Tuesday, July 4th
Venus enters Gemini
Mercury in Cancer square Uranus in Aries, both at 28°
Wednesday, July 5th
Mercury enters Leo
Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces, both at 14°
Sun in Cancer square Jupiter in Libra, both at 14°
Friday, July 7th
Mercury in Leo sextile Venus in Gemini, both at 2°
Saturday, July 8th
9:07 PM PT – Full moon at 17° Capricorn
Sunday, July 9th
Sun in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn, both at 18°
Friday, July 14th
Mercury in Leo sextile Jupiter in Libra, both at 14°
Early July opens up with Venus trying on the versatile style of Gemini. Here Venus will connect us to a myriad of possibilities, partners and predicaments. In Gemini, Venus knows how to have a good time no matter whom it’s with. Hard to hold but impossible to forget, Venus in Gemini can convince a friend, or enemy, of anything. But be careful trying to hold it to its word. The windy realms of Gemini shift quickly. Lasting unions are less important than interesting ones. Venus is in Gemini until July 31st.
On the same day that Venus changes sign, Mercury in Cancer squares Uranus in Aries. This combination delivers messages that are sure to challenge our sense of security. Generally hair-raising, disruptive and possibly derailing, squares to Uranus are as unpredictable as a revolution. Don’t tie yourself to any one outcome but instead create space for intellectual freedom. Entering Leo the next day, Mercury goes from one dramatic move to the next. In Leo, Mercury will move into a sextile with Venus. Since Venus is in Mercury’s home sign (Gemini), there is a reception between the planets, one that can help us to create mutually beneficial partnerships.
Next up the sun in Cancer moves into an inspirational trine to Neptune before making an exaggerative square to Jupiter in Libra, magnifying the needs that we have yet to meet.
But it’s the full moon in Capricorn that dominates the next two weeks.
The full moon gives us ground to stand on. Tools to utilize. Productive practices to put into place. Capricorn opposes Cancer. Instead of focusing on what one feels, Capricorn focuses on what can get done. Feelings come and go, but accomplishments last a lifetime.
Capricorn has rules. It respects the structure of things. Will figure out how to scale any kind of scaffolding.
This full moon is conjunct Pluto. Within a degree of the underworld deity, its light illuminates the ways in which we are transforming the structures of our world. The systems we live within are in need of a deep overhaul, but overhauls take time. Overhauls take effort. Overhauls take the work of one generation after another.
When Pluto is in the astrological mix, it exposes the hell-realms that we must acknowledge if we are to make any real and lasting change. We know that the structures of this world were not built to protect the most vulnerable among us. They were not built to distribute resources equally. They were not built to give everyone the same access to necessities. We can’t condemn those of us that don’t have a way to what we need, but we can condemn the systems that keep us from them. After the full moon occurs, the sun will also come into an exact opposition to Pluto. Here the ego undergoes its own underworld journey. As it is stripped of the layers of its false pretenses, there is a purification process that can leave us remarkably refreshed.
This two week period is finished off by an inspiring sextile from Mercury in Leo to Jupiter in Libra. After experiencing the intense flavors of the full moon, we get to cleanse our palate with an uplifting apéritif.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
Aries & Aries Rising
The accomplishments that you have made in your career become a major focus with the arrival of the full moon on July 8th. This full moon wakes up your appetite for achievement. It highlights the gold stars that you’ve been getting. It reveals if they are the kind of accolades that align you with your life’s calling, or further you from it.
Don’t get caught on the top of a mountain that wasn’t yours to climb.
Tune into your spiritual ambitions. Consider the end-game. Remind yourself of the legacy that you want to leave so that you don’t waste your energy trying to get 15 minutes of fame. Fame falls flat unless it naturally arises out of a groundswell of inner-knowing. Accomplishments that validate our lived experience are always the most satiating. When they don’t, we likely to be resentful of what we don’t have.
Let the full moon clear out the aspects of your career that you are no longer interested in. Let your public persona be transformed if its current incarnation doesn’t resonate with your core values. Let go of pushing towards other people’s dreams. Or expectations of you.
Being able to forge our way towards our truth is no small task. It requires us to take risks. It requires us to work without rewards for a while. Maybe a long while. It requires us to be inspired to push back against the set-backs until we get somewhere.
With the influx of creative energy that you’ll have infiltrating your systems, you’ve got enough to inspire you through even the densest of days. Remember to keep coloring outside the lines to see what you can create.
*In honor of Cancer season I am teaching Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
Let it transform the way you think about it. Approach it. Work through it. Let it challenge you to purge your biases about it. Your misconceptions of it. Your expectations around it. Let it help you to release the need to be right about it. Be heard by anyone save yourself. Be understood by anyone save yourself.
Save yourself from being trapped in an all or nothing situation.
The next couple of weeks might lead you to believe that an extreme stance is all there is. Try to remind yourself that there are more sides to the story than even you know. You can be incredibly firm about your core values while still being open to nuances you’ve yet to learn about.
Let yourself be changed by the alchemical process of unlearning. Let the parts of your mind that are wound too tightly around a subject unfurl. Let a new experience help you experience yourself in a new way.
The more you understand how your own thinking can prevent you from finding the simplest and most seamless solutions, the more you can access the opportunities that are being constantly presented to you. Ask for guidance in doing so. Ask to be lent the insight needed to get the most out of the experiences you are offered. Ask to have the courage to stretch your mind beyond right and wrong so that you can enter a greater understanding and, therefore, a greater range of options.
*In honor of Cancer season I am teaching Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
For the time being you have an auspicious omen around you. For the time being you are cosmically adorned. For the time being it would be good for you to get out so you can gain the goodwill of the doors that are opening to you.
Welcome Venus in Gemini.
For the next month, Venus will be encouraging you to curate the cutest relationships that you can. It will be encouraging you to engage in the rituals that bring you in connection with the folks you adore, to venture into the neighborhoods you haven’t visited in a while, and to get yourself to the events where stimulating conversations flow.
There’s a lot to be learned when you are able to listen deeply, so do so.
The full moon on July 8th carries with it the capacity for you to course correct. It’s an invitation for a deeply honest and cathartic assessment of your debts. What do you owe? Who owes you? Who gives you credit and who makes you prove yourself unfairly? Ask yourself if there is a balance between what you give out and what you get in return.
This full moon will demand that you to continue the work you have been doing on your finances. It wants to transform the way in which you make investments and encourages you to understand the power that you have to change the outcome of your life. To be able to help someone access their own agency is a gift that never stops giving. Make investments in others that help them help themselves.
*In honor of Cancer season I am teaching Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
Even the most radical among us are afraid of change. To lose the comfort of the familiar, even if that familiar thing is harming us or just not in our best interest, is jarring. Your sign is known for its tenacious tendencies. Holding onto the past is a past-time. One that you and your siblings are mostly unconscious of doing.
But this trait does you no good when old ties bind you back to situations that make you feel like you need to shrink in order to fit in. To fold in order to find acceptance. To put up with abusive behaviors in order to be in partnership.
Become more conscious of your shame. Where it comes from. Why you feel the need to hold onto it. What you might do to right a wrong that you have committed. That way you’ll be less likely to be manipulated by the bad behavior of others. Less likely to let yourself be put on the pedestals that others want to knock you off of.
We all have adversaries. We’ll all be provoked by the maligned motivations of others. We’ll all need to learn how to steer clear of the traps laid out by the trifling.
Tune into your instinctual desires. The full moon on July 8th tears down the precarious and erects potency in its place. It wants you to get in touch with the parts of yourself that you might have been too afraid to claim. Claim your rage. Claim your complexities. Claim your devious decisions.
Claim yourself in full and it will change you completely.
It will change your relationship to life. It will change your way of showing up for it. It will change how you deal with those that challenge you. When we get right with our shortcomings as well as our sagacious savvy, we exist beyond the grasp of the heartless. We exist as ourselves, unapologetically and un-manipulatable.
*In honor of Cancer season I am teaching Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Leo & Leo Rising
The transformation comes from doing the work the way you know it needs to be done. No matter how long it takes. The satisfaction comes from being able to know that you gave this project your best. Completing the tasks in front of you will be immeasurably fulfilling, helping you to successfully close up a chapter.
The full moon on July 8th brings rewards for your work. It makes it clear that you are in the midst of a great transformation. It makes it obvious that whatever is coming to a close is doing so because there is a lot more coming to you.
Stay tuned.
Dial into the work-life balance that you need at the moment. Whatever tensions are testing you on the job need to be worked out somewhere so that you don’t internalize them. Therapy. The beach. The gym. The nap-time that you can fit in. The rest of the summer is bound to be bringing you out into the world in ways that leave you little time to rest. Take this time to reset yourself. Take this time to replenish yourself. Take this time to reinvent yourself. Your body is in need of attention and you’re allowed to take a moment to relieve the tension. You have plenty of friends that want to frolic with you right now and an ample supply of sweet social situations that can help you to shift gears and unwind. Take the opportunities to do so when and where you can.
*In honor of Cancer season I am teaching Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
Great art changes us. It helps us think in new ways. Helps us breath a little deeper. Helps us to understand parts of ourselves that have been out of reach.
Great art contextualizes the pain that we have carried in our hearts. Secretly. Quietly. Unconsciously.
Great art reveals to us what we didn’t know how to know. Until someone else knew for us. Until someone else was generous enough to help us know for ourselves.
Great art is made out of living our lives as best we can. It’s made through tending to our children’s needs in the best ways we know how to. It’s made through using our creative energy to solve the problems that we have in front of us.
Great art is made out of enjoying every morsel of love given to us. It’s made out of making more out of the love that flows through us. It’s made out of being transformed by the love offered by those around us.
The full moon on July 8th and the astrology that surrounds it is imploring you to participate in the remaking of your love-life. That might be through friends, through lovers, through children, or through creative projects. However it manifests, it’s a deeply transformative process. One that reminds you of the inspiration available to you through the colorful palette of the love in your life.
*In honor of Cancer season I am teaching Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Libra & Libra Rising
Everything that gets unearthed in the next two weeks is meant to be put to use. In your career. In your work. In terms of how you show up in the world. Let any intense feelings that you are working through fuel your ambitions. Let your history be your launchpad for this moment. Let yourself make good use out of the pain of your past. Or present.
Allow yourself to move on from what what holds you back. Allow yourself to transform the traditions that don’t encourage your autonomy. Allow yourself to create conditions where healing can occur.
Healing helps us to reevaluate our life story. What do you tell yourself about your past? Healing helps us to retell our tale in ways that help us find the triumphs in our trials. What do you need to give yourself credit for? Healing helps us to renew our faith in the process of becoming. We can only take one step at a time.
While the full moon on July 8th will challenge you to revamp your foundations, the next couple of weeks ask you to also reframe the ways in which you relate to your professional aspirations. Facing the challenges in both of those areas unearths something incredibly significant about you. You are made of tremendously sturdy material. You can be incredibly resourceful when you need to be. You can rise to the challenges that surface with incredible integrity. Don’t forget to tell yourself that as often as you need the reminder.
*In honor of Cancer season I am teaching Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Your routines can turn the tides. Make time for the practices that help you to transform negative emotions into fuel to tackle your timetable. Your daily schedule is a temple to worship within. Fill it with all the things that help you get your feel-good fixes. Fill it with exercises that help you to purge yourself of toxic ties.
This is no time to hold on to relationships that aren’t able to work through complex situations. Your willingness to have difficult conversations can help you release something that has been keeping you stuck. Give yourself permission to move through discomfort so that you can move towards the relief that truth brings.
This doesn’t mean that you have license to unload on whomever is standing in front of you. In fact, that would be the worst way to use the effects of the full moon on July 8th. This month’s full moon is a time to be honest with yourself and to use that honesty to help you make more informed decisions.
This month’s full moon will help you to understand the most empowering shifts that you could make to your schedule. This full moon will offer you the opportunity to open yourself up to new ways of knowing. Emotionally. Physically. Psychically. It wants you to take your body of knowledge seriously so that it can be put to use for the betterment of your whole life.
*In honor of Cancer season I am teaching Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
The full moon on July 8th puts an exclamation point on the ways in which you have been able to utilize your resources. It illuminates the recent accomplishments you’ve made in regards to your work. It makes clear the efforts that are paying off. It reveals the power of the tools at your disposal.
It exaggerates your hunger to use what you’ve got to succeed. Encourages your appetite for mutually beneficial situations.
With major help from Venus for all of July, you’ll be even more incorrigibly cute than usual. Venus opens up multiple avenues for potent partnerships that can support current and future projects.
But be careful not to feel obligated to treat every opportunity with another as important.
The days that follow the full moon ask you to let go of what you don’t have room for right now. It’s important that you give precedence to the most essential dates on your calendar. By mid-July you’ll have even more connections coming your way. Folks will be excited to hear about what you are doing and the future plans that you have for your work. The more streamlined you can keep things, the more others will be able to envision how they can fit into and encourage the growth you are going through. Your blueprints can be in-depth and complex, but keep finding ways to present them so that their brilliance is up front and bold.
*In honor of Cancer season I am teaching Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
The full moon on July 8th has a ceaseless appetite. It lends you its voraciousness. Reminds you that your hunger is valid. Reminds you that it’s your job to hunt for what you need.
Give yourself permission to pounce on the opportunities in front of you.
Use the days leading up to the full moon to tip the scales in your favor when possible. Show up early. Put in your best effort while you are there. Stay late to make sure the job is complete. Everything that you do leading up to the full moon will be amplified by its culmination. Including you. Because this full moon in Capricorn illuminates all that you have accomplished on a personal level. Look back at the last 6 months to see what it is you have been able to grow into, out of, and through. Especially the things that have been difficult, devastating or demolishing in their power.
Growth doesn’t come from having one good thing after another happen to us. It comes when we are able to learn from the difficulties that we face while cultivating gratitude for what we have while we face it.
This full moon is mighty. It may complete a process. It might push you to the edge of your comfort. It might be the transformation that you’ve been waiting for.
Don’t wait for anyone’s permission to change. Trust the inner shifts that are taking place and the outer overhauls they might be creating.
*In honor of Cancer season I am teaching Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
It’s impossible to account for the kind of wealth that self-knowledge produces. It’s something that never leaves us. Something that no situation can take from us. Something that we have to earn through intense effort.
Self-knowledge doesn’t come from the pretty pictures that we post. It doesn’t come from presenting what is pleasing. It doesn’t come from the platitudes that crumble in our hands when we need something real to hold onto.
The full moon on July 8th illustrates the ways in which you have been able to be in relationship with the difficult, painful, or even fearful aspects of self. It’s a full moon that reveals the reasons why it is essential to keep at self-reflective practices. Without getting lazy. Without getting complacent. Without getting ahead of yourself.
Cures come from the most curious sources.
Seek out the ones that you need in this moment. Seek out what keeps you grounded. Seek out the spaces and places that allow you to take a break. Seek out what helps you to make use of your struggles and what gives your more painful experiences a meaningful context.
There is always more to learn abut ourselves. More to uncover. More to empty out. More to make peace with. Your ability to accompany yourself on this transformational journey is fundamental to your well-being. Your ability to tend to the less glamorous aspects of your life can keep you on track. Your ability to keep up with the metaphorical and literal chores can make a world of difference. Sometimes self-care is excruciatingly boring but doing those menial tasks can be undeniably healing.
*In honor of Cancer season I am teaching Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
We all have a desire to find our people. We all have a desire to be understood by a group of peers that can fill in what our family experience has lacked. We all have had moments of feeling the impossibility of fitting in.
The full moon on July 8th punctuates the importance of your ability to accept yourself as-is. It reminds you of the transformative power that becomes available to you when you choose yourself over the need to people please.
Please yourself first.
When we are able to arrive at the party knowing who we are and what we are bringing to it, we show up as someone ready to collaborate. On equal ground. With our own source of energy, vitality and creativity. Use the days surrounding the full moon to work on healing the self-doubt that separates you from others. No one has it all together but there may be people that can help you upgrade your game and deepen your connection to what is important to you.
Venus spends the majority of July bringing you into contact with family in a way that helps you to heal old wounds with greater ease. It supports your ability to have conversations that can help to mend what’s broken. It makes what was tense more tender. It’s not a magic cure for family feuds but it can inspire you to do what you can to make the best of the situation that you have inherited.
*In honor of Cancer season I am teaching Your Moon: Understanding The Moon in Your Chart. In astrology, the moon represents our physical, emotional and psychological needs. The moon in our chart illustrates the ways in which we need to construct our days so that we can effectively live out our life’s purpose. Join me to learn about how to work with your moon so that it can be an ally to you, helping you to fulfill your life goals and find healing in the process.