Weekly Astro Pro Tips
This week we build with the new moon in Aries that occurred on Saturday, April 18th. From now until May 4th (the next full moon) we can focus on taking small, courageous, meaningful steps forward. If you want some guidance setting out with the energies of this new moon, plus some extra added astro insider info you can still purchase The Courage to Create: New Moon in Aries Intention Setting Class.
On Monday the sun moves into to the generative, fertile, lush, stability-driven earth sign of Taurus. This sign takes the rushing of Aries and grounds, stabilizes and makes something out of the rambunctious ram’s energy. Flowers bloom, bees buzz, riverbeds widen. Hopefully. On a personal level this is a time to slow down and appreciate what is unfolding in our lives. Eat with ease. Hug freely. Enjoy the sensual pleasures that abound. Tending to our own gardens creates a more vibrant community. Taurus brings us the wisdom of gathering our resources and growing what we’ve got.
On Tuesday the waxing moon in Gemini makes a conjunction with Venus. This is an interesting little movement before the Goddess of Love makes a sextile to Jupiter on Wednesday and, on Sunday, a sextile to Uranus. There is something subtle yet powerful here to play with. Venus is getting some juice from Jupiter the great benefic and Uranus the element of surprise. Venus’s aspect is the sextile so the planet is making a power play for fun, adventure and inquisitive, intuitive, creative adventure. Or it’s just a great day to get your flirt on.
The most intense astrological signature this week happens when Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn, followed by Mercury in Taurus trining Pluto, and then Mercury and Mars conjoining. This all happens on Tuesday and Wednesday.
This is a concoction that asks us to get familiar with our desires, to direct our desires and to value their power. Being unconscious of them does no one any good. Desires can be terrifying when they arise in the form of all-consuming, life destroying, obliterating forces. But if we create lives that are capable of making room for the entirety of our capacities then fear is no longer the driving force when faced with what we want. Also a Mercury/Mars conjunction in Taurus is the perfect cocktail for long lasting damaging arguments. So don’t. Say what you need to and leave the rest for you diary and your therapist.
In the beginning, all hot and bothered, brimming with life, we are open to everything. It seems we have only time to experiment. It seems we have only possibilities. It seems we have only an endless summer of options.
And then.
Time passes, we make up our minds. We say yes. We say no. We hear, I told you so. These beliefs, choices and attitudes shape what we value. They shape what we place worth on. What we value has a way of taking a life of its own. We serve our values. We feed our values. We feast upon what our values have grown or starve from their deficiencies. We worship at the temple of our values. We become them. They dictate our life and lead us down a certain course.
This week is an activation of this realm of your life. There is a challenge here for you to face. Are you valuing what is worth valuing? Are your ambitions supporting your long-range happiness? Are you caught up in a moment of amnesia? Have you lost track of what you hold dear?
Or are you deepening your understanding of all that you bring to the table, of all that you bring to this world and of all that you can bring to whatever you are wishing to accomplish? Focus on aligning yourself with what makes you a happier person not just the one who wins the race.
You are energized this week. Vital. Pumped. Poised. Ready for battle.
But hold up, why the need to defeat when there could be victory all around?
Seriously. There is an honor in serving and protecting those people, places and things that need it but we can do an insurmountable amount of damage when we act defensively and when we are demeaning, to others or to ourselves.
Understanding what you are fighting for is half the battle. Understanding what you hope to come out on top with is the rest. I say fight for your own dignity, self-respect and self-worth. Fight for the dignity of others. Fight for your integrity in each and every situation because then you are not dependent on what any one else does, says or thinks. Then your only dependency is on whether you are fighting on behalf of what is right, for your own conscience.
You have a power, a resolve and an ambition brewing this week that bodes well for taking control and taking no prisoners. Stand up for yourself. Fight the good fight. Be clear about what is worthy of winning and go forward for that and nothing else.
You have a lot to tend to before your birthday season arrives. You can think of it a little like having a month to get things in order. A month to do some serious reflecting. A month to do some reevaluating. A month to set the stage for the year that you wish to live out.
Clear out the rubble and rubbish. Take a good look at what has happened since your last birthday.
What meaning did you give the difficult events? Did you come to view them as failures? Did they help you understand your strengths and your resiliency? Did they help you to have more compassion for yourself when you are down? Did they help to deepen your resolve to be in the flow of things and not doubt the difficult?
What did you let yourself enjoy? What were you actually present for? What moments stand out as flashes of awareness? What were you doing? What was your quality of attention?
What did you spend your time on this year? Do you feel like it was a good way to live out a year? Did you miss your year? Wake up and it was gone? Do you need help learning how to be here now?
And finally what is the quality of attention that you wish to bring to your next trip around the sun? Note the achievements that you wish to conquer, the plays you wish to make, the things that you want to create. All of these are good things for the mind to chew on but, more interestingly, what is the experience that you would like to have this year?
Things come and go. People come and go. Success and failures all come and go. What stays is us. Decide what you are dedicated to experiencing this year (for example, I experience being connected to myself no matter what happens, I experience patience for myself and others, etc.) and then put your attention there within each goal you set out to accomplish.
Being willing to set your boundaries and have difficult conversations this week actually helps you create your own fortune. I know, it’s contrary to your nature to handle things head on but your work is worth defending, worth protecting and worth reenergizing. Those that you work with may need you to bring your ambition, drive and intensity to the table. Being controversial can stir up the right amount of curiosity.
Cultivate your ability to see yourself as someone who takes charge and builds your life in the ways that it needs to be built. Know that what you have worked so hard on has the right to be protected. Don’t be afraid to take command and entertain the notion that it’s a pretty sexy stance that might you actually dig.
Be a benevolent leader though. One that would rather serve and protect the most vulnerable among us than merely get the goods for yourself. Be daring, be different but refrain from being dictatorial.
Secret love affairs, romances under wraps and taking time out-like out, to hang with your loves (humans, art practices, friends) is soulful, nourishing and very much needed. Maxing and relaxing with those that are fun to do so with is a wildly underrated endeavor and one that helps you balance out the Boss nature of your astrology this week.
Being visible is valuable because it can force us to define our values. Being visible is valuable because it can help us stand our ground, pick a side and stand by what we hold dear. Being visible is valuable if it helps us see ourselves. Being visible is valuable if it helps us value ourselves.
There is an increased energy in the most visible sector of your chart. This helps you feel seen. This helps you see yourself. This helps you define your place within the tribe and celebrate it. But nothing comes without an equal and opposite reaction. There might be a need to push back against an authority figure, someone you work with, some story you have about what you can’t do or some aspect of your life that feels like its overwhelming and bigger than you.
It isn’t.
You are as big as you allow yourself to be. And as worthy of praise. We humans get it all amiss. We think that praise is personal but anything of beauty that works its way through us is a gift. Meaning that it’s been given to us from some other source and keeping it all to ourselves is like not sharing our birthday cake. Having it all to ourselves makes us sick. Our talents are kind of like that. Keeping them in doesn’t make us feel good, but expressing them takes courage and the willingness to fail, fight for ourselves and risk our good name.
You’ve either got a stellar social week ahead of you and/or one that gives you a sweet boost and a loving lift. Take it and have it help you fill out your form in full view.
When we finally get what we set out for, it’s never as we thought it would be. Different than what we imagined. It’s never the same up close. Or maybe it’s that by the time we arrive at our destination we have changed so much that the thing itself is no longer the same in relation to us. Either way, focusing on the thing itself is a sure route to disappointment. So is focusing on all the things that we didn’t do. Don’t do that. Focus on the journey at hand right now.
There is a great shift of focus happening in your chart this week and it’s all about exploring your options, because all of a sudden you remember that you have them. There are promises of perusing some pretty interesting places but which option aligns with your life right now?
Whenever we set out on a new journey the initial adrenaline is enough to carry us for a while, but adrenaline can only sustain us through a couple of thoroughfares. While you have choice and opportunity coming your way I want to advise you to take up the ones that make the most sense energetically. Which options wake you up inside? Which make you want to get up and go? Fight to be on the pathways that please your sense of endless possibility and give you back that skip in your step.
You’re also poised for some sweet praise and recognition in your career this week. Taking the road less traveled will leave you more invigorated and more likely to make the most of any love cast your way.
There’s a compilation of psychological complexes that may tend to erupt this week. Like the ones that want to control, manipulate or be a straight up bully.
There’s nothing wrong with feeling like you want to control everyone and everything around you, it’s only a problem when you try to do so. A desire to dig deeper with others, a desire to feel connected, a desire to feel worthy of such connection may be at the heart of these unsavory feelings so supply yourself with those experiences. If it’s intimacy you are after make efforts to be with those that are sound, safe and a sure bet to being heard.
We can be grateful for the little hiccups that happen and even for the bigger ones. We can be grateful for them because while we have the chance to stare our demons in the eye we also just might catch a glimpse of the truer desire behind the bad behavior in ourselves and in others.
The good news is that this week you are equally gifted with an ability to understand the bigger picture. You are equally gifted with the ability to reenergize and refocus what you philosophically hold as true. You are extraordinarily gifted with the ability to remember the best of yourself, of others and of life. Going deep, getting down to what you truly desire, helps you to see what’s really important.
When things get heated, when the stakes are high, when you feel stressed, tested and tried are you able to refrain from reacting? Are you able to stand in between the desire to run screaming in the opposite direction and the desire to inflict pain on your opponent? Are you able to be vulnerable instead of being full of venom?
Vulnerability is exactly what anger can mask, but it’s also what anger can point to. Only a tremendous amount of fear can provoke a tidal wave of woe. So. If at any point this week you feel provoked I want to encourage you to take a leap of faith and dig into the experience. If you can stay out of blame, if you can observe your shame and if you can be OK with not knowing what to do next you’ll be surprised at the amount of compassion that might come your way.
From yourself. To yourself.
Other people can make our life pretty miserable at times but only you have the salve to soothe your savage beast. So do so, especially when confrontations feel like they might conquer you this week. Don’t fold into fury or vacillate between being a victim and being a hard-ass. Just be with what is being brought to the surface. There is more productive passion in this strategy. Actually there is a ton of productive passion that you’re privy to once you do.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
You have a healthy chunk of time set aside (the next month or so) to focus on small details and mundane movements that keep your days motoring along at a speed suitable to your standards. Work on the fine details, the incremental steps and the basics that eventually put your life on the right track. Every big move is a million small ones in the making. Start here and don’t worry about the bigger strokes for now.
From Monday to Thursday there are tremendous building opportunities for you in terms of a business or romantic relationship. Or both/and. If there is someone that can help you that you need to reach out to, do so at the beginning of this week. If there is someone who you are building with this is the week that your structures will be helped.
There is an extra charm that you can utilize because of this, but connection and your experience of it is key. Your story around it becomes paramount, especially regarding events that might unfold on Tuesday if you choose to tune into the messages they mean to bring you. Tuning in is everything if we are focused on our healing and our connection with life.
Listen to the stories that you tell about others, about what they want from you, about what they don’t like about you and pay attention to what you take that to mean about who you are and what you are worth. There is every indication that this week will bring you attention and even a good date or two, but in order to have the experience stick and help your life move along a good path, take the time to feel into any fear, hesitation and holding back you might experience when good things come your way.
The area of your chart that has to do with having fun, flirting and feeling filled with creative juice is being energized this week. Go with it. Actively seek out what you find pleasing. Get busy building sandcastles in the playground. Remind yourself that it isn’t all work. Give yourself permission to let go and forget about what you are normally fixated on.
This will actually help you be more productive.
If you don’t you might just end up cantankerous and not much gets done in that kind of condition. Consider that you actually become more productive when you are relaxed. Pretend that you are getting paid to play. You’ll be more motivated to find your stride on the job.
The beginning of the week, especially the first two days of it carry some pretty cute potential. Be open to compliments and praise at work. Be willing to give compliments and praise to those you work with. Being a little flirty and free with your observations can carry a great benefit for you and others both energetically and creatively. Again, feeling good will help you accomplish much more than feeling stressed.
There could be a truth or two, a conversation, some information relayed to you this week that shakes you at your core. There could be a quarrel at home or a ruffling of feathers in the family that stirs the beasts of discontent. There could be a way in which you are re-invigorated to take up old battles that you thought were long gone.
Turns out they are not.
This week has a tendency to turn up the heat on historic family dramas, and possibly strengthen the ambitions of those you live with, are related to or are connected to you on a fundamentally important level.
It matters not what the outer appearance manifest itself as-what matters is that you are reconnected with your own will and your own fundamental rights to live your life as you see fit. So do so. Be definitive without inciting a riot. Defend and protect what is yours to and remember that the rest of it is none of your business.
When you can, focus on what is fun. Don’t stay engaged in any power struggles. State your cause, state your intention, walk your talk, hold your boundary and then go enjoy yourself.
You don’t have to stop having a good time just because others get pleasure out of your discontent. Besides, making sure you have interesting and fulfilling hobbies will help you stay out of drama and help you get into solutions. Distraction is the best deescalation tactic.
Getting to the truth gets you into your power. Getting to the truth brings you in line with your ability to make definitive, directive decisions. Getting to the truth centers you. Warriors are centered. Super-heroes are centered. To make it successfully and joyfully through this at times ludicrous labyrinth of life we need to be centered.
Don’t hide from what you know and don’t worry about letting it show. The truth is generative. Life grows in the soil of sincerity. The truth is a potent seed that once planted can never be weeded out. Once you’ve seen the light it can’t be unseen. No need to close your eyes now.
If it floats your boat I recommend spending some time writing what you know to be true. About your feelings. About the facts of your life. About your fears. About your fight. About what you know to be right.
If you can manage it I also recommend that you spend some time at home. Spring clean. Bring fresh flowers (or drought approved plants, depending on where you are when reading this) to your altar. Bring friends to your front porch. Bring them sweet tea. Tell tales, swap stories, spin the truth and read them your poetry. Invite fascination to dinner and feast on tales of wonder.