This week bodes well for magic making, great awakenings and rebel yells. This week has a full moon in it. On Saturday, December 6th at 7:27 am EST, Gemini will host the latest rendition of its becoming. Gemini is a talker, a rambler and a lovable rascal. I will publish a full post on this event by Tuesday, December 2nd.
The other astrological movements that are important to note are a series of trines between the fire signs. Uranus is in the mix. So is Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, the sun, Ceres and Juno. We are talking a grand trine (though not exact at any point it is powerful nonetheless) in fire. A grand trine in fire finds it easy to freely move about and express itself. Because Uranus is in on the game we can expect out of the blue and unordinary events. Because Jupiter and Venus are playing ball we can expect a certain amount of luck and ease connecting. Because Mercury has put money on it we can expect a willingness to say what must be said.
We are in a collective moment. One that demands attention. One that demands recognition. The world is on fire. America is ablaze and rightly so. May this week help folks organize and support one another. May this week help us build a collective path that seeks justice and liberation for all. May this week help us find the healing that we so desperately need-individually, communally, collectively and whenever and wherever possible.
Many blessings,
Aries & Aries Rising
Continue on with your role as leader. Continue on with your role as sooth-sayer, truth teller and tempter of the timid to rise up and tell their tales. It takes all of us to wake up. It takes everyone’s story to tell the truth. It takes all of the secrets, lies and misrepresentations to be aired out, fleshed out and sometimes spelled out in order for justice to be served.
This is not a solo journey.
There is a specific way that you are learning right now and it’s through the support of others. It’s through the support of those that are wise, worn (yet still full of wonder) and willing to share their journey with you. There is a specific way that you are learning right now and it’s through your ability to appreciate your differences, your uniqueness and your inventive intuition. There is a specific way you are learning right now and it is through definitive action.
There is a specific way that you are learning this week (thanks to Saturday’s full moon in full bloom in your Third House of communication) and it’s through you willingness to say what needs to be said. Even if you say it “wrong”, even if you miss a major point, even if it exposes all the things that you really need to work on, the charge is the same: say what needs to be said.
What you seem to be exceedingly good at at the moment is picking up on the deeply rooted fears of others. What you seem to be good at right now is speaking directly to them. What you seem to be good at right now is hitting a nerve, striking a chord and setting things ablaze, whether you mean to or not. You might as well mean to as much as you possibly can. Try to get clear on your own motives for doing and saying the things you do so that you aren’t surprised by the impact you have.
Know the impact that you have. This can be hard when self-esteem is at a low. This can be hard if our family of origin dismissed our value. This can be hard if society has historically refused to see you as anything but a nuisance. This can be exceedingly difficult when all of these factors intersect but it isn’t impossible to disown the discordant from the harmonious.
Saturday’s full moon wants you to get real with your resources come rain, shine, uprisings or rescinding offers. Saturday’s full moon wants you to understand the ways in which you might communicate your value to yourself. Saturday’s full moon wants you to set yourself up for financial success because you know that your talents and your genius deserve to be put to work and widely utilized.
This will be aided by the six week transit of Mars through your Tenth House of career and public life. Prepare to have this domain energized, infused and injected with life. Even if nothing much seems to be happening thanks to the holidays, use any lulls to do all the behind the scenes work you know you need to get straight. There could very well be help coming via the resources of another but you’ll be better suited to make use of them if you’ve got all the work you can do on your own done before they offer their assistance.
You’ve got all kinds of reasons to set about the business of bonding with others. The winds this week carry fortunate encounters to your door so sweep your steps and clean all pathways to it. In fact all of the social aspects of your life are experiencing a tremendous amount of charm, expansion and abundance at the moment. I suggest paying special attention to who is showing up and how they might be helping to unlock some of your own potential.
Saturday’s full moon is both of yours. Twin moon. Gemini moon. Full Frost Moon. Enough moon for all sides of you.
You’ll feel a tension to balance both the personal and interpersonal components of your life. Self and other. Me and you. Us and them. Can you give equal attention to both? Can you take care of your body and what it might need in order to maintain your energy and effervescent attitude? Can you give to both sides of yourself: the extrovert and the introvert? Can you accept both?
You are also under a transit (Mars moving through your Ninth House) for the next month that urges you out. To new adventures, to new horizons, to learn, to expand and to rededicate yourself to self-improvement projects, endeavors and activities. Entertain opportunities to scamper off with those that want to scamper with you. Entertain opportunities to make your world more welcoming to grand adventures and fueled forays out in the fields of fantastic.
Saturday’s full moon unfolds in your Twelfth House of behind the scenes events, dreamtime and super-powered slumber. Therefore I highly suggest that you use the weekend to do some of the behind the curtain magic that makes your day to day possible. In between naps that is.
There is a whole series of events unfolding in your work life and day to day routines that look to be nothing but rewarding. However, the rewards you will start to receive depend on the race you have been choosing to run. If you have been willing to sacrifice your overwhelming need for security and you have risked tainting your reputation for the sake of being true to yourself then the offers that start to roll in may surprise you.
The most important component to keep you eye on while creating financial abundance is whether or not you are able to be honest, innovative, willing to disrupt the status quo, transparent in your dealings and accountable to those you do business with.
This is no time to hide behind unmet childhood needs to be coddled, cajoled or reassured. Nor is it a time to ask others to meet them for you. Meet those suckers yourself and then get on with the business of revolutionizing the way you do business.
Play a big game. It’s the only way to win a big prize.
It’s not that everything is magically easier all of a sudden (though some of you will feel a definite desire to go with the flow) but this week’s astrology makes some things flow more freely. Most of this movement happens in the domain of your chart that rules your interactions with children, young ones, loved ones, wild ones and the ones that make our heart go pitter-patter. It also rules areas of life in which we begin great creations and right now you are being urged to begin as many projects of the heart as you possibly can.
This week’s astrology makes it abundantly clear that healing comes from your willingness to engage with it through understanding what love is and what it is not. Love is a reflection of your worth. Love is a reflection of your beauty. Love is a reflection of yourself in your community (which is what Saturday’s full moon highlights). Love is experiencing solidarity. Love is standing in solidarity. Love is finding the features we were born with gorgeous. Love is being seen as perfect, flawed and perfectly flawed. Love is finding your place among your folks and also knowing that you also and always have a place in your own heart of hearts.
As Mars moves into your Seventh House of intimate others you will start to engage with the teachings of conflict. Conflict with loved ones has nothing to do with the quality of love you share. Conflict has its way of agitating the surface to break us open to a deeper vault of healing energy. Use your new found ‘take charge’ attitude in all your partnerships to remind yourself that any bumps on the road to intimacy are really the road into it.
You’ll have to straddle the need to stay home and soak up all the good vibes that abound there with the pull to go out and perform thanks to the fruits of Saturday’s full moon ripening in your Tenth House of career and public life. Show up for all of the events that pull you out of your shell. Cross your T’s and dot your I’s in all of your career communications so that you are better set up to welcome any congratulations and celebrations that might be currently happening for you.
However, while it’s nice to be recognized out there, the real abundance comes via your inner world and intimate relationships that come alive when the front door closes and the curtains are drawn.
It’s a good time for family healing. It’s a good time to understand the things about your parents that always eluded you. It’s a good time to continue with refurbishing your home so that every corner of it adores you. It’s a good time to value the ideas that come to you while you clean the refrigerator, fold the laundry and reorganize the pantry. It’s a good time to reinvent your relationships to the words family, home, roots, foundation, ancestry, parents, paternity and childhood. It’s a good time to cut your losses in regards to your past and pursue a healthy connection with the present ground beneath you because it’s the only place to currently build from.
With your social life full to the brim with bounty and beauty there’s no reason not to revel in it. Your interactions with those in your local environment are somewhat charmed at the moment. You could ignore it if you wish. You could refuse it if you must or you could be in relationship with it by being engaged and open to its magic. I’m not saying that the world isn’t on fire at the moment, or ever wasn’t, but within whatever situation you find yourself in I encourage you to look for how your interactions are filled with fortune for you.
This Saturday’s full moon pulls into focus the things that you believe in. It pulls into focus your broader vision for your life. It pulls into focus what is important to you, why it is and how you could live closer to those truths. The current astrology demands that we either stand for something or face our fear of committing to a belief. This is no moment to pretend we don’t have an opinion.
With Mars in your fifth house for the six weeks, you have a new lease on creative inspiration, not to mention either a new reason to flirt your heart out, a rocking romance or a renewed set of reasons to get out of bed in the morning. May you rediscover your relationship to pleasure, may you rediscover your relationship to your own exquisite beauty, may you connect to all activities that refuel you through laughter, love and fun. May you remember to fill your cup with whatever evokes a sense of wonder because you deserve a full portion of that.
Though there are some deeper currents colliding in your chart, I want to start out by saying that this week you have access to some pretty spectacular sources of wealth – your own ability to create luck. Your avenues to financial rewards reveal themselves via the ideas that emerge at a moment’s notice and possibly while daydreaming, fantasizing or singing in the shower. They could be fleeting however, dashing off as fast as they rushed in, so make sure to catch them while you can. Sources of wealth also come through your significant partnerships so pay keen attention to what they say and clues that could fall out their mouths without them even knowing it. These fortunes directly affect your ability to show up in your career as a key player and one to watch.
Saturday’s full moon lights up the area of your chart that has to do with your inheritances, the losses that accompany being in this earthly realm, the psychological effect of them and how you might be able to benefit via the wealth of others. This moon could bode well for your business partnerships and all your relationships that have you sharing stuff. You might spend some time honoring the full moon by making sure you are living up to your end of the bargain and/or paying homage to the ancestors significant to your life whether related by blood or not.
With your ruling planet, Mars, moving into your Fourth House of home, roots, ancestry and family, the next month and a half might have you stirring a couple of pots that are ready to boil over. This time could also be one of reorganizing your home, renovating your roots and reenergizing your relationship to your inner sanctuary.
I wouldn’t be surprised though if this holiday season is at the very least rousing for your tribe (stay out of all needless drama by refusing to over-step any of the phenomenal boundaries that you have been developing) but it needn’t be destructive-not at all. It’s just that anything that gets under our skin is usually the best path to healing what we most need to at that moment.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Looks like your plate is pretty full. Looks like you are running on all cylinders. Looks like life is about to get busier with many little movements, phone calls, emails and trips about town. Looks like you are being asked to expand, connect and reveal yourself to others in new and risky ways.
This isn’t the time to play it close to the vest. This isn’t the time to pretend like you don’t care. This isn’t the time to bow down to polite persuasions and perverse pretenses. If you want something, let yourself want it. If you love someone, let yourself love them. If you want to do something, do it.
You’ve got a lot of luck on your side right now. You’ve got a lot of out of the blue for no reason at all reasons to be expecting the unexpected best. So be honest, be true, be grateful in your responses to the fortune that swings your way.
We are promised nothing in this life, not fairness, not equality, not respect and not even our safety. We are up against all odds. Some more than others. There is not one starting line for us all. If we find a way to thrive it’s a miracle. If we find a sense of meaning we are among the most fortunate. If we find a way to sustain ourselves via our passions, raw talents and pure genius while staying intact with the needs of the world around us then we are onto a life worth living. You, my friend, are in line for such inspiration this week, you are in line for a glimpse of how this might just be possible. You are in line for such an experience of yourself but you must be willing to integrate the information and healing opportunities that come thanks to intimate partners, great loves and business relationships.
Where you have the most luck this week is with your ability to integrate all of the psychological gunk you have been freeing from your inner plumbing. This is easier to do when you take a hint from the full moon occurring in your Sixth House of daily routines and ground yourself in the everyday actions of your life. It could be all too easy to get dazed and confused but the fact of the matter is that all you have to do right now is exactly what is in front of you. Then do that again. And again
If you try to get too far ahead of yourself it won’t quite work right now. Better to stay with the task at hand. If you try to pin yourself down right now you’ll most likely slither right out of any confining costume. Better to leave the outfits out of it. If you try to try too hard your efforts will be in vain. Better to just be honest with what you are actually able to do.
If you let yourself off the Capricorn charge ahead at any expense train you might just get down to the goods that this week wants to give you. Those goods involve moments of spiritual integration, awakening, forgiving, foretelling and forfeiting any false identities that you need to release before your next solar year starts. Shed the false layers and start the year with a fresh new birthday suit. It’s hella cute.
There are times when we need to act. There are times when a decision needs to be made. There are times to be unapologetic, unafraid and unwilling to water down the truth. There are times to use our personal experience to connect to the collective one. There are times when it’s important to see why we choose to do what we do. There are times to see ourselves in the causes we stand for.
Because we too are standing there in the crowd.
Understanding your own motivations can only make your movements more powerful. Being clear about your direction will ensure that the next month and a half be successfully spent. Making sure that you take care of your own business, protect your own interests and serve your own causes in the midst of being very involved with everyone else’s means that everyone will actually get what they need. This is a long haul operation you are in charge of. Prepare for a marathon.
This week highlights your capacity to turn raw energy into something of beauty. This might be love. This might be art. This might be any act of homage to what you find beautiful. It’s important to spend time here. It’s most important when it’s the hardest. This isn’t to block out any difficulty but it’s to sustain the powers you inherently have to get through it. Find as many ways as you can to fortify your strengths. Find as many ways as you can to celebrate the love that exists in your life. Find as many ways as you can to bow down and kiss the ground that feeds you, houses you and protects you.
It’s time to believe. It’s time to show up. It’s time to take the ball and run like the wind with it. You have a perfect set up for the very best of you being displayed on the bright stage that is momentarily set up. Life likes to keep it fresh so know that this opportunity won’t be here forever. It won’t wait for you to believe that you are worth it, strong enough for it or ready for it – it will just move along to the next set up. Might as well allow yourself to take up the spotlight that is willingly shining on you (even if that is only to highlight another person, place or state of affairs). Know this: the world actually needs to know what you have to tell it.
Saturday’s full moon arrives in your Fourth House of family, home and hunkering down. As above so below. It’s just as important for you to help yourself feel comfortable in your inner world as it is for you to be comfortable taking up space in the outer one. Not that this is about taking up space to show off, show up or take over. Domination is not the game right now. It’s more a process of making yourself available for whatever the moment needs. It’s more about being conscious and present in the situation as it unfolds without being afraid to do what needs to be done within it. It’s more of a process of understanding what is really necessary to do and what is just needless noise that at this point would detract from the main event.