Every full moon seems to push my personal life to a new level of OMFG.
Don’t be jealous.
No seriously, don’t be. I sometimes wonder if watching these things as closely as I do ramps up each event. Sometimes I wonder if I am making this shit up. Lately I sometimes wonder if I’m on The Truman Show. It’s exciting to say the least, like heart-stopping, big gulp, I hope we make it, exhilaration to live through the sweeps and swells, exciting.
OK. Maybe you should be jealous.
Or maybe that’s just what you get when you have three super moons in a row in Uranus/Pluto square times. Surely it spices up one’s summer.
This Monday’s full moon occurs at 6:38 pm PST and is illuminating the ultra-sensitive water sign, Pisces. The symbol for Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions which gives us our first clue of how this creature canoodles. All mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) are referred to as double bodied signs meaning that they move in different directions, have different desires pulling at them and are influenced by multiple energies at the same time. Pisces may very well be the most moveable, permeable and impressionable of all the mutable tribe. Pisces is known for its idealism, faith, pacifism, compassion, mysticism, and its romantic, artistic, intuitive, psychic and spiritual nature. Traditionally governed by Jupiter this sign has a faith unshakable and a heart unbreakable. Unless of course it decides to act like a total doormat, victim, martyr or maid of addiction and mayhem. But beyond clear oceans and polluted ones, Pisces understand the essential energy of life and the interconnectedness of everything. Pisces understand that there is only one thing that is worth getting out of bed for in the morning or coming home to at night.
Love, people, LOVE.
It’s the greatest healer. It’s the most powerful of potions. It’s the most generous generator. It’s the most wealth we can ever hope to stumble upon. Everything we are sold, everything we lust after, everything we buy, eat or steal in times of desperation is an extremely cheap imitation of this one feeling we are forever trying to get back to.
The pre-packaged concept of love may well be the most overused, watered down pablum we are peddled. We are manipulated by its promise. We manipulate others with its pledge. We bargain, we bully, we threaten and we beg just to feel the comfort of its embrace. But Pisces just loves. It can’t help itself and it doesn’t want to. It’s the sign’s most secret of powers. It is secret power.
Healing, people, HEALING.
It’s the only thing to do. Otherwise this life is all injury, wound, hurt, pain and too much to bear without the saving salve of a Love Supreme.
This full moon conjuncts, merges, and combines energies and purpose with the minor planet, Chiron, The Wounded Healer. Chiron shows us the deep wounds, the thick scar tissue and the hurts we wish to sweep under our vintage rugs.
Sometimes what we need in order to heal is a little of the wound itself. Sometimes we might need the thing that caused the disturbance to reappear to let us know that our system can now confront such a foe. Chiron being in the water sign of Pisces lets us know that the wound lay on the subtle plain, in the emotional body, in the memory of our ancestry. Racism, sexism, homophobia, colonialism are all part and parcel of this ancestral memory. Long standing wounds take a tremendous dedication to heal which sometimes demands that we leave a situation altogether rather than be the welcome mat for everyone to wipe their privileged shoes off on.
Mercury squares Pluto just after the full moon and oppose Uranus on Saturday, September 13th. What this means is that Mercury, the planet of communication is entering the very charged and potent terrain of the Uranus Pluto square. In english: Fireworks, explosive conversations, power struggles and/or revelatory insights, freedom of thought and big, bold statements. The only caution is to err of the side of peace with all of this present. This can be an aspect that is used for purging old thoughts of pain and suffering and remembering the choice that we do have in this moment. Trauma makes it exceedingly difficult to think rationally. When our flight or fight response gets triggered we can’t get to solution, we can only try to get to safety. Trauma makes many things a threat that wouldn’t normally be. It makes us almost unable to decipher what is a real threat and what is just a reflection (Pisces) of our original wound (Chiron). We need time out, in safe reflective spaces in order to discern what is a projection and what is a real threat. We need time out in order to heal, but we also need time in to heal with the collective and not hide from our work there.
Balance, people, BALANCE.
On Wednesday, Venus will oppose Neptune. Again, in English, this boils down to healing our projections and staying out of fantasy in all our love connections. Or diving head first into them only to wake up with a hangover from hell. Your choice.
It’s a trip, of that we can be sure.
For now, dive deep dear ones, this is a super healing moon.
Full moon blessings!
P.S. Just to recap, there is a Mercury retrograde from October 4th-25th and eclipses are on their way on October 8th and 28th. The first one will be on October 8th which is a total lunar eclipse in Aries at 15 degrees, with the next one on October 28th which will be a partial solar eclipse at 0 degrees Scorpio. Check out where those degrees land in your chart (I suggest getting hip to www.astro.com, it’s free and awesome) and start to watch for the budding, blooming and utterly beguiling ways your life is unfolding in front of you.