Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.
Aries & Aries Rising
It takes courage to create new friendships. It takes effort to establish yourself amongst your peers. It takes a relentless pursuit of honest interactions to build trust amongst each other.
As you come into a deeper and deeper alignment with life, you’ll often find that you aren’t meant to stay friends with everyone forever. These can be hard lessons to learn, but there is no expiration date, no age limit, and no stage of life that can shelter us from them.
We are all meant to live many different lives in one.
As Saturn squares Uranus for the first time this week (it will do so again in June and December), you are most likely feeling the impact of change in regards to your friend groups, communities, and the ways in which your collaborative work is structured.
These two heavyweights and their impact aren’t one and done however; this is a long-haul kind of transformation. As Saturn is busy helping you take your collective hopes and dreams seriously, Uranus is busy rearranging your finances and the ways in which you make a living.
Questions about freedom and responsibility will relentlessly arise this year—if you build it, they will come, but you have to invest in yourself in it in order to do so.
Tender topics may come up with chosen family, colleagues, or folks you care about at the end of the week. Take note of if the situation calls for a blowout, or if you are just in need of a timeout.
Because Mercury is also stationing direct on Saturday, you’ll want to listen closely to what your feelings are saying and what the facts are pointing to. They aren’t always the same thing, and both need to be considered.
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Taurus & Taurus Rising
This week reminds you how important it is to break the mold. As much as you need to create the structures that make a home for your professional goals, so too are you required to break free from the norms that keep your creativity quelled.
As Saturn squares Uranus for the first time this week (it will do so again in June and December), two areas of your life are being tested and are vying for your attention: your need for personal and creative freedom and your responsibility to your craft. Honor the traditions that you come from, and those you have created within, but also take seriously your ability to reinvent them as needed. You are laying out a blueprint that you’ll be building upon for a long time to come; one that others will embrace and build upon in the future.
As Mercury stations direct on Saturday, it pulls focus on some critical conversations and relationship dynamics. Most likely, you’ll be given the information that you need in order to further a project or professional pursuit. Go slowly. There could be hurt feelings on the job. Offer tender attention where needed; skirting past the issue won’t make it disappear.
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Gemini & Gemini Rising
There are times when all we can do to get through the moment is to lean on tradition, and then there are times when we have to reinvent the ways in which we worship at the altars of our life.
You are straddling the need for both right now.
As Saturn squares Uranus for the first time this week, (it will do so again in June and December), you are given insights into which customs, philosophies, and ways of viewing the world hold water through any kind of drought, and which can no longer hold the entirety of you.
Beware of the temples that require you to leave your wildness at the door. If their walls and words don’t welcome all of you, reconsider how you engage with their philosophies.
With Mercury stationing direct on Saturday, you’re well-situated to receive a lesson, intuition, dream, or divination. Your own ways of knowing, teaching, and being a part of a larger transmission of ideas comes into focus now. Listen.
Spend a little extra time in the morning with the astral information that comes through and a little more time listening to what your teachers are telling you. There are volumes of information awaiting you, embedded in lovely exchanges and cantankerous conflicts alike. Be careful not to overlook the form that the wisdom wants to come in.
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Cancer & Cancer Rising
If your resources aren’t respected, the collaborations you are in won’t get you far. If your needs aren’t included in the equation, you aren’t going to be able to take part in the creative process honestly. If you don’t respect the value of what you bring, no one else will take it as seriously as you wish they would. Even if others do recognize what it is you bring to the table, honoring its brilliance is an important part of your contribution.
There is little to be made out of what we don’t claim as our own.
As Saturn squares Uranus for the first time this week (it will do so again in June and December), you know for certain that your collaborations need an upgrade. Squeaky wheels tell you exactly what needs attention and innovation.
Mercury stations direct on Saturday, pulling focus on the conversations that you need to have in order to clear the air and set a situation right. Deeply entrenched feelings are likely to emerge. Take time to parse through them—if they’ve risen to the surface, allow them time and space to breathe.
See where every planet is in the sky right now and how that’s impacting your life in the CHANI app.
Leo & Leo Rising
What you learn about building a career, a company, agency, organization, and most importantly, a life with others is currently your top priority. It’s all about who wants the same kind of commitment and what time reveals about your partnerships. Refuse to cover for anyone’s shortcomings—including your own.
Let them be known.
As Saturn squares Uranus for the first time this week, (it will do so again in June and December), you are granted more clarity in your partnerships and in the process of creating sustainable structures within them.
By the end of the week, however, your partner(s) may be deep in their feelings. Try not to take it personally. Because Mercury stations direct on Saturday, a slow and steady approach is required. This astrology will help you to parse out the problem, but only if you move with its rhythm. Moving too quickly right now will not get you the answers you need. Just because you’re uncomfortable in the silence doesn’t mean it isn’t golden.
See where every planet is in the sky right now and how that’s impacting your life in the CHANI app.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
Pisces Season sheds a light on your commitments and love languages. How you come to agreements in all your unions is a key component of how successful you’ll feel in them. With so much abundance coming through to you from other people this year, you want to make sure that right now, you are connecting with those that keep you afloat.
Life rafts only.
As Saturn squares Uranus for the first time this week (it will do so again in June and December), your professional projects get infused with the kind of radical energy that will bust down barriers that were unfairly put in place. Although right now you are no wall flower when it comes to getting your message across, you are also becoming an expert at the subtle art of appearing to play by the rules, while simultaneously dismantling them.
As Mercury stations direct this weekend, it brings up the professional issues that tend to have everyone in their feelings. Some folks may have a chip on their shoulder or a sentiment stewing that needs to be aired. Your patience is much needed, and your guidance goes a long way—give it when you can.
See where every planet is in the sky right now and how that’s impacting your life in the CHANI app.
Libra & Libra Rising
Life’s lessons will always come at us faster than we bargained for. If we let it, life’s wild ride will interrupt our ability to manifest what it is we most want to create.
There’s never a shortage of issues to blame.
However, this year you are reminded of the fleeting nature of time when it comes to getting down to business. The stage is being set for some hefty creative projects to come into being, if you choose to work with them.
The process of making something out of your raw talent is anything but smooth, however this is your challenge. As Saturn squares Uranus for the first time this week (it will do so again in June and December), the disruptions get louder and carry with them a message: you can’t create in the ways others traditionally have.
You are here to honor the rules that work for you and break the ones that leave you no choice but to.
Doing what others have done before, and believing it will lead you to the same outcome, is an understandable assumption, but it will not work. Your path is yours alone, and as you explore it, you will discover you didn’t want to be just like them after all.
As Mercury stations direct over the weekend, touchy subjects become evident, but beware of debating dead ends. Be extra cautious of jumping to conclusions with loved ones or in business deals. Go slow if you don’t want to lose the plot completely.
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Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
The issues that come up from your past, within your family, and in your home life are not arbitrary, nor are they permanent. No matter how entrenched, the current astrology is here to remind you that, with patience and persistence, there are many ways in which you can build a home-base and create a container for your people to gather within.
Tradition alone can’t be what holds you together.
This week, as Saturn squares Uranus for the first time (it will do so again in June and December), you are given explicit instructions on how to interrupt age old family traditions that don’t honor the current needs or boundaries of your brood.
It’s not easy work, it’s not fast work, and it’s not without its nuances and layers. It’s work that requires a dedication to honoring the traditions that value connection, and disrupting the ones that cause greater divides.
By the end of the week, folks may be feeling extra salty and sensitive. Go slow when trying to recover the facts; read in-between the lines when necessary.
As Mercury stations direct on February 20th, you get insights previously withheld from you, but you can’t tie up every loose end right away. When others don’t seem ready for a resolution, let it be. You are only responsible for your portion of the issue; everyone else needs to hold their own.
See where every planet is in the sky right now and how that’s impacting your life in the CHANI app.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
So far, the pervading message of 2021 has been that your professional freedom is contingent upon building out the best architecture possible for your daily life and rituals. It can’t be too rigid, lacking in common sense, or without connection to larger guiding principles. It must be in support of liberating you from unnecessary work that would be better delegated or done with others.
Currently your growth requires that you develop the fine art of interdependence.
This week, as Saturn squares Uranus for the first time (it will do so again in June and December), you are reminded of just how many details are still in flux. It is essential to begin and end with the truth.
As the resident soothsayer, your insights are more than precisely on point; they are also eerily accurate for reasons that will become known later on.
In short, don’t keep them to yourself. You are bound to look back on this moment in awe of how ahead of your time you are.
Come the end of the week, as Mercury stations direct, folks might be feeling extra sensitive, on edge, and in a bind. Plan on being needed and in need of going slowly when it comes to interpersonal problems. The deeper you listen, the less chaos will steal the scene.
See where every planet is in the sky right now and how that’s impacting your life in the CHANI app.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
It’s easy to take your resources for granted. It’s easy to think you know what your talents are and what they are not. It’s easy to refuse the very thing that you need to do next.
Perspective is a gift we can’t always grant ourselves.
This week, as Saturn squares Uranus for the first time (it will do so again in June and December), you are being asked to seriously consider what it is you may be forgetting when it comes to your bag of tricks. The resources that you have may want to be used in new ways or may contain options you have never thought of before. Like when you discover your jacknife has a blade you didn’t know existed, this week it will behoove you to examine the capacity of your tools of the trade.
While Mercury stations direct (Saturday, Feb 20th), it pulls focus on hidden talents, as well as a relationship issue that impacts your livelihood. Things can get sticky and tricky fast if people are in their feelings and their egos.
Common sense becomes a hot commodity in these conditions.
If emotions run high, be sure to heed the redflags of caution. Take negotiations slowly, and approach relationship issues with the long-term in mind. If you can’t see yourself building a future with them, you won’t be able to create much with them in the present.
See where every planet is in the sky right now and how that’s impacting your life in the CHANI app.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Are you changing, or are you just becoming more of yourself? Are you disturbing the peace or ringing a much needed alarm? Are you being celebrated for your ability to elegantly buck the system, or are you being blamed for being the bearer of bad news?
Everyone wants to know, but no one wants to listen. You are likely experiencing a wide variety of responses to your newly found freedoms and newly implemented boundaries, set-ups, and structures.
This week, as Mercury stations direct, and as Saturn squares Uranus for the first time (it will do so again in June and December), you are a little more no-nonsense, a little less apologetic, and a little more attuned to your talents and how to use them.
Beware anyone that tries to get in your way.
There is a focus now on both the gifts of your past and the ways in which you need to break the cycles from which you come from. Growing yourself up into the adult you always wanted to have around is the mission. It does not matter whether you have a clear and present example of this; living as authentically as possible will cure all worry about “getting it right.”
See where every planet is in the sky right now and how that’s impacting your life in the CHANI app.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
Being able to accept that sadness, sorrow, loss, loneliness, and disillusionment are natural human states that we will all venture in and out of, is the mark of a sage. It might take enlightenment to get there—maybe it’s foolish to even try; maybe it’s setting us up for failure to even contemplate. But there is a freedom that comes with simply considering the possibility that we can let ourselves be, however we are.
Every state arises and recedes. Witnessing these tides can help us find solid ground.
This week, as Saturn squares Uranus for the first time (it will do so again in June and December), you are more privy to the kind of breakthrough that helps you focus less on what the world wants from you and more about the quality of your connection to it.
Time can be a great healer when we use it to witness what has marked us the most.
Right now, you are in the unique position of experimenting with living your life on its own terms. Releasing yourself from the tight grip of expectation, will help you come into a deeper alignment with the fortune that also surrounds you. As Mercury stations direct this weekend, it makes that message abundantly clear. As the beginning of Pisces Season marks your rebirth, you get a chance to begin again, this time with less resistance and more space to embrace what is.
See where every planet is in the sky right now and how that’s impacting your life in the CHANI app.