This month’s full moon on Saturday, December 6th at 7:27 am is in Gemini. Mutable by modality, an air sign by element, Gemini’s symbol, the twins, speaks to the human need to be paired up and for the mind’s inherently dualistic nature trying to find its way to a non-dual state. Gemini is a sign that desires integration, synthesis and release. The two bright stars, Pollux and Castor found in the constellation of Gemini are responsible for the sign being known as the twins. One was seen as the braun, the other as the brains. One mortal, one immortal. Gemini folks can often feel like they inhabit some of this dualism, like you get two friends for the price of one. While one twin needs rampant social interaction, the other one needs time for reflection, introspection and reclusiveness. While one twin uses logic, the other implements intuition. While one twin goes right the other goes left. While one twin wants to protest in the streets for racial equality, the other wants to stay home in protest and read the essay’s of James Baldwin.
This sign wants information to be spread about and thinks that to keep it to oneself is to rob another of the opportunity to learn. Gemini wants to know a little bit about a lot. It wants to roam around the village telling tales and gathering them. Some might call this being insatiably social. Some might call this a forte for finding the fascinating in the everyday. Some might call this being a yenta. Some just don’t understand the value of a good flirt.
Gemini means no harm, it means to engage, to mirror, to find its twins out there in a sea of soon to be friends. It’s function is to communicate, relate and exchange. It’s a sign that lets go of permanent structures, mutates to any given situation and is ready to scamper off to a new neighborhood haunt at a moment’s notice.
You never want to try and pin one of these magnificent creatures down but you might lure them for a moment with a good tidbit or two.
To be overloaded with Gemini energy is the state of our culture right now. Being glued to Facebook, twitter and every other social media outlet is heaven to this ADD-prone energy. Hopping from one story to the next video to the next meme is what Gemini was made for. But at the end of an 8-hour stint we might feel none the wiser for it.
Using Gemini energy wisely is using the information we share to bring us closer. It’s letting the information we gather permeate our defenses and help us find pathways to revolutionary acts both internally and externally. It’s gathering facts and being impacted by the weight of their truth. We can all see the images of parents and community members grief stricken and in tears, in anguish, in righteous rage. But unless we look like those that we see, are those images and articles changing anything about how we live our lives?
Gemini can stand in-between two-sides of a debate as an ambidextrous information gatherer. Gemini needs multiplicity. Gemini needs to reside in many places at once. Gemini needs textured, layered and complex experiences so it has the opportunity to synthesize it all. But we have yet to make this world habitable to such a consciousness. We hunt down difference or we exoticize it. Not all intersections and multiple identities are safe to express themselves all at once and some not at all.
Standing in the paradox of how the world sees us and who we truly are can be an excruciating experience, one that for some can cost their lives. Not all of us are allowed to live as we are, freely and without reprimand or fear of death. Not all of us are allowed to reconcile this discrepancy. Gemini understands the paradox between wanting to keep in tact what gives us a sense of security and knowing what needs to be broken wide open and sacrificed in order live honestly-something that isn’t always achievable in one lifetime. But we must do what we can when we can do it.
Currently the Uranus/Pluto square (an era-defining transit that denotes upheaval, change, upset and unrest active from 2012-March 2015) is showing its true potential. Uranus square Pluto can incite many a riot or, said another way, Uranus square Pluto can make it impossible to remain calm in the face of genocide. It’s revving up for its next row on December 15th. Pluto will be at 12+ degrees of Capricorn and Uranus at 12+ of Aries. In the astrological chart for the inception of The United States the sun is at 13+ degrees of Cancer. What this means is that Pluto is opposing the sun in the US’s astrological chart and Uranus is squaring it. What this means is that right now the United States is undergoing a massive transformation whether it likes it or not. What this means is that America is under an extreme amount of pressure to change and give way to a new identity. What this means is that America is in a complete identity crisis and is being forced to look its past square in the face.
But you didn’t need an astrologer to tell you that.
America has a disease. It’s unable to own up to its past of slavery, genocide and exploitation and therefore cannot see the present incarnation of it. America has a disease. It’s committed to its historical amnesia or, worse, it’s false notion that slavery ever ended. America has a disease. It’s defensiveness, disassociation, reframing of the past, misrepresentation of the present, dedication to its sociopathic laws and its perversion of justice make humanity impossible in this country as it stands. Without flushing out the old wounds, making reparations and without making clear and definitive actions towards justice for all there will be no peace here. The feeding, coddling and maintenance of our disease of injustice comes at the cost of black, brown, trans, female, poor, queer and young bodies and it is unconscionable to hold up the system that perpetuates this paradigm.
In the chart for this month’s full moon there is a grand trine in fire (though it’s not exact it’s still a main theme in the chart) involving a Mercury/sun/Ceres conjunction in Sagittarius, a Jupiter/Juno conjunction in Leo and a Uranus/South Node conjunction in Aries. Grand trines are indicative of a tremendous amount of flow, ease and grace/gifts/goodness. Because this grand trine has Uranus in the mix we know that part of the gifts of it have to do with change. Because Jupiter is in the mix we know that part of the gifts are about expansion. Because Ceres is conjunct the sun we know that mothering in an important archetype to embody.
A grand trine in fire makes movement easier, kind of like how a match can spark a forest fire when tossed on dry brush. This configuration makes passion paramount. It makes inspiration insatiable. It makes us get off our asses and follow our impulses. Fire demands freedom of action and if it is constrained it is capable of burning the house down. A grand trine in fire might say “To hell with your wishes that I may be a law-abiding citizen when my people, my community and our land’s very existence is on the line. I will be idle no more.”
Right now there is a mutual reception between the sun and Jupiter-the sun is in Jupiter’s sign and Jupiter is in the sun’s. This bodes well for abundance. This traditionally bodes well for pleasure. This can bode well for heavy soul’s that need a lift. This bodes well for setting dark nights ablaze with passion and the promise of a heart’s desire fulfilled.
The full moon also squares Chiron, the Wounded Healer, almost exactly. Wounded healers make great warriors when they understand the nature of their wound. We are all wounded in one way or another, spending time tending to our gashes are an important part of the healing process. There are inner victories as well as external ones. This moon wants us both in true Gemini style.
One way to gain some agency in our lives and to celebrate this full moon is to spend money on what matters to us. Gemini rules salespeople, businesses and bartering. You can celebrate this full moon is by using the money that would normally go towards shopping for pretty things for other very important causes. But more importantly, the most powerful thing that we can do with Gemini energy and this full moon is to keep telling and retelling the story, especially the stories that have been taken from us, repackaged and retold for us. And may the reason we do the telling, retelling and reclaiming be for our healing. Our personal and collective healing.
Happy full moon,