For the archer, truth is to be sought in all ways, always. Movement is a must, possibilities are meant to be endless and options are best in abundance. Confident centaurs roam free in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius acting on impulse and infusing the moment with a magnanimous enthusiasm and an exuberant disposition. Future gazing, imagining ways to defeat the impossible and seeing beyond any limit offered up, Sagittarius always enters the race to outrun what others are held back by. Brutally honest, the archer shoots for truth, loves philosophical debates and ponders the meaning of everything in existence.
The full moon on Tuesday, June 2nd at 9:19 AM PST in Sagittarius is a perfect time to explore your surroundings, give in to wanderlust and revel in possibilities. With a brilliant trine from Jupiter, the planet that rules Sagittarius and loves nothing more than to bring good fortune, and a trine from the exciting, invigorating Uranus, this moon is set to rock the heavens and have us all setting out on epic and triumphant adventures.
But. And. Also. However.
This full moon catches more than just the fervor of jovial Jupiter and unconventional Uranus. It is conjunct Saturn by sign (both in Sagittarius) and making a fairly tight square (within 2 degrees) to Neptune in Pisces.
Neptune in Pisces imagines, sensitizes and creates through visual, musical and wonderfully whimsical ways. Saturn in Sagittarius meets Neptune with a stern, skeptical gaze that says, If you can dream it you can be it but you’ve got to pay the price. Your faith will be tested and you’ll be the better for it.
Imagination meets consequence. Travels meet trials. A long lasting truth takes a moment to be realized. We can’t understand something just because we read it in a book. We understand something because we have travelled that road and lived to tell the tale. We have to earn the wisdom we seek and we earn it by sincerely, whole-heartedly showing up for the events that unfold in the process.
We live in a time where everyone has read the books, done the courses and travelled to the places. We live in a time where too many people claim to be The Authority on spiritual well-being and The Expert on living the life of your dreams.
As if faith could be bought. As if you could “get” Goddess in a 6-week tele-summit, a flower essence, or shipped to you in 4-6 business days. We live in a time of mono-cropping meaning. The logos are everywhere. The Kool-aid is being guzzled at alarming rates.
But purple drink won’t save you and neither will your yoga bag of good feelings.
Fancy sayings don’t mean shit when real life kicks in. Better to invest in what is sturdy than what is shiny. Better to test out how bad the hangover will be before we take another sip. Better to bank on knowing what to do when life gets complex rather than grasping for what will induce fluffy feelings. Neptune aims to divert us away from the real-real by distracting us with fancy fantasy. Saturn reels us back in.
Opposite this full moon and in the mutable air sign of Gemini are the sun, Mercury retrograde and Mars, all of which are also squaring Neptune. This has lent a deceptive, imaginative and/or confusing element to the Mercury retrograde cycle. Perhaps one that has helped you parse out the situations in your life that leave you baffled, battered and bewildered. Confrontations, conversations and communications that drift into our life right now most likely illustrate just how, when and where we get caught up in the meshugas of others.
Mars is energizing Gemini at the moment, egging us on, making us want to move forward, move on or make a definitive strike against. But with Mercury still retrograde we’d be better off using the warrior’s energy to cut through the bs so we can move on honestly and with clarity when the time comes.
Saturn’s influence on this full moon calls on us to focus on what is lasting. Saturn makes real, makes the rubber meet the road and makes us realize that dreams have deadlines. While Neptune can create anxiety and have us feeling lost in our lives it’s important to remember that we never truly are. All we need to do is sit down and listen for long enough to hear our own truth. Our bodies always know exactly what feels right and what does not. Wisdom comes in when we know to trust our gut and follow it.
Saturn demands that we take sturdy, steady steps toward our overarching goals (especially when it is in Sagittarius) and warns against getting caught up in conversations that only bring our IQ level lower.
Aim higher. Even if it’s harder.
Big full moon blessings,