Your July 2020 horoscopes are published with companion Cosmic Playlists that I curate for Spotify. They feature many new up-and-coming artists, that I hope you will love, follow, and stan.
To work with July’s astrology, please join me for A Workshop for Eclipse Season, the Summer Solstice, and the Astrology of June 20 – July 19.
If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read and listen to both horoscopes and playlists! Take what works for you, leave the rest.
Aries & Aries Rising
Reclaim your narrative for yourself.
Whatever you resist dealing with in your private life inevitably shows up in your public life. Any separation between the two is a mental barrier that July’s astrology exposes as the flimsy phantom it is. Everything you have been able to confront, hold, understand, and heal within your family system helps you to better show up in the world with clarity. When you are able to accept your family for who they are, and not who you wish or even needed them to be, you’ll find fountains of self-acceptance for yourself. Unearthing the expectations and stories others have of you about who you are and what you are supposed to do helps you reclaim your narrative for yourself.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
If you care about it, speak about it.
If you care about it, speak about it. When the cat’s got your tongue, dig deeper to understand what inhibits you from being able to tackle a difficult conversation. It may be that you need a couple of facts in your back pocket to be able to interrupt an interaction that is moving in the wrong direction. Hold practice sessions with your friends so that uncomfortable conversations don’t feel unusual. When learning how to be vocal, it’s imperative that we don’t worry about being liked in the process. When you are in alignment with your boundaries and are on the right side of history, getting disliked is a guarantee. Integrating this lesson will free you to learn how to more fully support not only your life, but also everyone else’s.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
Invest in a life of meaning.
July’s astrology aims to unearth some of your deepest thoughts about scarcity and abundance. Resources that are invested in solutions for community care invite a wellspring of goodwill into our lives and the world at large. Notice what it feels like every time you make the mental shift from wanting to attain for your own benefit to wanting to be a channel for abundance, flowing through for all. Meditate on what helps you make that shift, and try to make more room for it. Whenever you are aligned with the principle of generosity, you are also aligned with the energy of abundance; it is its own supply of wealth and July encourages you to cash in on it.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
Focus on what nourishes you.
The last two years have had much to teach you about which achievements bring actual satisfaction and which are just your ego wanting to be fed. Knowing the difference between the two is the difference between enjoying your life and missing the beauty of it completely. Desire is a gorgeous thing, but living a life that’s steered by an insatiable appetite for acquiring trophies isn’t so cute for the soul. July focuses your attention on what in your life facilitates real nourishment. Empty calories can be fun, but they can’t sustain a life. Relationships get a thorough cleansing, and what you learn about yourself in the process helps you become a better lover, friend, accomplice, and agent for change.
Leo & Leo Rising
Restructure with a lifetime in mind.
The last two years have asked a lot from you, professionally speaking. Your work-life demands structure, your schedules want to be decluttered, your ability to delegate requires constant updates, and your responsibilities want to be claimed. The last six months of 2020 ask you to review this work, putting finishing touches on it and making appropriate additions where needed. With a sizable work event happening in the first week of July, your body will need time to recuperate. Be as generous with yourself as you are diligent with your responsibilities. No real gains are made quickly. Restructure with a lifetime in mind.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
Care more about being honest than about being liked.
You’ll spend much of July learning the love languages of your friends and networks – an invaluable skill to spend time on. Part of community care means being able to meet people where they are at, a skill few of us are taught in school but one that creates worlds of benefit for us and everyone involved. As you learn to work through communication breakdowns, you’re able to develop the courage to be clear about what you think, mean, and intend. It may mean that some people take issue with you, but being resolved to tell the truth means that some of your fans will become your critics. As long as you care more about being honest than you do about being liked, you’ll grow leaps and bounds this month.
Libra & Libra Rising
These have been quantum leap years.
Over the past two years, you’ve made phenomenal strides in your career. These have been quantum leap years. Whether or not you’ve grown your business, following, or impact in your industry, the growth you’ve made has also been deeply personal. July’s eclipse brings home all of these themes and then some. It reminds you that when your public wins are tied to your personal growth, the kinds of transformations that can happen are long-lasting and powerful. Move towards the goals that are personally meaningful for you. Spend a little time unearthing the messages that you received about success when you were young, take note of which serve you and which don’t. Edit as needed.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Let the text stay on read
July’s eclipse is asking you to concentrate on your daily life and rituals. Elimination is key. Make time for what moves you and move away from what doesn’t. Let your calendar reflect your future hopes and dreams. Let the text stay on read if you need a moment to gather your energy, take a deep breath, and center yourself. Focus on the shift in your plans, and watch them with curiosity. Be less attached to the outcome you think needs to happen and more committed to the process of what is occurring in real-time. You have the instincts to know when something is off and when something lights you up. Follow the flow that feels affirming.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Mostly, fear is a liar.
Mostly, fear is a liar. It will tell you that you are in danger when really you are on the edge of a breakthrough. It will tell you that there isn’t enough for everyone when there is plenty and then some. July’s astrology wants you to excavate all the ways in which you let unreasonable fears inhibit your ability to make a move. This moment also wants to help uncover a historic understanding of your fear: where it came from, where it hides out, what makes it burst forth. The more you understand the rhythms of fear, the more you are able to get out in front of it before it gets the better part of your day.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
Strip down to the bare essentials.
The last two years have asked you to strip your life down to the bare essentials. What wasn’t ever really a good fit was exposed. What was created in confusion or miscommunication was revealed. Whoever wasn’t able to hold the relationship with kindness was spotlit so as to enable their exit. From July to December, the impact of much of this grueling but ultimately freeing work on yourself becomes more integrated. Instead of asking someone else for permission, you are learning to give it to yourself. This is the ultimate in maturity, agency, and personal power. This is your time to take on that kind of responsibility. Ask no one for the right to need what you need, but be willing to take ownership for all that it means.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Don’t let a miscommunication lead to hard feelings.
Don’t let a miscommunication lead to hard feelings. If it bothers you, make sure to unpack it with your people. If it gets under your skin, it’s for good reason, and it’s your job to find out what that could be. Whatever issues come up, especially about a work project, they will most likely help you get to the source of a sore spot. When a feeling that blocks your creative flow gets unearthed, it’s an opening that can become a gateway of possibilities. This is a good thing, even if it’s not always an easy thing. Learning to hold the tension between what needs tending and what simultaneously requires rest is part of the solution.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
Tend to the quality of your conversations.
July’s eclipse highlights your audience, your friends, networks, and communities. What you are able to struggle through, love each other through, and work towards says everything about the quality of your connections – but remember that it’s not always supposed to be easy. There is nothing wrong with you if you go through growing pains with your community. We all evolve in different ways and at our own rate. We all come to a friendship with different needs and ways of communicating them. Throughout this month, you may notice that what you say isn’t what people hear, and vice versa. Slow down and tend to the quality of your communication. These efforts will help your conversations and connections both achieve incredible depths.