Growing up
On December 19th, 2017, just days before the Solstice, Saturn entered Capricorn. Every 2.5 years or so, Saturn enters a new sign, encouraging us to own our stories in a specific style and area of our lives.
Here until 2020, Saturn in Capricorn will be teaching us a great many things about the effort it takes to mature and the importance of making that effort without expectation of what will be received. To Saturn in Capricorn, the work is the reward. Self-respect is the reward. Mastery is the reward.
No matter what sign Saturn is in, this is what The Taskmaster teaches, but in Capricorn the message is loud and clear: Be the boss of your business or be bossed by those that can’t mind their own.
Happy Solstice.
Capricorn is one of Saturn’s home signs. In astrology, the signs are the style in which a planet expresses itself. When a planet is in one of its own signs it operates with uncompromised strength. Capricorn’s style is traditional. Relentless. Hard working. Ambitious. Determined. Prudent. Unfazed by flash-in-the-pan-success strategies, Capricorn is in this to win a life-long journey.
From beginning to end.
Saturn conserves. Constrains. Controls. Criticizes. Reserves. Rejects. Realizes. Separates. Creates austere environments that force us to toughen up. Saturn brings realism, works with the material realm, is heavy and sometimes so burdensome it’s unbearable.
That is until we acquire the psychological strength to lift its weight.
In solitude, Saturn in Capricorn thrives. An extroverts worst nightmare, some transits from Saturn force us inward, or at least cut us off from external distractions. Transiting Saturn in hard aspect (squares, oppositions and some conjunctions) to our natal chart can feel punishing at first, but ultimately defining and transformative. Whipping us into adulthood like a spiritual trainer that won’t let you complain about the conditions, Saturn’s bootcamp is no joke.
If you have planets or points (ascendant, descendant, midheaven, IC or nodes) between 0° and 11° of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, Saturn will square, oppose or conjunct them at some point over the next year. To find out exactly when that might be, look at the degree of the planets in question in your chart and then look up when Saturn will get to that degree. If you have planets out points in these signs that are between 12° – 29°, Saturn won’t reach them until 2019 or 2020. Here’s a little breakdown of what you might expect:
- If you have planets or points between 0° – 11° of Aries, Saturn will Square them at some point over the next year. Squares cause friction, require action and generally feel irritating but activating. Squares from Saturn can feel, at times, impossible as the options to take action can seem so limited. However, in the end, Saturn’s squeeze can force us to face and conquer what we would otherwise avoid altogether. If your natal Saturn is in Aries, the next 3 years mark Saturn’s last square to itself (before it makes another return to its natal position). This is a transit that is about releasing old structures that no longer serve the overall architecture of your life. Much will need to be composted and repurposed. Trust in what you are guided to let go of. Know that this will ultimately help you distill your learning down to a seed of wisdom to be replanted on your next Saturn return.
- If you have planets or points between 0° – 11° of Cancer, Saturn will oppose them at some point over the next three years. An opposition from Saturn is best met with a deep dedication to our work. It is a call to take on something formidable and defining. As if Saturn’s steely gaze fall’s directly upon us, we know that without a shadow of a doubt that it is time to step up our game, get in the ring and show up with all we’ve got. If your natal Saturn is in Cancer you are in your Saturn opposition. These next 3 years mark the half way point between one Saturn return and the next. This is a moment where you get to witness the growth of your intention set 14 or so years ago. This is a time to fulfill the promises that you made to yourself, illuminating the life lessons you have learned thus far.
- If you have planets or points between 0° – 11° of Libra, Saturn will square them at some point over the next year. Squares cause friction, require action and generally feel irritating but activating. Squares from Saturn can feel, at times, impossible as the options to take action can seem so limited. However, in the end, Saturn’s squeeze can force us to face and conquer what we would otherwise avoid altogether. If your natal Saturn is in Libra, you are in your fist quarter Saturn square. These next 3 years are an incredibly important time period for you. It takes the seed intention that you planted at your Saturn return about 7 years ago and asks you to take decisive action towards its fulfillment. Much will have to be released in order to do so. Great focus is required, but will ultimately help you define yourself for yourself.
- If you have planets or points between 0° – 11° of Capricorn Saturn will conjoin them at some point over the next year. A conjunction from Saturn reshapes us. The weight of it forces us to contend with what we have put off, what we weren’t ready to deal with, what we are only know mature enough to cope with. Saturn conjunct a planet or point in our natal chart grows us up. Stops us in our tracks. Restructures our lives in significant ways. If you have natal Saturn in Capricorn please read about it below.
Saturn Return
Every 29.5 years, Saturn returns to the same place. That means that at the end of our 20’s, 50’s and 80’s we go through a Saturn return. The first is possibly the most shocking, as well as the most commonly spoken of.
It’s the most shocking because it’s the first time Saturn, one of the most challenging planets we work with, comes back to our natal placement. Shocking because it’s a reality check. Shocking because, for the first time, our mortality starts to dawn on us in a way that is rooted in our physical experience.
No matter how cute you are, you too will get old and die.
The first Saturn return asks us to define ourselves for ourselves. Not for our family. Not for society. Not for any fantasy anyone else has of us. It’s a time of separating ourselves out from our conditioning enough to appreciate the beautiful aspects of it, as well as what we need to do away with. Those of you born in the late 80’s and early 90’s will either have Neptune or both Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn along with your Saturn. This is an incredibly inventive (Uranus) and fantastical (Neptune) combination to have with the deity of realism. Your cohort’s Saturn return is about manifesting what will innovate our systems and what will dissolve the barriers that capitalism upholds. It’s a little messy and hard to get a hold of but it awakens previously unforeseen realities and possibilities for the future.
The second Saturn return occurs at the end of our 50’s, encouraging us to move into more of a mentorship role. Now we are supposed to turn towards those entering their first Saturn return and offer the wisdom we have gathered since then as a guidepost. This is a time of moving into eldership, something our society desperately needs to cultivate an appreciation for.
The Saturn return that occurs at the end of our 80’s is one that gathers the wisdom of our life, distilling it into pearls of wisdom to be left like seeds for future generations.
If you have Saturn in Capricorn you are officially in your Saturn return from the moment Saturn enters Capricorn to the moment it exits. Not all astrologers will agree with that sentiment, but I consider the entire 3 years of Saturn’s journey through Capricorn to be your Saturn return. The weeks and months that transiting Saturn is at the exact degree as your natal Saturn will be the most informative, perhaps even the most intense, but the entire 3 years will have a theme to them that will be very discernible once the entire transit has past. Pay attention to the house that your Saturn return is occurring in. Look for how Saturn is shaping those areas of your life.
Saturn in Aspect
While in Capricorn, Saturn has no major aspects in 2018 though it remains in a near, but never fully compete, trine to Uranus in Taurus over the summer of 2018. This will encourage our innovative spirit in regards to the utilization of the earth’s resources. Uranus in Taurus could create an incredible creativity in regards to how we work with the material realm.
If we use the transit wisely.
If not, it may encourage less egalitarian forces to manipulate resources through taking advantage of shocking events. Disasters brought on by climate change will be used against us, astrology or not. The disrupting and dangerous nature of them will easily be used to control us and convince us to relinquish our rights if we aren’t careful.
Come 2020, Saturn will make a conjunction to Pluto that will redefine our financial systems. Of course every day of Saturn in Capricorn leading up to that transit will define it, so we might say that it would be impossible to underestimate the impact of these next two years on all things associated with finances, resources, governmental structures, and how we work with them. And against them.
The desire to control capital will most likely be at an all-time high during the next three years and the rights we have seen threatened will be even more vulnerable to corruption. We could lose much in terms of autonomy and freedom unless we are vigilant about defending access to resources for all.
Saturn Retrograde
Every year Saturn spends about 5 months of the time retrograde. Since Saturn governs our slow growth and difficult lessons, its retrograde period is always a helpful one where we can check to see if life is lining up with our ultimate goals.
Saturn will station retrograde on April 17th at 9° of Capricorn and station direct on September 6th at 2° of Capricorn.
These horoscopes speak to the first year of Saturn’s transit through Capricorn. You may want to refer to them periodically throughout 2018. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
As Saturn enters your 10th house of career, reputation, and public life, you are initiated into a 3 year process of professionalism. Boss-ness. Whatever you are able to define for yourself in your career during this time will impact your professional pursuits for decades to come.
Part of this process will involve you following the clues, signs, and signals that Saturn will be laying out for you. Clarity will come, but only a little at a time. Piece by piece. Brick by brick.
The only thing you need to do is answer the professional call that is loud and clear.
To bring yourself into being through this process, you will labor like you’ve never known. But if you make love the motivation, the monuments you build will become a healing shelter. A space for transformation to occur. A cauldron that can transmute fear into fierce love.
Make your work into a practice of self-realization. Make it a place where you practice what you preach. Make it a place where you practice pouring yourself into structures of integrity.
Nothing cures heart-break quite like applying yourself to what you believe in.
Let Saturn teach you that part of the process of mastery is feeling like a fool. Fucking up. Finding a way through the shame and fear that arise when we cross a threshold into a new level of our abilities. Let Saturn’s harshness help you not take personally what isn’t. Saturn teaches us how to create sturdy boundaries. Knowing what isn’t about us saves such incredible amounts of time. Days. Months. Years. Eons. Massive amounts of energy we can redirect towards the things that need our attention, love, and care. Knowing how to channel our efforts, energy, and fierce heart is half the battle of becoming a grown, professional person that can help the planet progress.
Never underestimate that part of Saturn’s teaching to you.
I’ve got more information about how to work with Saturn’s transit through Capricorn in 2018: The Year Ahead for Your Sign.
As Saturn ventures into your 9th house of travel, teaching, learning, long-term planning, spiritual experiences, and religious rights of passage, you are being called to dedicate yourself to a larger vision of your life.
The skies are wide open, even if the path is steep and severe at times.
What you commit to learning over the next three years will serve as a source of intellectual, spiritual, and philosophical wealth from which you will be able to draw upon for decades to come.
Make sure that you choose what is worthy of your efforts. Worthy of your time. Worthy of your energy.
Sign up for the doctorate program that will make you a master of yourself.
It need not grant you a piece of paper upon graduating, just a sense of having accomplished something intellectually, spiritually, or philosophically satiating. Choose what’s difficult but defining. Challenging but affirming. Ambitious but meaningful. Consider what you might need to learn in order to move your professional life along in the long-run. Consider where you want to get to within the next 3 years. Consider what steps you can take now to make that a possibility.
Saturn’s transit through your 9th house will teach you a great many things about following through. Stating your cause and staying your course. Throughout the year, keep refocusing yourself on your intention. We don’t always feel like doing what is necessary to attain our goals, but we don’t need to feel like doing it in order to. We just need to do what we can as often as possible. Do that repeatedly over the next 12 months and you’ll be surprised at how far you travel.
I’ve got more information about how to work with Saturn’s transit through Capricorn in 2018: The Year Ahead for Your Sign.
As Saturn’s transit through your 8th house gets underway, you’ll become more familiar with the intricacies of how giving and receiving impacts your projects, successes, and sense of self.
Life is an incredibly intricate exchange of energy. Ideas. Resources. Saturn wants to help you clarify what you need from others and what you have to give to them. The next three years will help you understand who is the best fit for your formula.
Look for the collaborations that are capable of building with you. The unions that potentiate you. The relationships that seem to open up energetic pockets of possibility. Look at the bonds between you and others that help you take what you have and turn it into something beyond what you could conceive of on your own. The arrangements that hold you accountable while inspiring you to do things you thought were only reserved for fancy people.
You are just as dashing, dazzling, and desirable as anyone else on this earth and the right collaborators will awaken this within you.
Your job now is to uncover your gifts so that they can attract impossibly good matches. Part of this uncovering process is confronting the aspects of yourself that have a harder time healing. The parts that have been trained to give away the things you need to keep for yourself. The sorrows your mind gets stuck on. The grief that has yet to be fully grieved. The shadows that are cast by any fear that has gone unchecked. These next three years will help you reclaim the energy you may have lost along the way. Energy you may not have ever had full access to. Energy that you have every right to. Know that each watt you are able to reclaim will give you the strength and encouragement to do so again. And again. Helping you to understand how best to reinvest it and how best to manage the incredible wealth you have within.
I’ve got more information about how to work with Saturn’s transit through Capricorn in 2018: The Year Ahead for Your Sign.
Astrology is a map of time. A map that tells us when certain themes will be amped up. A map that tell us when certain needs will withdraw. A map that tells us when to go and when to slow.
Saturn is a builder that takes its time. An architect that is interested in erecting monuments that can withstand the force of the ages. A constructor of consideration and appreciation for a thorough process.
Over the next 3 years, Saturn will take you through the hallways, cathedrals, and secret rooms of your most important relationships.
Love needs a home.
Saturn wants to help you build places of uncompromising honesty so that your partnerships have a chance to grow. Earnestly. So that your combined accomplishments have a place to take root. Eternally. So that the lessons your heart learns move you in the directions that are most nourishing for you. Sweetly and solidly.
The more you show up for others, the more you’ll understand what you have to give in order to make a prosperous partnership. The more you’ll understand who is able to give what you need. The more you’ll understand who is able to withstand the pressure that healing places on a structure.
Stick with those that are willing to do the work alongside you.
Commit to the relationships that increase your commitment to your own healing. That make you want to do and be better. That won’t take any of your excuses. That won’t entertain your nonsense. That honor your boundaries and their own.
Commit to your growth by choosing, repeatedly, to do the work your partnerships place in your path. Be them love or business, whomever you are working closely with is giving you all you need to get yourself together and to the next level of your learning.
I’ve got more information about how to work with Saturn’s transit through Capricorn in 2018: The Year Ahead for Your Sign.
Honor it. The hard work that goes into your everyday life. The efforts that you make regularly. The yearning that you have to accomplish something of meaning through all your efforts.
It’s time.
To find your resolve to get things done. To find a way around the obstacles in your path. To find what you can apply yourself to and do so without apprehension. Doubt may visit you. Might ask if this is the right work for you. Might try and make you think that it would be safer not to try. But doubt is a key component of success. Doubt itself is never the problem.
It’s doubting the importance of doing the work that gets us into trouble.
When in doubt do what you can with what you’ve got. With Saturn’s 3-year transit through your 6th house, your best efforts will lift you out of any situation that is ill-fitting for you. Your best efforts will get you noticed. Your ability to be as accurate, skillful, and dedicated as possible to what you are doing will help you move professional mountains.
It will also help your professional partnerships.
The more you show up as a serious contender, the more folks will be waiting in the wings to get in the ring with you. The more you see yourself as someone in the process of becoming a master of your craft, the quicker your teachers and students will show up to guide and be guided by you. The more you say yes to the track that gets you on the path to your destiny, the sooner you’ll feel the wheels of your own industriousness at work.
Time waits for no one, so stop waiting for the right moment to give it what you’ve got. This is it.
I’ve got more information about how to work with Saturn’s transit through Capricorn in 2018: The Year Ahead for Your Sign.
Corral it without trying to control it. Put it to work without exhausting it. Shape it without forcing it.
Your creative energy wants to be courted. Enticed. Treated like the divine temptress that it is. With Saturn transiting your 5th house of creative energy, projects, pursuits, children, and romantic partnerships for the next 3 years, it’s time to commit to pleasure as a practice of self-actualization.
It takes discipline to get the best out of our creative selves. Technique needs to be learned. Hours spent pondering the blank canvas of our creations. Weeks spent retracing a single curve. Months spent rehearsing and reworking what we will eventually give to the audiences we have access to. Years spent trying to achieve the strength to appear light as a feather in our most concerted efforts.
But if the discipline turns into drudgery we can end up with a kink in the creative current. You’ll have to navigate the delicate balance of effort and ease. Discipline and down time. Directing and delighting.
Saturn wants to help you realize the power you have to manifest yourself in the material world. A whole new appreciation for what you are able to create emerges as you work with this energy. A whole new understanding of what is possible with dedicated focus and determination.
What we consciously choose to bring into form, however, will also teach us the most about our feelings of lack, self-doubt, and despair. These feelings are a naturally occurring part of having a creatively engaged life. These feelings are usually indicative of our growth. As we push past our limitations into new realms of experience and opportunity, old fears arise. But feelings are best put in perspective by our commitment to our process. It’s the commitments that we make to our growth that pull us through those treacherous places. If we know that, no matter what, we are in this to win our own self-respect, appreciation and praise, we can create sturdy enough boundaries to hold the discomfort of creating our lives as we know we need to. There is a difference between the discomfort that comes from crossing important thresholds and the unease that comes when we are in a situation we need to switch up. This year, learning the difference between the two will set you up for successes that might be slow to form, but lasting in their impact.
I’ve got more information about how to work with Saturn’s transit through Capricorn in 2018: The Year Ahead for Your Sign.
Saturn’s 3 year transit through your 4th house of home, family, and foundation will help you to unearth all manner of issues that lie at the base of your life. Your relationships to your family. Parents. Past.
Our past is a funny thing. We remember it as we made meaning out of it in the moment. As children. As young ones who didn’t have much perspective. As people who had little agency or ability to navigate what we were up against.
Saturn will help you to understand your life’s most defining moments in new ways. With the perspective that age can grant you, over the next 3 years, you’ll be able to heal hurts you may have thought beyond repair. Saturn wants to give you a psychological anchor to drop down. A way to ground. Another angle of understanding that helps you make sense of your own story.
Life may have happened to you in the past, but presently you have the ability to give yourself the gift of getting certain things straight. No matter the situation, no matter the reason, no matter the intention, no one has ever had the right to cross your boundaries.
As an adult you get to clarify what your boundaries are. With family. With those you live with. With yourself. Saturn wants to teach you how to define what feels safe for you. What’s not up for negotiation. What you refuse to go without. If you let it, Saturn will help you restructure not only your home-life, but also your ability to rebuild yourself from the ground up. You don’t have to know what that will eventually look like. All you need to do at this point is get to know what is essential to your wellbeing beyond a shadow of a doubt and make that a corner-stone to build upon this year and for years to come.
I’ve got more information about how to work with Saturn’s transit through Capricorn in 2018: The Year Ahead for Your Sign.
As Saturn spends its first of three years in your 3rd house of daily rituals, siblings, close friends, communications, short-term plans, and the general tempo of your day, you are being asked to understand the quality of the hours you have before you. The value of them. The worth of their weight far exceeds the gold the world would have you chase.
Take your time seriously.
Each moment is a precious portal. Each hour a measure of our lives. Each day something we spend either in dedication to our self-actualization or not. It’s easy to squander our lives, talents and time. It takes effort to go against the grain of our ego’s desire. Egos want instant gratification. Egos want all day attention. Egos want all the things that will ultimately distract us from our healing.
But the right rituals break those bad habits. Disciplined dedication to the projects and practices that help us evolve beyond our immaturity is what breaks new ground. Doing things that are good for our long-term growth is often extremely uncomfortable in the beginning, exhausting even, but eventually we build up the strength needed to feel a greater freedom with all we are committed to doing. Holding. Helping come into form.
Look at your calendar. Look at the way you spend your days. Look at your future goals and the gap that exists between this moment and that reality. Map out a daily path you can travel that leads you in that direction. Fill your calendar with daily rituals that cleanse so that manifesting future aspirations is not only possible, but inevitable. Make up your mind about your success and refuse to accept anything less.
I’ve got more information about how to work with Saturn’s transit through Capricorn in 2018: The Year Ahead for Your Sign.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
After graduating from Saturn’s 3 year transit through Sagittarius, you are now asked to put the lessons of determination, dedication, and self-acceptance it taught you into a form and structure that can support you long-term. Finding ways to create life-sustaining work that is also soulfully nourishing is nothing short of miraculous.
But miracles are our birth right.
Over the next 3 years, Saturn wants to help you manifest your energetic self in the material world. The planet of consequences will teach you all you need to know about your finances and the discipline necessary to master this aspect of life. The resources that you have to work with depend on what you were able to come to terms with, understand and make use of over the past 3 years.
Take what worked, what lasted, what passed Saturn’s test and move forward with it. Build with it. Become self-supporting with it. Master the art of putting it into workable structures that can support you, those you wish to reach, and those you want to be in partnership with.
Take this year to learn about the nuts and bolts of your business. Take this year to learn about all the ways in which you can work within the barriers and the boundaries of your situation. Take this year to consider what wealth really means to you.
What riches lie within you?
Your feelings about your resources, talents, and naturally occurring assets determines to a large degree how you access and utilize them. The more work you do to understand the layers of doubt and fear that cover up and distort your potential, the more you’ll be able to work with the priceless treasure you already possess.
I’ve got more information about how to work with Saturn’s transit through Capricorn in 2018: The Year Ahead for Your Sign.
This is a time of self-definition like no other. Over the next three years, as Saturn travels through your sign, the Taskmaster aims to bring you back to yourself. Redefining your understanding of who you are and what you are capable of. Awakening you to your responsibility to your own becoming. Reminding you of who you want to grow yourself into.
And the work that it requires.
This work is on you. No one else can do it for you. No one else can define it for you. No one can deter you from it, unless you let them. So don’t give anyone the opportunity to. Stay in your lane and don’t let anyone cut in on your journey. These next three years will require that you honor your ability to shut out distractions so that you can put the most important things first.
Saturn transits bring immediate consequences. Like a boomerang on full blast, ill-constructed actions come back with a vengeance. Lessons stand in line to demonstrate their importance. Intentions need to be set but if they aren’t backed up with committed actions the cosmos will call you out.
There isn’t much leeway for shenanigans.
In fact there’s just enough room for you to mature. Get wise. Get your boundaries set and in support of your long-term growth. This will feel empowering for some, frustrating for others and some will feel both back to back.
Try to remind yourself that you aren’t obligated to clean up the messes of the adults around you. You aren’t responsible for their happiness. You aren’t in charge of their healing. But you are duty-bound to your own.
I’ve got more information about how to work with Saturn’s transit through Capricorn in 2018: The Year Ahead for Your Sign.
As Saturn travels through your 12th house for the next 3 years, it will ask you to release many ideas of yourself that ultimately don’t serve your long-term growth. Saturn will ask you to grapple with the fears that aren’t based in the present, but are very much rooted in the past. It will help you battle the self-destructive patterns that operate unconsciously.
It’s time to understand the intangible obstacles to your growth.
This takes a specific kind of effort on your part. The kind that asks you to have patience with your own process. The kind that asks you to lean more heavily on your ability to hold, with consciousness, the irrational emotions that erupt rather than trying to make sense of them. Some of this work will be obvious from the onset, while some of it makes sense only after learning to trust your healing process.
Through this process, Saturn will help you come to terms with what in your life is coming to a natural close. What is finishing up all on its own. What is working itself out without needing you to push, shove or force anything from yourself. The more you relax into this process the more wisdom you will be able to align yourself with and the more you’ll be able to tune into what is being conceived deep within you.
All life begins in the dark.
While much is growing and flourishing in your professional life, a new seed of potential gets fertilized in a part of your life that is hidden from everyone. Perhaps even you for a time. What this potential will grow into is not yet known. What it needs only you will come to understand. What it offers you however is the possibility to work on something in secret, without the glare of the public or the scrutiny of the critics. Protect this seedling. It will tell you when it is time to break through the surface of your life but for now it needs the deep nourishment of being underground.
I’ve got more information about how to work with Saturn’s transit through Capricorn in 2018: The Year Ahead for Your Sign.
As Saturn spends the next 3 years traveling through your 11th house, it’s time to build strong alliances with those that share your dreams, hopes, and visions for the future. It’s time to show up for the ideas that you believe in by becoming a member of the communities that uphold ideologies sacred to you. It’s time to step up and hold space in the ways you can. For the people you want to serve. For the possibilities that need a place to take root. For the future you wish to make manifest.
You hold the key to its arrival. Make a place for it to exist.
Notice who is around that you most align with. What spaces teach you the most about yourself. What gatherings help you grow up and into yourself as a leader among leaders. Notice the elders that are present in your communities. What they might need. What they might be able to teach you.
This might be a time where feelings of inadequacy arise. Old feelings from middle school, high-school, or formative friendships tend to return. But for good reason. Old feelings are teachers. They can show us how far we have come. How much we have healed. How possible it is to move beyond the barriers we thought we were tied to.
Saturn is also showing you the importance of boundaries amongst you and your crews. We can’t let anyone’s issues run amok in our lives if we want to grant ourselves even a moment of peace. You are a permeable creature. Sensitive to the emotions, energies, and fluctuations of others. Saturn wants to help you learn, to an even greater depth than you already know, just how deserving you are of your own time, space, love, and energy. As you learn to protect it you learn how to also protect yourself in ways you always needed but that no one until now could grant you.
I’ve got more information about how to work with Saturn’s transit through Capricorn in 2018: The Year Ahead for Your Sign.