*Sunday’s new moon in Leo initiates us into eclipse season. For help understanding what this means for you personally, please join me for Eclipse Season Part 1: The New Moon in Leo & The Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, in which you’ll receive detailed astrological information & rituals that are specific to your sign, a guided meditation for this new moon and altar suggestions.
No one knows the days that almost crushed you. No one knows the heart break that almost broke you. No one knows the fear that almost froze you.
No one knows the courage it takes to be you. No one knows the strength it takes to face the battles that you do. No one knows the inner warrior you must invoke in order to get up and give each day all that you’ve got.
No one knows how far you have come. What each movement forward has meant. What each of your triumphs has had you triumph over. What each moment of healing has helped you to accept. Winning isn’t always about what we get. It’s about what we’ve learned we can overcome. Glory isn’t always glorious. Sometimes its quiet. Uneventful. Unseen by the world around us. Witnessed only by the goddesses that guide us.
Each of us needs to be witnessed. To be acknowledged in our entirety. To be recognized for the spark of divinity that we are. It’s human to want that kind of recognition. Attention. Acknowledgement. It’s our job to make sure that we find our own way to shine. To illuminate what is most meaningful to us. To take the stage that will best showcase our kind of light.
We are all made of stars.
The new moon in Leo occurs on Sunday, July 23rd at 2:46 AM PT. Still drying off from soaking in the healing waters of Cancer, the sun, moon and Mars make a conjunction at the very beginning of Leo. Separating from their square to Uranus in Aries, the sun and moon’s conjunction comes on the heals of the emotional breakthroughs we have recently made. Emotional breakthroughs that help to clear space for this new cycle. While Cancer season sunk us deep into the emotional realms to make sense of the memories that have made us, Leo season sets ablaze our need to find the courage it takes to express ourselves.
This new moon also initiates us into eclipse season. From new, the moon will grow into a full moon and partial lunar eclipse in Aquarius on August 7th, followed by a new moon and total solar eclipse in Leo on August 21st. This heavy emphasis on Leo is encouraging us to work through the issues that get in the way of our self-expression, self-acceptance and self-love. It asks us to be aware of how we caught up in the dramatic tantrums of the immature, losing precious time and energy in ego battles that we could learn instead to outsmart. It asks us how we might need to mature ourselves, finding more creative solutions to our situations.
With Mars in the mix, closely conjunct the new moon, we are asked to temper our anger, channeling our (rightful) rage into outlets that can help us to grow ourselves up instead of tearing down what we have built. It asks us to seek the courage that we need, in order to face whatever is in front of us. It asks us to take heart.
Not one of us is here by mistake. Not one of us is out of place. Not one of us is unwanted by life. This world is deeply incomplete without each of us in it. Incomplete without each of our individual imprints on it. Our specific touch. Take. Offering. Together we are a chorus of roars. A choir of outcries. An ensemble of heartfelt howls.
May we each find our place upon the stage of life and do our part with confidence, generosity and the kind of glamour that befits the kind of soulful royalty that we are.
New moon blessings,