Being alive means engaging in a continual process of transformation. Nothing in the natural world stays the same. Everything shows signs of being in relationship with its environment. Trees cannot deny the effects of a forest fire. Rocks do not try to hide the smoothness that results from the relentless pounding of waves upon them. Icebergs do not feign being untouched by the rising temperatures of our planet.
Yet we humans try to defend ourselves against the inevitable changes. Aging. Loss. Grief. We spend so much of our resources chasing some external solution to our internal discomfort. We have such difficulty sitting with the feelings that, if felt all the way through, could renew us. Release us. Transform us.
Our transformation depends on our ability to sit with and accept the feelings that arrive with the truth. Not our version of how we wish life would be and not the version of reality that we need to be true in order to justify how we are living. Just the honest truth. How it lands with us in this moment. What it means for our life. Right here, right now.
Nothing about our lives or about this world will ever change without our willingness to be relentlessly honest. Especially about our past. Especially about our present. Especially when accepting the truth means that it’s time to let something go.
A hope. A fear. A fantasy. Whatever it is, Wednesday’s full moon at 20° of Scorpio at 2:42pm PT is asking us all to be relentlessly honest about it.
Scorpio is known for its resilience. Its ability to face or resist facing any situation. Scorpio has a kind of emotional endurance that can run the untrained ragged. It is just as prone to dig its heels in against change as it is to facilitate the greatest of transformations. Its strength can be applied for evolution or demise. The choice is always ours.
Scorpio has an uncanny ability to read a person, place or situation. Scorpio is always scanning the depths. Its sonar technology is capable of picking up even the slightest of signals. Beyond sensitive, Scorpio’s psychic ability is startling. Just when you thought you hid something about yourself well and good, it pinpoints it in passing.
Scorpio will drag you.
In order for this water sign to get in the game, it needs to understand the power of the players it’s on the court with. Scorpio wants to win. Playing for the long-run, it is in no rush to prove itself, yet it suffers no fools along the way.
Wednesday’s full moon in Scorpio is well-situated. Receiving a trine from Neptune and a sextile from Pluto, this moon wants to help us clear out whatever keeps us stagnant. Like the pain that has held us back from accepting a situation. Like the events that have made us think that its safer to deny a part of our reality than to face it. Like the fantasies that we get lost in, keeping us from our potency.
Like a president who is anything but presidential.
Since Scorpio is relentlessly intense, this full moon will encourage us to match its energy. Accepting our emotions as they arrive. Inviting in the drama of the day and enjoying the show while not getting caught up in its play.
Occurring simultaneously is Mercury’s conjunction to Uranus which reminds us that any upheaval that is happening is ultimately important for our long-term happiness. Many goddesses of destruction are also goddesses of bliss. The great chaos of transformation, though sometimes terrifying in its power, can also become an experience of ecstatic release.
May we be blissfully released from what terrorizes us.
With Scorpio’s ruler, Mars, applying a square to Neptune at the time of the full moon, we are being encouraged to use our fantasy life for the good of our liberation, not for the continuation of our suffering. Neptune square Mars is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. But these days, the wolves barely bother to put on the suit.
May we be uncompromising in our search for truth. May we be relentless in our efforts to transform evil into justice. May we learn to imagine ourselves as healing, as thriving through the future, and as creating new ways through the complexities of our times, so that we are constantly reminded of our power and of our need to constantly evolve with life.
Full moon blessings,