the lid on whatever it is you’ve tried to keep to yourself. Try not to hold back your best. Try to remember that the more you give it, the more comes. Try to think of your truth (as you know it thus far) as just the tip of the iceberg as it pertains to your entirety. There is so much more to you than you’ve let yourself know. Sharing some of it with us opens you up to understanding greater depths of yourself and can show you the staggering heights you can soar to.
But you’ll need to make some noise in order to get a glimpse of it all. You’ll have to risk removing the protections that you might tuck into. You might have to allow your sensitivities to serve your greater strength instead of letting them take you down to your weakest link.
Make sure that you commit to the self-expressions that corral your courage and get you to take a step towards what you want to be communicating in the world.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. In this presentation, I will outline the significance of the upcoming eclipses, the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Libra, Saturn’s ingress into Sagittarius for the next 2+ years, the Fall Equinox, as well as detailing the other impactful and important themes and days of the cycle and how to work with them.
It’s all about the map. It’s all about the plan. It’s all about the fact that while this may not be the best month to see the financial results, it’s a fantastic time to do all of the studying, learning and compiling of data that you need in order to set yourself up to gain in the long run.
How does your money work and how can it work for you? What are the facts and figures of your financial situation? Are there folks that are already successful at what you wish to do that could teach you to? Read what you can about your business. Learn from those that have figured it out. Find the ones whom you can partner with for a more diversified, healthier and stronger root system. You don’t have to go this one alone. Don’t believe the rugged, individualist, capitalist propaganda. We are stronger collectively. We have more brain power when we come as a package.
And yet you have a very unique and distinct gift of your own right now. With Mars still in your sign there is a need for speed, self-assertion and independence. It’s OK to go your own way as it pertains to your overall drive. Just notice who is on the road with you and how their travels might also support your own.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. In this presentation, I will outline the significance of the upcoming eclipses, the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Libra, Saturn’s ingress into Sagittarius for the next 2+ years, the Fall Equinox, as well as detailing the other impactful and important themes and days of the cycle and how to work with them.
You’ve got a pretty shine on you this week. A unique kind of glow. An ability to stir the pot, turn heads and take the world by storm.
A solar eclipse in your sign is what you have to thank. They don’t come along everyday. They can act like a portal to new possibilities. Eclipses can land us in front of one of a kind opportunities. Eclipses might make you feel like you’ve been placed in a swirling soup of situations that are hard to make sense of but they are relentless in their effect on you.
All you can do is your best to hang on for the ride. It’s hard to say where exactly you’ll end up. It might not be where you wanted, thought or previously held as a possibility.
But opportunities are like that.
They appear out of left field. They were impossible until they arrived. They may be foreign, frightening and fraught with all kinds of details to worry over.
But eclipse season takes courage. Eclipse season takes belief in one’s self. An eclipse season well utilized takes a great faith and a fortitude to make it through the unknown and to know that you’ll end up where you need to be. No horoscope can tell you which way to go, which path to tread or which bread crumbs to follow through the forest. But I can tell you that your ability to believe in, trust and follow your instincts, your gut and your intuition is worth more than gold.
You are your best bet.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. In this presentation, I will outline the significance of the upcoming eclipses, the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Libra, Saturn’s ingress into Sagittarius for the next 2+ years, the Fall Equinox, as well as detailing the other impactful and important themes and days of the cycle and how to work with them.
We just finished up Venus retrograde. Venus is your ruler, your Goddess, your Big Boss. Now that she is direct you’ll have an easier time sorting out some of the messier aspects of loving yourself, finding peace with partners and enjoying more harmony in your life.
But. Mercury tho.
It’s going to station retrograde in your sign on September 17th. This means that The Messenger will be all up in your business and in your sign for weeks. Like six. A couple of weeks longer than usual.
Mercury is tricky. Mercury retrograde works in backwards, inside-out, upside-down ways. Mercury retrograde likes to make a mess so that we have to go back and fix it. You are therefore entering a time when you don’t have all the information. You are going to have to act a sleuth and have fun compiling the facts and gathering the evidence. Know that you don’t know the whole story yet and act as if that is a good thing. Get curious.
Mercury retrograde in Libra is, yes, about reviewing aspects of how we relate, how we measure up and how we find our way to harmony through the temporary turbulence.
This week’s astrology and this weekend’s eclipse make it important to keep in mind a couple of things: What we try to reject about ourselves, the feelings, the facts, the past mistakes and the parts of ourselves that are socially unacceptable, get put somewhere. Astrologically speaking we might say that the rejected, dejected and disheartened parts of our personality get thrown in the 12th house. This is where the eclipse will take place for you. This is the part of your chart that Mercury rules. This house holds some important aspect of your upcoming Mercury retrograde journey.
Our potency isn’t pretty. Hipsterdom, #WhiteFeminism and all kinds of corporate conspiracies tote watered down, sweet, sellable, sexable, non-confrontational, “it’s all good” propaganda. But that’s not what are souls are made of. That’s not how truth speaks. That’s not what power, change or liberation looks like up close. This is personal.
If radical is grasping something at the root, then radical change isn’t afraid to get down and dirty without debasing or devaluing any life form. If you are ready to get radical than you are ready to access your inner wild-one. You are ready to reveal your terrible beauty and your too-free-to-be-shackled shero/hero and give it the job of helping you out.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. In this presentation, I will outline the significance of the upcoming eclipses, the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Libra, Saturn’s ingress into Sagittarius for the next 2+ years, the Fall Equinox, as well as detailing the other impactful and important themes and days of the cycle and how to work with them.
From now until September 17th, Saturn is finishing up its stay in Scorpio. The planet of professionalism, the planet of skepticism, the planet that demands that we become masters of our own domain has been (mostly) in your sign since October 2012.
Saturn is a relentless mistress. Sleeping on the job will only inspire the planet to pile more work on your desk. But getting your homework in early will please her immensely. Whatever you have accomplished in the past couple of years will be with you for a lifetime, because it was hard won.
This weekend’s eclipse opens up your 11th house of friends, fortune and the kind of social movements that might inspire a generation. Notice who you are being drawn to. Notice who you are wanting to form committed partnerships with. Notice who enters your life, flowers in one hand, detailed designs for structural equality in the other. There’s a great amount of fortune wanting to come to you through your crew. There could be a possibility for you to stand out in the crowd and because of that possible partnerships might emerge.
Don’t be afraid to be the voice of dissent. Don’t shy away from being the critical one. Don’t worry about fitting in. Come through with your hard-won Saturn strut. Make friends with those that are equally as honest. Work together from a no-nonsense place of mutual respect and all will be B-A-N-A-N-A-S beneficial.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. In this presentation, I will outline the significance of the upcoming eclipses, the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Libra, Saturn’s ingress into Sagittarius for the next 2+ years, the Fall Equinox, as well as detailing the other impactful and important themes and days of the cycle and how to work with them.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
It won’t come without a cost. It won’t come if you don’t put your back into it. It won’t come if you can’t see it. But if you dare to let yourself have the vision, if you buy stock in your own company and if you show up with all you’ve got, then the next 12 months are going to blow your mind.
What you’re getting this month is a concoction that is the perfect blend of kick-starting ignition and the understanding that it’s up to you to make sure the conditions are conducive to keeping the flame alive.
This weekend’s eclipse is an opening for you. This opening is in your 10th house of career, reputation and professional life. There could be a unique and unforeseen opportunity for you. There could be help from someone who wants to partner with you. There could be conditions that you want to carefully consider, but it’s better to be asked than ignored.
This is no time to let that happen.
This thing that you are doing or wanting to do needs to be exciting to you. Game-changing. Life-affirming. Makes the hair on your arms stand up. This is a moment to set a pattern. A pattern that you want to establish yourself in professionally. A pattern that is thoughtful, carefully planned and dutifully laid out.
Patterns can be deviated from, slightly. They can be adjusted, altered and embellished, but a pattern needs to contain a central core concept and have enough structural integrity to function.
Set a pattern in your career that allows you inspiration, functionality and endless opportunities to grow along sustainable lines.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. In this presentation, I will outline the significance of the upcoming eclipses, the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Libra, Saturn’s ingress into Sagittarius for the next 2+ years, the Fall Equinox, as well as detailing the other impactful and important themes and days of the cycle and how to work with them.
It might start as an insight. It might feel like foresight. It might just be a moment of clear headed inspiration that sets you off. New paths. New promise. A renewed sense of possibilities.
Or maybe it’s that you see the path you are already on, just more clearly now. Like you’ve always been there but now you can appreciate the gait it can give you. Maybe this is a moment where you realize that you didn’t actually have to go anywhere. You’ve already been to the mountain top and back and now you can let yourself accept it and because of that appreciate it. And the more you accept you and all that you do, the more options open to you.
One of which might be some kind of teaching situation. Is there an opportunity to get up and tell us what you know? Are you being presented with the gift of giving us what you’ve got? Is it time to see the wisdom that you have cultivated and bring it forward in some meaningful way? Is it time to self-publish, put on a workshop or put out a pamphlet of what you are ready to give? By all means keep studying. By all means keep diving into the depths and the details of each discovery, but also start compiling notes, ideas and outlines for future use.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. In this presentation, I will outline the significance of the upcoming eclipses, the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Libra, Saturn’s ingress into Sagittarius for the next 2+ years, the Fall Equinox, as well as detailing the other impactful and important themes and days of the cycle and how to work with them.
This weekend’s eclipse has fortunes in store for you. This may be a gift of emotional energy that you receive from another. This might be due to an advance, loan, gift or donation that you acquire from a loved one or a someone. This may be the gift of now seeing that you contribute just as much as anyone else.
It’s really hard to understand that devaluing ourselves is detrimental to ever creating a wealthy healthy life. I’m not talking lack of dollars (although that is a way that it can manifest). I am talking about feeling like you have a wealth of good will, interesting ideas and valid points to exchange with the world.
When we feel like we aren’t enough, what we do have is immediately not enough. When we put others’ contributions above our own we’ll never leave ourselves well enough alone. There will always be more that we could be. There will always be something that we should do. There will always be something that we don’t deserve.
And then we will forever miss the point.
The point is that you can say yes to the gifts you’ve been given and share freely of your excess. The point is that the combining of your raw talent and their real resources will propel you both forward.
We all need a chance to give (it’s a sacred act) and we all need the chance to let another give back (receiving is also a sacred act). Let this week’s eclipse teach you how to let others give to you.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. In this presentation, I will outline the significance of the upcoming eclipses, the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Libra, Saturn’s ingress into Sagittarius for the next 2+ years, the Fall Equinox, as well as detailing the other impactful and important themes and days of the cycle and how to work with them.
Love comes to those who love it. Sometimes it even stops by those who refuse it. Love wants us to rise. Love lets us reflect. Love allows us to detect the ways in which we think we don’t deserve it. Love comes when we least expect it and in packages we might try to return upon first sight.
But look again.
This weekend is host to an eclipse of epic partnering potential. This doesn’t have to be romantic. But it could be. I mean if I were you, I’d be extra open to it, if you have space for it that is. If you are already partnered think of it as a renewing of whatever vows you have to one another. Think of this eclipse as an opportunity to explore your ability to be discerning in love. Think of this eclipse as an opportunity to explore your ability to pick the partnering possibility that actually has the most potential. Think of this eclipse as your opportunity to think critically about what you want your relationship structures to look like.
Think of this eclipse as your friend. Your relationship coach. Your confidante in commingling crusades. Think of this eclipse as a point to start from. A point to build from. A point to call a new start. It really doesn’t matter what you have done in past relationships or what others have done to you if you use this time to write your love story anew.
Please join me for Eclipse Season Survival Guide: Astrology for the Lunar Cycle from September 12th-October 12th. In this presentation, I will outline the significance of the upcoming eclipses, the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Libra, Saturn’s ingress into Sagittarius for the next 2+ years, the Fall Equinox, as well as detailing the other impactful and important themes and days of the cycle and how to work with them.