*Please note that I only write about the major aspects of the week
Monday, January 25th
Mercury stations direct at 14 degrees 54 minutes of Capricorn at 1:50 PM PST
Friday, January 29th
Mercury conjunct Pluto (16 degrees of Capricorn)
Saturday, January 30th
Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (both at 8 degrees of Pisces)
Sunday, January 31st
Mercury in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries (both at 17 degrees)
This week is simple and precise yet deep and poignant. Mercury stations direct while it’s sitting within a degree of Pluto. When Mercury stations direct it can have a halting effect on our lives. Monday is a day that is worth being spent in meditation, contemplation and watchfulness. Not to say that our lives have to halt, but on the days that we are released from the retrograde cycle much information can float to the surface or come crashing through the door, and it’s good to be mindful of what arrives.
Once Mercury is direct it conjoins Pluto and squares Uranus a couple of days later. Pluto is a planet known for its themes of death, rebirth, regeneration, unrelenting intensity, long-lasting change that begins on a subconscious or underground level, transformation, purgation, catharsis, manipulation, control and power. Pluto reminds us that no matter how brightly we shine, eventually all of us will succumb to death’s call. Pluto reminds us to live the life that we have been given, for death will not wait for us to figure out how to live.
Mercury stationing direct (appearing to stand still in the sky and change directions, moving forward once again) right next to Pluto punctuates this death/rebirth process that we have been in collectively and individually (see your horoscope for specifics). This week will tend to show us what we’ve lost, what we’ve gained and what we’ve learned from the process. Pluto tends to strip us down, leaving us a little raw but also a little closer to our truth. Life is a beautiful, painful and mysterious process of becoming. In the end we lose everything that we ever thought we had, everything except how we were changed by it. Everything except what we became because of all we had to let go of. Everything but the choice to let life embitter our hearts in fear and anger or soften our hearts towards love and tender vulnerability.
Saturday offers up a sweet sextile from Venus to Neptune. These two give us the creative inspiration needed to make meaning out of the tougher stuff we face in life. These two also offer us love’s much needed touch and tenderness.
The week ends with Mercury making a square to Uranus, tying the Uranus/Pluto square together once more. This is the third time since mid-late December that these three have ended up together. Uranus brings shock waves, experimentation, revelation and destabilizes old structures in our lives. Change is the order of the day. It’s unnerving but inevitable and ultimately it’s up to us to make something out of the change.
Venus will trip through these wires next week on the 5th and 6th of February, so the lesson isn’t complete with Mercury’s release, but there is an understanding that we can reach within ourselves to that will help us deal more constructively with Venus’s travels to come.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know your rising sign, please read it. Reading your rising sign gives you specifics as to how the astrology is landing in your personal chart. I am not suggesting that the rising sign is how you should identify or that it is more important than your sun sign, it’s just another way of understanding your personal horoscope. If you don’t know your rising sign, read your sun sign. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. This is all just a friendly suggestion. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you!
Whatever you have learned in recent weeks about productivity, praise and proclamation as it pertains to your career and reputation has been an important step towards shaping your public narrative. Can you practice what you preach? Can you live up to/are you still interested in living up to the course that you have laid out for yourself? Is there anything left to revise, rework or innovate about your message to the world at large through your work and work relationships?
This week invites you to listen to the feedback you receive and to respond accordingly. This week gifts you with some assistance in this domain and helps you feel the help that is coming your way. This week reminds you that in the thick of it there is still space to take, still creative inspirations to receive, and friendly assistance to be grateful for.
A dispute or power struggle may start to diffuse or be settled with the revealing of a formerly hidden piece of information. A misunderstanding might work itself out without much struggle. A way forward in the world and in your work may all of a sudden open up and be ready for you to discover yourself upon.
Whatever the week brings in regards to your work and position in the world, look for the resolutions, look for the revelations, accept the knowledge humbly and integrate it willingly.
I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits.
With your ruling planet, Venus, traveling through a part of your chart that has you considering what you have yet to see, what you do not yet know and what you now get to learn, you are in fine form to see things with greater perspective.
This week, some of your philosophies may continue to be challenged by others but it looks like you are in a more accepting, open and understanding frame of mind than previously. By that I mean that you are less likely (and it’s strongly encouraged that you adopt such a stance if it isn’t naturally occurring) to want to win a debate about what is and isn’t true.
Your experience is more important than winning right now. Knowing your truth is more important than proving your point. Sticking up for yourself is more important than being liked.
You may be tempted to prove that your side of the story is more honest than another’s, but the truth is that you probably don’t care as much as you thought you did about having anyone but yourself acknowledge your honest experience. As long as you are clear about where your allegiances lie, which is hopefully to yourself, you’ll keep your integrity intact and learn the most about what you are willing to bend on and what you are absolutely not.
I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits.
While the hunger for more time at home, with your family, with your ferns, with your cats and/or with your kids continues to increase, the real work pulls you into the deeper decisions and cooperative collaborations that have been a feature of this Mercury retrograde. You may feel released this week from the things that have been dominating your thoughts. You might find yourself reaping the benefits of being obsessed with a certain subject recently as now you know beyond a shadow of a doubt what you think about the situations. Or you might start to understand the reasons why you’ve been gripped by the issues certain joint ventures have raised.
Clarity comes with practice and you now have a better understanding of what it means to be in the partnerships that you are in. That’s no small thing. The past 5 or so weeks have had you hard at work in this domain of your life. It’s been difficult, deep or just derailing at times. Sorting through what you and others fear about being in relationship can be like that. Merging resources is no small matter but we can’t do this life alone. We must learn how to be both open to the effect others have on us and honest about when we need to put down a boundary or get some help sorting out our feelings about how to handle being a human in a world built on partnership.
I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits.
Intimacy, loss, love, separation, learning to level with loved ones, speaking from your heart and dealing with the consequences of being honest in your closest relationships have all been big themes for you since mid December. This week punctuates all you’ve been studying and the meaning that you’ve been able to make out of this curriculum.
Your evolving understanding of being in relationships may be going on underground and on a deep psychological level. Whatever you have learned in these past weeks makes it clear that you cannot put your faith in vessels that aren’t strong enough to hold your love, or made clear which vessels were/were not able to withstand the pressure. Those relationships that buckle when challenged cannot roll with you for any great stretch of time. And that’s OK. Not every partnership is meant to last. Not every love is meant to move past the thresholds that you cross. Not every member of our heart has a lifelong membership. And not every pause in communication means the end of the relationship.
See who returns, what you and they have learned and what there is to gain from the entire trip.
Those relationships that are still in tact, still shining lights for you to walk with, and still showing up for you to lean on, have passed a profound test, have shown their resilience, have demonstrated their tough stuff and their tender dedication to transformation and truth.
As you go forward with these lessons, meditate on how you wish to show up in future relationship scenarios, especially with folks you may have had hard times with lately, and stay true to that core intention as you renegotiate your way forward with or without them.
I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits.
With the sun back in your 7th house of intimate relationships your attention turns towards what you are eternally learning (talk about continuing education) about and through your partners. As the planets pile up in this part of your chart during February there’ll be a significant amount of helpful partnerships to pursue.
This week is, in some ways, a preparation for that. Nothing in astrology, nothing in our lives, nothing in history exists in a vacuum. Everything that comes into our lives can only be received from where we are standing. In order to line you up to make the most of the very near future, this week wants you to keep at the ways in which you have been working on taking care of yourself. Keeping your attention on what you need in order to stay healthy, happy and feeling wholly seen by yourself will translate into a new kind of relationship dynamic for you to enjoy, namely one where you are in it because it folds into your self care regime, not because you feel dependent on another’s attention or like they are on yours. Start by feeling good in your skin and you’ll end up with those that are inspired to do the same.
I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits.
Pleasure and intensity run together this week. One informs the other. One brings the other much meaning. One gives the other a reason for being. This week mixes all that is difficult to bear on your own, all that is too intense to feel alone and all that you might seek to make a home for.
This week puts a romantic situation in the hot seat. This week puts a creative project in front of you to focus on. This week brings you conversations that are pivotal for your own decision making process about what you are consciously and unconsciously bringing into form.
Don’t conceive creations that you don’t intend on caring for or that you aren’t willing to let go of. Don’t leave your loves starving. Don’t play games just to get the attention you craved as a child. Not unless you want to deal with the outcome. Everything we create needs to be fed. Nothing we make doesn’t come looking for us in the end. Nothing we have a part in making is without its consequence. Look at the possible outcomes before you commit to a specific course of action, especially in matters of the heart, in conversations with your children, and in creating your artistic offerings.
I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits.
Still entwined in your very own core-conditioning astro-class, this week offers yet another installment in the process of learning how to state and steer towards your deepest desires. Domestic bliss doesn’t come without a deep investigation into our personal needs and a willingness to voice them to those we live with. Domestic bliss doesn’t come without understanding our original family dynamics and drama and how we may be unconsciously reliving and reenacting what we never wanted to experience in the first place. Domestic bliss doesn’t come without refusing to sweep bitter sentiments under the rug.
This week asks you to finish up the process of clearing out your closets, especially the ones that might have you running into the monsters that live there. This week asks you to help yourself find the forgiveness, tenderness and understanding needed to move on from old wounds and psychological traps.
Sweet support is intermingled with the more intense revelations and communications that the week may bring you via family, housemates or your own inner dialogue.
This week and next week continue to ask you to deal with the tough stuff but promise you many gifts in between. This week actually wants you to dig down into your foundational, familial beginnings so that you might receive the sweetness from being open, honest and understood in ways you can’t when you don’t go back to revisit your origins.
I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits.
This week you’ll be able to get to the truth of the matter with much greater ease. This will be in part because the tougher conversations that you’ve had to have, the ones that unearth your least likable attributes (or so you think), the ones that reveal the things you’d rather not acknowledge and the ones that make you the most vulnerable, won’t catch you off guard. Subject matter isn’t as provocative the 3rd or 30th time around.
Also Venus.
You’ve got the goddess of ease and intrigue in your 3rd house of communication, helping Mercury station direct with a grace it wouldn’t otherwise have. That makes this week one that can offer you conversations that can mend fences, soothe your heart’s hurts and help your soul
feel understood. Feeling understood and connected can help us to happily, or at the very least hopefully, cover many miles that lie ahead of us. Try to facilitate this connection by understanding as much as you wish to be understood. The complexity of that exercise will hold your interest and help you to appreciate the depth of the learning that you are undertaking right now.
I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
While you are most likely hard at work on the still unseen aspects of your projects, this week offers you an admirable focus and a formidable ability to make the most out of your talents. Getting the financing and/or support that you need so that you can grow into a more spacious place in your career requires that you speak up right now. Asking for what you want means that, at the very least, you are willing to believe that you are worth receiving it.
Start believing.
Believe (or make believe) that you have within you everything that you could possibly need to get done what needs doing. Believe that all you need to do is work on uncovering these assets. Believe in your ability to do so and then move with what is willing to move with you. Run with the wolves that can keep up with the steady pounding of your hooves. Trust in your gait, whatever it is. It’s the speed that you need right now. Trust in your ability to connect with the ones that will recognize that your blueprints mean business and your appetite for success is serious. You quite possibly have someone to lay out your plans for this week, someone that could help you come into a clearer understanding of what you’re good at and offer you the support to make the most of it.
I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits.
How you use your own power of persuasion is up to you. What you use it for is up to you. The end game you apply it to is also up to you. You have a lot of power to wield at the moment. There is a great influence that you might be noticing that you posses on a social level. There may be a potency that you have among your peers, your friends and your acquaintances.
Direct it towards what is most important to you.
Lend this persuasive power to the social causes that call you. Lend your charisma to helping garner attention for the issues that matter most to you. Use your words to dismantle messages that come your way that have nothing true to say about you, your community or life as you see it.
With Mercury stationing direct in your sign this week, there may be a deeper understanding of the course that your life wants to take this year. There may be a newfound resolve to further the transformation you’ve been undergoing these past few weeks. There may be a release of your energy to finally move forward with thanks to your willingness to receive the messages and run with them.
I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits.
This week can help you to make a friend out of a foe. It helps you to put your fears into perspective. It helps you to see the true shape of what has been formerly distorted.
Laughing at ghosts can be highly effective as a practice for self-liberation. Seeing how far you’ve come in relation to what used to halt you in fear bodes well for self-respect. Resolving to stick by your own side in support of your highest good right now can make up for a lifetime of self-abandoning practices.
February holds you in high regard. It’s got some good time plans in store for you. It’s got some high octane cocktails prepared for you. It’s got some fuel for your tank, the kind that can keep you running smoothly and groovily for a long while. Take some time this week to get your priorities straight for your new year. Deal with your fears as if you are an equal match for them because, truth be told, you are and then some. It would be a shame to start off your new year without remembering the truth of that statement.
I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits.
Your astrology stays within the social sphere again this week. If you haven’t had a million and one intriguing conversations, had intense relationship dynamics revealed or experienced a hunger for more soul mates, connections and heart to heart exchanges in your life, then you might want to check your birth certificate (or read your rising sign).
With Jupiter and the north node in your 7th house of relationships you may have been recently flooded with the details of those you are closest to, been inspired to work on the relationships that you have or have been overwhelmed with the desire to be with someone who sees your specific quirks as beyond cute.
With Mercury finishing up its retrograde in your 11th house of besties and fellow utopian believers, you may have been challenged, pressured and/or pleasantly surprised by the in-depth nature of your conversations and pithy exchanges. With Venus joining the party in your 11th house this week there is every reason to enjoy those that have been able to prove themselves as worthy of further investigation as they’ll certainly be enjoying you.
I’ve got a personalized package for each sign which includes a booklet and recording that explore how the major astrological happenings (eclipse, mercury retrogrades, etc) of 2016 will impact you. It identifies the themes of your year and provides suggested ritual and writing exercise ideas to best utilize the year’s major transits.