This week starts off with a full moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday morning. Spend some of Monday night soaking up her swell. You can read all about this beauty’s significance here.
On Friday Venus enters Leo. The fixed fire sign adds a warming glow to Venus’s get-up. Hearts ablaze and passions abound with this combination. Venus will be in Leo for longer than a season-four months to be exact. With a little pitstop in Virgo, where Venus will go retrograde, the planet responsible for initiating us into the realms of love and relationship is about to teach us big lessons in the area of our chart that contains Leo and in the areas of our heart that contain intimacy issues.
Venus will trine Saturn a few short hours after arriving in Leo, solidifying her place in the Lions Lair. Venus trine Saturn is an aspect that can help us firm up commitments that make our heart sing, especially in creative endeavors.
Also on Friday, Mars in Gemini makes a sextile to Jupiter in Leo giving the Martial Momma a little lift. Our actions gain more momentum when they are fueled with a benevolent, brave and bold declaration of our true intention. Use this day to make yours.
I suggest making joy and your experience of it of primary importance right now. Investigate the ways in which you may have lost touch with your child-like wonderment and the wisdom of your muses. Ponder why you may have come to believe that work and all its trappings outweighs your need to feed your soul with affirming images, well worded prose and the fine art of romance.
There is nothing quite as awakening as feeling the sting of cupid’s arrow.
Be your love affairs with a person, a creative project or a way of being in love with the world this realm of your life is one that you will spend the next 4 months covering, retracing and understanding on an entirely new level.
Don’t proclaim love to those that don’t deserve (or that didn’t ask for) your copious amounts of heartfelt courage. Don’t promise yourself to another unless the thought makes your entire body tingle with a resounding yes! Commit to the containers that will coerce you away from self-aggrandizing attitudes but will coax you into demonstrating more honest expressions of love. Be honest about your affections. Brutally, boldly honest. Especially to yourself.
Tuesday’s full moon may awaken a fever-pitch of wanderlust in you. Adventuring out into the vast blue yonder is good as long as you aren’t traveling to the town of The Grass Is Greener. This moon can set you out on a wild goose chase that makes me want to ask the question: Is it really so bad where you are right now?
Travel, journey and let yourself find new ways to revel in life’s ample awesomeness but just watch your need to deceive yourself into believing that all that greatness out there isn’t also right here.
Tuesday’s full moon roams through the terrain of your chart that deals with the need to compost fears and recycle anxieties.
We may be anxious about the debts that we have yet to pay. We may fear the losses, the betrayals and the risks that we must take in order to attempt the art of intimacy. We may fear many facets of life because we inherently know that in order to grow we must move through cyclical times of letting go.
But composting is a necessary alchemical process. It’s stinks, yes. It’s ugly, perhaps. It’s not for polite company, absolutely. It’s something that must be done in a contained and dark space where it is allowed to move through its stages uncriticized and unafraid to let go.
Eventually that mess of materials becomes the most fertile soil imaginable. This full moon is an invitation to give yourself the permission to grieve, to give your little will over to a greater one and to stop resisting the inevitable process that wants only to set you up for a new outlook on life. There is a rebirthing experience for you that will come with next month’s full moon. It looks to be deeply rewarding and very affirming in terms of your ability to overcome great hurdles and see the opportunities that lie before you.
One aspect of life that will help with this and that you and I will spend a great deal of time talking about is your relationship to your home, family and living situation. It’s important. It’s up for review. It’s pulling focus and it’s best not to go kicking and screaming. Tend to the issues that affect you at your core. Find new ways to connect to your creativity at home. Deal with the relationship issues that relate to your home/family/sense of being grounded. This summer it’s time to rest your roots in the good soil you’ve been cultivating and relearn where home really is.
Your need to demonstrate, activate and investigate your independence has been matched by an equal need to seek out commitments that feel possible, positive and fruitful for you. Tuesday’s full moon highlights this tension. How can you be true to your uncatchable nature and find comfort in being captured by your rapture for another? How can you follow your own lead in business while maintaining rewarding partnerships?
A great compassion for your struggle, a wealth of creativity and a host of imaginative solutions are called for to resolve this potential conflict. Make sure that you aren’t being caught up in an either/or type of situation. Be on the lookout for situations that make you feel like you have to compromise everything for another. Meditate on the place that lands you in-between the extremes of what you want and what other’s want.
Find a middle ground.
The same goes for your authority. Notice if you are trying to sneakily pass it off to another. Notice if you are overly committed to having something be all your fault or all theirs. Notice if you wish it were that simple and then see if you can revel in the complex paradoxes that proliferate within every relationship.
It might just be time to show up for others how you wish they would show up for you. Swallow your pride in all your affairs and see what comes of it.
Due to the unrelenting nature of the work you have been doing on the inner, spiritual or unseen aspects of your life, Tuesday’s full moon is full to the brim with encouragement to commit to the daily practices that keep you grounded, healthy and feeling connected and content. This is a larger over-arching theme in your life and this full moon does a bang-up job of reminding you just how important it is.
When you feel supported by the daily choices that you make your entire outlook is invigorated. This encourages your mind to work in more inspired ways and engenders a desire to do better in all of your current engagements.
Especially the ones you get paid for.
You are more than what you can produce and what you do produce, in an ideal world, would be a natural overflow of your creative juice. But we aren’t exactly there yet. Therefore dip in and out of productive practices and much needed time unwinding.
In fact it may be time to cut down your hours and up your rates. It may be time to up the hours that you spend caring for your needs and cutting down the little busy bs activities that you get carried away with.
Sit down and make lists that might help you to work smarter, not harder. Get creative with your financials. Get real about the money that you need to live a good life and get real with what a good life actually means to you. Realizing your worth is half the battle here. Realizing your propensity to overwork yourself is the other.
You are currently home to the two great do-gooders in our little astrological system. Jupiter has been with you since last summer, expanding your sense of self and broadening your awareness of what is possible for you in life. Jupiter also just makes whatever is there bigger. So when it sucks, it really sucks. But when it’s good, it’s fan-fucking-tastic.
Enter Venus.
Goddess of Love. But not so fast with your ooey-gooey sentimentality. Venus rules relating and no one ever left a love relationship unscathed or intact. Venus is pure erotic energy, the kind that makes the universe go round. Venus rules all things golden and beautiful but do not underestimate her powers of persuasion.
Or yours.
Venus will be in your sign for the next four months. She’ll be retrograde for a lot of that time and will spend the majority of her retrograde cycle in your sign. That means that you are being initiated into a time that is saturated in seductive patterns. What you want, what you draw to you, what you have and what you deeply desire. You might start to consider what unfolded for you during 2007 to gain further insight into this pattern.
The point that Venus wants to get to, besides who you are in relationship with and what that means for you, is do you go for what you really want or do you let it slip by you? Tuesday’s full moon emphasizes this question and acts as a kind of precursor to understanding what you draw in, what you put up with and what you might be too afraid to claim as important to you.
Your drive is undoubtedly still very present in all aspects of your professional life. Make the most of this time by taking the actions that you know you need to and strutting your stuff at a swift speed. Even though this recent Mercury retrograde is also effecting your career, forcing you to retrace steps and rework agreements, you are making your mark and being noticed for such inscriptions.
And yet Tuesday’s full moon brings you back home in search of something else. Perhaps you are in need of filling up with what fuels you. Perhaps it’s a small pitstop or pause to realign yourself with what is most important to you. Even though your outer life is full of all-out action, your inner one needs equal love and appreciation. Start the week slowly, let yourself ease into it and don’t rush yourself out of bed on Monday or Tuesday. Give yourself a little extra time to laze about and relax; there will be enough rushing come lunchtime and enough buzzing once the coffee has been consumed. Also Friday holds an extra ounce of pizzaz for your career and your life-calling so enjoy the little lulls while you can.
How we see the world shapes it. This Mercury retrograde has the wonderful effect of helping you to reshape yours via reviewing how you look at all things that seem foreign to you. Notice any predisposition to rejecting what is new. Notice any nuanced phobias that freak you out and keep you separated from your fellows. Notice how you communicate that to those in your surroundings.
Especially during Tuesday’s full moon. It brings to fruition something you started six months back (as full moons do) in the area of communications, siblings, writing, speaking and moving about your world. If there is a script, a project or a story that started all those months back you might be seeing the possibility of a payday. Or you might see something about the way you are sharing information or responding to it that you haven’t before. Conversations illuminate so much that normally lays dormant in us. All of our little nuances say something distinguishing about us.
You are entering a time of unparalleled social status, where you’ll be a very busy social bee. You’d be well served to hone your people-watching skills, decoding what others mean and what you mean to them. Or want to.
A financial prospect might be coming to fruition via this Tuesday’s full moon. But so might a new level of self-confidence or a new appreciation for what you bring to the table in your professional life. I’d spend extra time understanding that piece of your puzzle as you are likely to be making quite an impression on the world in the coming months. Might as well get clear on what exactly you want to be known for or, more to the point, what you want to be loved for.
It’s pretty hard not to enjoy adoration. It feels good, it looks good and it goes great with everything. But it’s also pretty unsatisfying if we receive it for the wrong thing. Or for a superficial thing.
The thrill of being the new “It Girl” won’t last for long if you aren’t in integrity with the “It” you are being celebrated for. And with saturn steamrolling its way back into your sign for the summer, you are being asked to live up to your principles and remember what you set out to do two and some years ago.
Stay true to your center and the recognition for the right thing will find you and support your highest good.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Tuesday’s full moon in Sagittarius has beams so bright it can burn away any cobwebs of yesteryear that threaten not to clear. This is your full moon. This is a time of fruition, your harvest and your omen to reap what you have sown. This is a moment of realization about how far you have come and how much you ground you have covered. Especially in the last six-months.
Good lord you’ve come far.
Don’t let any conflict in your intimate relationships or family situations confuse you. The ground that you have covered is yours for the claiming. You own the victory of your journey thus far. Refuse to take care of those that are really only trying to trick you into feeling sorry for them. Refuse any tendencies that have you feeling sorry for yourself.
I say it’s time to call #bullshit.
Call it on yourself, call it on them, call it on anything that doesn’t ring true for you. Don’t feel bad if you aren’t happy about the way things are; just don’t feel like it’s all yours to solve. You aren’t that powerful. And thank Goddess you aren’t. It’s not your job to heal anyone, save anyone or sort anyone out. Your only job is to use all of your energy to heal yourself and any excess can be spent as your spirit sees fit. But don’t deny yourself the right to a shiny new future.
It’s on its way.
The summer will be spent exploring new options and breaking out of old routines. This summer sets you off seeking the truth and the trip’s too good to pass up. Get your map quest on and your travel kit restocked. Adventure is calling.
Yield. Capitulate. Submit, sea-goat. Tuesday’s full moon opens you up to your deep need for rest and rejuvenation.
Give in.
Get comfortable with not contributing. Take pride in not producing. Take a moment to let yourself surrender to the waves of vulnerability that may be washing through you. Cry, cuddle and schedule yourself some extra dreamtime. Good things happen between wide-awake and blissfully knocked out.
I suggest doing a yoga nidra or any other kind of practice that has the power to alter your reality. Do any exercise that helps you to unwind. There may be many twisted feelings that start to come undone over the coming months and they all have something to do with a little thing called trust.
How you deal with intimate situations that require you to share yourself, your possessions and your assets of all kinds will be front and center this summer. Working on your issues with intimacy and vulnerability will lead you to experience great benefits and leave you open to receive great boons via all your important partnerships.
Tuesday’s full moon might help you get clear on who’s on your team and who is not. Friends are hard to read sometimes. Often when complications occur it’s some kind of amalgamation of our issues and theirs lining up perfectly and then falling like dominoes.
I’d like to offer you the permission, if you so need it, to trust yourself when you get the feeling that someone is being disingenuous or is disguising their intention. You are more apt than usual to see beyond your hopes for humanity and know when someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Or their own. Sometimes it’s like that. Folks want us to participate in their charade-but you can’t be privy to that party right now.
All of this truth seeking in relationships is important work for you now as you are going to have plenty of practice this summer. It will be all about love and relationship for you. And exes. And unrequited passions. And matches made in heaven. And everything in between and everything you ever needed to work on in terms of intimacy and bearing your soul to another. And then some.
Time to dust off your heart, Aquarius, The Summer of Love is about to heat up your beaches and beam down rays of romance on you.
You’ll have to bear your heart and unhinge your soul from its safety devices to survive this one though. You’ll have to open up to the long left yearnings and embrace your heart’s fiery fury. You’ll have to dive deep into the pools of your passion and find out who you are when disarmed by love’s strong embrace. Remember that what we really fall in love with is someone’s energy. Their spirit. Their essence. Without that our love lives are but a mockery of what could be.
Tuesday’s full moon puts your career in the spotlight and helps your popularity pop. You are on blast, especially during the beginning of the week. Play ball when and where you can when the pros come calling. Demonstrate your talents and taunt your onlookers with your flare for the worldly and your penchant for keeping things playful. Full moons help something(s) come to fruition. Take stock. Look how far you have come. Look at all you have accomplished. Do not give into the temptation to compare, contrast or judge yourself against the accomplishments of anyone else. That’s what fools do.
You are not a fool.
Know your worth by counting the hours that you have labored with love over your passion projects. Award yourself honors of achievement for all of the successes that know one will ever, or perhaps should ever, see. Give yourself a raise by keeping some of your coin for self-care days and pampering praise.
Forget the phrase “I should have” and replace it with “I’m so glad I did.” Make yourself the President of Applause and keep giving life to the good decisions you’ve made, are making and will continue to make.