Read your horoscope for Mars in Capricorn
Action meets application
Venus’ retrograde through Capricorn has sent us roving through the underworlds of our desire’s longest shadows. By now, we know every stalagmite and quartz formation by heart. When Mars enters Capricorn on January 24th, rumination shifts to action and application.
In fact, this is one of the most empowered Mars moments of the year. After excavating the bones of our deepest values, it’s time to lay down our heart’s new foundations. We build our homes on granite and etch the new laws of our heart into stone. Whatever Herculean task confronts us now, an exalted Mars has the grit and determination to see it through.
On February 4th, Mars sextiles Jupiter, and we get a bit of oomph to tackle those best laid plans. Mars in Capricorn errs on the side of stoicism, but Jupiter in Pisces could soften the old goat. What faith keeps you on this lonely road, when you can only see your hands in front of you?
One hoof in front of the other will win the long game, but February 8th jolts us from our Saturnian grooves. As Mars and Uranus throw sparks, we might need to think on our feet and innovate, as circumstances swiftly change.
On February 16th, Mars catches up with Venus, and whispered sweet nothings seed an intrepid heart’s quest. We are ready to claim our most ardent desires wherever Capricorn resides in our charts. Take some time on this day to crystallize the relationships, values, and pleasures you’re willing to clang swords for.
By February 23rd, we parse our dreams, coffee grounds, and tarot cards for guidance, as Mars surfs a wave from Neptune. Any epic undertaking worth doing will have its spells of uncertainty. Stillness may actually be the most productive thing to “do” right now.
The power of vulnerability
A final threshold awaits on March 3rd, when Mars crosses the path of Pluto. This is deep shadow territory, where we might witness, for an instant, the abyss of our individual or collective rage and greed. Or the cinched corsets of our grief. Or the gory shadow sides of our own self, which we normally avert our eyes from. Mars lends us the courage to encounter such inner and outer demons head-on. As always, this is a time to tread gently. Be soft on yourself. Self-compassion can be its own resilient armor.
Mars remains hitched to Venus as they pick their paths out of Capricorn, and they will form another exact conjunction on the day they enter Aquarius, March 5th. Though contrary in nature, the cosmic lovers have much to collaborate on. Venus’ copper coils twined around Mars’ iron forms a powerful alloy.
We draw power from our vulnerability. The beauty of an ideal inspires our striving. Mars and Venus entangled in Capricorn and Aquarius — both Saturn-ruled signs — asks us to commit, love our choice, and take our first step from a place of integrity.
Oh, and no over-the-shoulder glances allowed as we leave Hades.
Your Mars in Capricorn horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates more for you. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source by quoting it and providing a link to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.
The following horoscopes were written by Stephanie Warner.
Aries & Aries Rising
You will be ready to strap on your crampons and brave thin air, as Mars enters Capricorn on January 24th. You’re ready to find practical application for the knowledge you gleaned over the past few weeks of Venus’ retrograde in the same sign. How can this wisdom be leveraged in your vocation or career?
When Mars sextiles Jupiter on February 4th, a day of rest and contemplation will set you up for the push ahead. Keep a dream journal by your bed. Your subconscious will be tumbling the slurry of the day into gems of revelation.
In fact, this is one of the best Mars moments of the year, when you can make real strides in your life-direction. As your ambitions meet seemingly impossible physics, all you need to do is scout the next crack where you can wedge your icepick. Etch those weekly goals into stone, but allow yourself some rope-slack too when it comes to meeting them.
On February 6th, the risks you’re taking in your life direction might bring twinges of vulnerability or imposter syndrome. Remember that wounds prickle as they are healing. Even pain is a story in our minds, capable of revision and editorial cuts.
Simply by embarking on this professional ascent — with only your maps, expertise, and grit as companions — you signal to the universe that you refuse a life of low stakes. Fear will be your ally as well. Reframe it as fuel that can be mastered and metered out. It’s a tool, like any other.
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Taurus & Taurus Rising
An empowered Mars in Capricorn will help you forge ahead in your wisdom pursuits. Perhaps you’re ready to finally pen your eco-horror opus, pitch your pilot, or draft the abstract for your thesis. Whatever mind quest you embark on, you have the opportunity now to carve a lasting contribution into your field.
There is no novel without sketching the laws of its contained universe first. In the absence of crystal clear research questions, something as monumental as a thesis will never get off the ground.
As an earth sign, parceling epic tasks into sturdy steps isn’t foreign to you. However, taking the first step can be daunting. When Mars sextiles Jupiter on February 4th, an effervescent meeting of minds could give you the nudge you need. Rally your fellow luminaries for a mind-mapping sesh, or scroll the day’s meet ups and lectures.
On February 8th, as Mars trines Uranus, your ideas are pierced by a resplendent inner stirring. Trust your own wisdom, as it offers an inspired pathway into a manuscript, course of study, or spiritual pursuit.
As the backdrop of all this, Mars and Venus are locked in the sensual lines of a tango. On February 16th, when the two are cheek-to-cheek, you may discover a line of inquiry that ignites your passion and creativity.
Perhaps you will plunge into the mysteries of sacred unions, or the intricacies of insect mating dances. Whatever it is, don’t be afraid to drape red scarves over the lamps in your scholar’s turret or temple. The learning process should make you feel more alive.
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Gemini & Gemini Rising
From January 24th, Mars in Capricorn speed-runs the terrain of Venus’ roving. You are empowered now to act on the new laws of your heart. As a natural psychopomp and collector of stories, your curiosity can lead you to the edges of human experience. Your gum shoe will leave no shadow overturned, or door unopened. It takes a special kind of courage, however, to stage your film noir from a place of heart-preservation.
Energy vamps, frenemies, and the underbelly of debt are facts of life — like love and taxes. Exchanges of power can be alluring, but it’s your hand on the breaker switch now. On February 4th, Mars finds support from Jupiter, and a pipeline opens between your professional world and your grief work.
Investigate potential work benefits that could support your healing. Perhaps your healing journey has informed your life direction, or shifted your career aspirations. You have emerged from the catacombs of your heart with a potent elixir. How can you bring this wisdom to the collective?
On February 6th, you might feel depleted by power-plays within your cohort, or by your role of agony aunt. If material and emotional mergers have left you drained, you now have the courage to vet these intense entanglements. Etch your boundaries into stone and never apologize.
Everything is building to Mars and Venus’ charged rendezvous on February 16th. You may be falling in love with your own emotional integrity. By showing up to the work of love and collaboration, you emerge with a new sparkle in your eyes. The exquisite complexity of the human condition now fuels your art, as well your fierce compassion.
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Cancer & Cancer Rising
From January 24th, Mars finds its groove in Capricorn, jump-starting a significant relationship or two. When Mars trines Uranus on February 8th, you will be hungry for the kind of collaborative chemistry that throws sparks. Just as unusual pairings generate a charge, like faux fur and latex, you might be drawn to the Others that unleash your inner weirdo or adrenaline junkie.
Who is the best friend, client, or crush that makes you feel truly alive — or electric? What fabulous new ground do you want to break together? If certain relationships have lapsed into auto-drive, you will have the foresight now to bring jumper cables. Whether it’s a spontaneous outing to an Escape Room, or a garage sale sweep, now is the time to break out of routine fatigue and ruts.
Conversely, certain relationships might cry out for a sturdier container. The establishment of boundaries could be a useful way to vet your true blues from the energy vamps. If someone bristles at your line in the sand, let the tide wash this relationship away.
On February 16th, as Mars catches up to Venus, this yearning for connection may reach a fever pitch. Take note of the mirrors being held up at this time, and what they can teach you about self-assertion or power-exchange. The heart quest seeded may begin with your own inner multitudes.
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Leo & Leo Rising
With Mars finding its sweet spot in Capricorn, now is the time to make serious inroads in your work, wellness routines, or side hustle. Whatever epic labor you’ve been procrastinating can be tackled now with gusto. Just make sure to discern the glow of satisfaction from the heart-drain of burnout. The endless grind is so last year.
Your chart’s boiler room is where Mars rejoices, but there’s that old chestnut about the devil and idle hands. Set aside some time on February 4th to consider the work that feels therapeutic. As a pipeline opens between your healing and day’s hard labor, bask in the spiritual balm of a job well done.
On February 8th, strokes of genius may announce themselves in your career. If your home is also your office, you could source the tech, or Airtable that will uplevel your side hustle. Now is the time to draw back the curtain, and livestream your essential oil extraction process. One person’s drudgery is another’s Instagram live obsession, after all.
All of this is building up to Mars’ entanglement with Venus on February 16th. It’s no longer enough to clock in and out, or to tussle every morning with your snooze button. If work is love made manifest, what does this look like to you?
Though this unfolding will play Saturn’s long game, consider the type of work that has you springing out of bed in the morning. However audacious it feels, draft that business plan, or invest in the tools of your future trade. There’s no reason that your day job can’t also be your burning passion.
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Virgo & Virgo Rising
You, of all signs, have mastered the art of deferred gratification. Your vacays, nights on the town, and even spontaneous escapades, are planned several chess moves in advance. If the restaurant isn’t Yelped, or the river cruise Trip Advised, did it even happen?
On January 24th, as Mars finds its swagger in Capricorn, you might allow some cracks in your best laid plans. A few (calculated) moments of improvisation could be good for the soul. Write a list of the worldly delights that make you feel most alive, and proclaim your commitment to carving out time for them.
You might also be willing to risk some bold creative edits in a project that has been stalled. Venus retrograde has asked you to redraft your values as an artist and creatrix. Now you’re eager to feel slick clay between your fingers again.
Breaking open rigid genre shapes, or stripping your creation to its bones, could breathe new life into the work. Consider the power that silence, empty space, or raw canvas could bring to your sculpture, painting, or spoken word poetry piece.
On February 4th, as Mars sextiles Jupiter, consider a pleasure that demands to be shared with your bestie or collaborator. An upwell of faith and inspiration has graced your closest relationships of late. Now could be the time to sacralize these bonds with a spa day or trip to your local hot springs.
As Mars and Venus exchange a longing glance on February 16th, it’s time to imagine a life that pounces from your pleasure principle. Imagine the care and pampering you automatically extend to your besties and turn the VIP treatment onto yourself.
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Libra & Libra Rising
As Mars gets its groove back in Capricorn on January 24th, thoughts turn to the structural integrity of your foundations. However airily you flit between your endless social engagements, you actually crave sturdiness in your foundations.
Perhaps home is a Persian rug unrolled in every new rental room. Maybe it’s an inner sanctum deep inside. Regardless, you will be yearning for lasting anchorage.
Venus retrograde has already scoured your storm cellars, support beams, and the space behind the fridge. You have identified the dust-bunnies to be cleared and the wood rot that needs reinforcing.
It’s no longer enough that home is a place to hang your beret. You need it to be the royal aorta that pumps blood to every vein and dainty capillary of your life. You want to understand the force that propels salmon up waterfalls, to return to their ancient spawning grounds.
Where, at the end of the day, can your heart truly rest?
On February 4th you consider what a home looks like that fills your cup as well as supports your healing. Who are the chosen family members that walk beside you in lean times, as well as lush? What lullabies, recipes, stories, and arts weave a golden thread of connection through your life? What sorrows can be born more gracefully when woven into an ancestral tapestry?
On February 16th, as Venus and Mars form a pact, you may be inspired to alchemize these yearnings into art. Perhaps a new familial tradition can be forged, informed by beauty and connection. What would you put into the time-capsule of your chosen family, in all its divine imperfection?
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Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
From January 24th, your ruler Mars finds its sweet spot in Capricorn. This is wonderful news if you’ve been wading through cement in your podcast, essay, or blog. As the language sluice gates open again, make sure your word spells are cast from a place of integrity. Your hot take, or spicy Tweet, could reverberate far longer than you intended. The thrill of chasing clout is undeniable, but Mars wants you to take your time with this.
On February 4th, a golden thread connects your mental landscape and pleasure principle. Anyone want to race the Times crossword? Now is not the moment for your famous poker face. Allow yourself to gas up your neighbors, shopkeepers, baristas, and even strangers on the street. Nuzzle every neighborhood cat and dog. Ravish your everyday circuit with mindfulness and curiosity.
Your metal roving is jolted by defibrillator pads on February 8th as sparks fly in conversations with your friends, lovers, and collaborators. If you find yourself unconsciously rocking the boat, or blurting out the contents of your soul, investigate the origins of this rebellion.
If your writing project needs a second set of eyes, you could also be surprised by what feedback liberates in the work. Don’t be afraid to allow your writing to rupture its genre containers, or risk a few inconvenient truths.
All of this is building up to Mars’s tryst with Venus on February 16th. After weeks of taking inventory of your stickiest mental blocks, a new heart-led mission opens in your everyday life.
What are the rituals, affirmations, and offerings to spirit that could bring more delight to your daily life? When was the last time you wandered your neighborhood looking for shells, feathers, and wisps of bottle glass to adorn your altar? Something as simple as a daily gratitude practice could transform every area of your life.
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Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
As Mars finds its groove in Capricorn on January 24th, you are empowered to take charge of your coin — leaving no ledger unbalanced. Venus has already excavated the money narratives gone brittle with age. You’ve done a headlamp sweep of your financial sinkholes. You’ve made an inventory of what makes it into your sarcophagus or evacuation kit.
For you, a cut-and-dry accounting system helps strip money of some of its spooky emotional force. Now is the time to get it all down in writing. Or perhaps you hire a money wrangler to help get you there.
On February 4th, as Mars trines Jupiter, you can release yourself from intergenerational stories around scarcity, greed, survival, and nourishment. Money has a way of binding to these sorrows. However, now is the time to examine this dragging kelp with an unflinching eye. Let the benevolent tides of Jupiter in Pisces wash away the narratives no longer serving.
On February 8th, money hacks, side-hustles, and get-rich-quick schemes will have you buzzing. You might find that innovating your everyday work routine, or revamping your website, or researching cryptocurrency, begins to fill your coffers.
All of this is building up to Mars and Venus’ tempestuous embrace in Capricorn on February 16th. A new cycle of passion and creative fertility is being seeded in the way that you nourish yourself.
Currency has a way of flowing even in the most hidden places. Seek out those subterranean springs. (An Etsy for your super secret felting hobby?) Or simply lay out your rain barrels and trust that the heavens will open again.
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Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
Mars struts into Capricorn on January 24th, cooly confident in the sign of its exaltation. This is great news for your vitality and energy stores, especially as you emerge from a period of sharp-edged soul searching. If a passion project has been put on ice, now is the time to put some soul-pokers in the fire again.
Even if Venus retrograde has left you feeling raw and exposed, you can alchemize this anxiety into rocket fuel. In fact, this is one of the most productive Mars moments of the year for your personal endeavors. This urgent inner call requires no validation. It only asks you to strike when the timing feels divine.
On February 8th, as Mars trines Uranus, a live wire connects your renaissance of the self to an electric pleasure principle. Perhaps you feel called to creatively map your personal metamorphosis. This space of liminality offers endless artistic possibilities. Plunging into delights, outside your comfort zone, could crack your heart’s seedpod wide open. Anybody up for a round of laser tag?
All of this is building to Venus and Mars, dancing cheek-to-cheek, on February 16th. Trust the leylines of your passion and creative self-expression now. What fabulous creature would you carve into the helm of your soul’s ship?
On February 23rd, you may feel called to journal, blog, or podcast your way through the nooks and crannies of your inner transformation. Something about naming and claiming the more vulnerable parts of this process could replenish your faith. It could help inspire others too.
This is also the day to keep your third eye peeled for a lacework of synchronicity in your immediate environment. Allow your runes and tarot cards to fill in your mind’s gaps. Your inner skies may darken on March 3rd, when Mars meets Pluto. This is a day to give yourself over to any practice or ritual you find personally cathartic — whether that involves stress baking or howling into a pillow.
This combo also lends you superpower levels of focus. If you need to concentrate on a project or mission at hand, now’s your chance to be unstoppable.
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Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Mars finds its mojo in Capricorn on January 24th, and the red lights blaze in your chart’s dark room. Now is the best time this year to strategize naps, carve out ample time for sleep, and make inroads behind the scenes.
Perhaps your bedtime routine has become a bit wishy-washy. Nobody wants doom scrolling to bleed into dream-time. The dopamine casino of TikTok never sleeps. However, you can choose to make your digital boundaries water-tight. Sculpting the new “You” out of marble is no easy feat, so allow this process to be digested by your subconscious.
On February 8th, as Mars and Uranus throw sparks, hidden parts of your psyche are now blazing in neon. Interactions with your chosen family can be revelatory now. You could be liberating yourself from a pattern of self-undoing learned from your caregivers. If escapism has become a form of rebellion, consider what early lack could be reparented.
Mars continues its roving of Capricorn with a smoldering glance to Venus on February 16th. There’s a reason it’s called “beauty sleep”. Consider rest and repose as the incubator for your future creative pursuits — and quests for love.
On February 23rd, morse code from your subconscious could inform a new hobby or hidden talent. Perhaps there’s a part of you that craves hours alone, escaping into coding or model airplanes. You might be surprised at the creative money-making ideas that strike when your mind is left to wander. Also note the way your self-worth is replenished when you carve out time to wool-gather and day dream.
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Pisces & Pisces Rising
As Mars finds swagger in Capricorn on January 24th, you are galvanized to be the change you want to see in your networks. After a more reflective archeology of your place in your community, you are ready to let your heart lead the charge.
Networks that have become deadweight can be severed with the conviction of Martian steel. Deep down, you know that clearing this space will magnetize your heart’s true allies. Those who rail against your boundaries were never in your corner anyway.
On February 16th, as Venus and Mars are entangled, you sense a new era dawning within your covens and collectives. Perhaps it’s time to weave your vocal solo into the swells of a choir. Just by admitting to yourself that you don’t have to bear this weight alone is the crucial first step.
If there’s a mammoth undertaking that requires the wrangling of your community, now is the time to put out the call. On February 23rd, this endeavor may feel epic, and even impossible in scope. Use this time to remind your cohort of their shared humanity. You, more than any other sign, understand we are being sculpted by the same cosmic sea.
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